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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Tuesday, Nov 1, 2016

joemessinamugThe problem is not our candidates. The problem is us. Americans. We are little more than a week away from one of the most important and divisive elections in our history.

Now, if you are doing everything you can to get informed before you vote, then this isn’t for you. But if you’re a party drone or a “gender” voter or a “lesser than two evils” voter or a “mine is not theirs” voter … you’re the problem.

Let me start with my Christian friends. I’ll get to you heathens in a minute. God states in Proverbs 29:2: “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.”

Another translation says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

In Exodus 18:21, God says, “But select capable men from all the people – men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain – and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”

There are many more. But quite simply, to my “Christian” friends, God wants you to choose “godly” people to rule you, because when you do, the people in the area rejoice. You know. The “citizens.” The “inhabitants.” When dishonest and wicked people are in power, the community groans. Lots of people are groaning today.

From a biblical perspective, a righteous person is one who has accepted Christ. Are you biblically righteous? Are you, as a Christian, following God’s word to make your choices?

A question for my Christian friends. Would you join a club that told you as part of acceptance as a member that were not allowed to display or speak about any form of your religion? That you couldn’t speak about God in a positive way, or even at all? That you couldn’t discuss your love for God or godly principles? Or why you believed in God? And that God, His word, and His values were simply not welcome at the club? Would you join? (The higher IQ readers will get that.)

I am not saying just because a club accepts God or people say they believe in God, that they do or will act with godly love and action. What I am saying is that Christians should line up the candidate’s platform with biblical principle and vote based on biblical principle – not on party principle. That would be putting party before God, and that would be problematic.

Now, to my non-Christian friends. I don’t know how you base your decisions.

You have a man by the name of Trump. A lot of people don’t like him. He’s arrogant. He has had issues in the way he treats women and speaks about minorities. He doesn’t have the “demeanor” of a president, whatever that is. He has a New York get-it-done, I’m-not-interested-in-all-the-fluff-garbage-around-the-issue kind of demeanor. It’s a “what’s going to be best for the country” kind of attitude.

For some reason, that makes people uncomfortable. The “alpha male” always makes people uncomfortable. They think he is arrogant and, well, I could go on for pages and pages.

Ultimately, you reading this right now have no clue what he is going to do. You know what he says he will do. You know, if you have done your own homework and not just listened to mainstream media, what he is capable of doing (in a good way).

Funny how he was Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson’s best friend and a friend to the black community until he announced his candidacy for president. He has done a great deal for women and minorities in this country. But many of you will only go hunt for what he has done wrong or appeared to have done wrong. It’s what we have been conditioned to do. “There has to be something wrong with (fill in the blank).”

Not one of you reading this has been perfect. Not one. Actually, many of you will comment as you have in the past and make fun of me and speak of the ills that I have done, never looking for the good things I’ve done for people.

Then you have Hillary. We do have a clue what she has done. We know what she is capable of doing. We know she has 30-plus years in government. We know she has been fired, lost her license, caught in lies, caught in more lies, and caught in even more lies. She has berated and belittled staff at the White House, in her senate office and other places, documented and written about by that same staff. Yup. Women, Hispanics, white guys and even African Americans.

People around her have to stand continually on the Fifth Amendment when brought in to testify against Clinton’s actions or their own.

For clarity, the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, … nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Key phrase here is “witness against himself.” You see, you can’t tell on yourself. What you did to break the law, what you did to cover for someone who broke the law and then you lied to the feds to cover for them, which is against the law, and that would incriminate you – you can refuse to answer, leaving the American public with no answers to the criminal issues at hand.

So, if Hillary Clinton is trying to be transparent and wants the truth to come out, then why would everyone who has worked with her stood on the Fifth Amendment when called to testify? Even Attorney General Loretta Lynch is pleading the fifth to avoid answering what she did to stop or sway the investigation. In the immortal words of Yul Brenner, “It’s a puzzlement.”

You are not Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, decline to state, blah, blah, blah. You are Americans first. You don’t do right by the party. You do right by these United States. You line up your values with the candidates and vote for the one who will get this country back on track.

Nearly 80 percent of Americans agree it’s going in the wrong direction.

We have who we have because you haven’t made sure that we vote for grooms and encourages good people to run.

Don’t vote for a Mafioso dynasty. Vote for a renewed America.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.



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  1. Frank says:

    Wow. What an ass.

  2. Rene Ornelas says:

    Why is this waste of human space… not even worth continuing

  3. One last anti-Trump article to desperately try to manipulate the truth. Nice try, SJW and beta males, Trump is the next President, deal with it.

  4. mellie says:

    You forgot one, Joe. hitlary is a baby murdering communist who can’t wait to jump down our Christian throats and finish ruining our country. God help us.

  5. Sounds like Joe is doing the ol’ 2 Step. Not quite brave enough to embrace his candidate, but only flirts with him from across the room when no one is looking. Grab ’em by the Joe.

  6. Can we get Marco Rubio back in the race? He’d be wiping the floor with Hillary right now

  7. Don Teller says:

    How about vote for the most qualified what a concept

    Hillary’s Resume

    Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton:

    Gave the first student commencement address at Wellesley College in 1969 after being chosen by her peers and was Senior Class President
    President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
    Intern at the House Republican Conference
    After listening to Martin Luther King Jr. speak when she was younger and meeting him, she became inspired to live a life of service. She later became a Democrat in 1968 knowing that was her best path forward for a life of serving others.
    Volunteered for Democrat Eugene McCarthy’s presidential campaign at the age of 21 when the Civil Rights movement as well as anti-war movements were tempestuous
    Graduate of Yale Law School with honors
    Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
    Worked on Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee researching migrant labor
    Helped found Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, a group dedicated to the betterment of children’s lives by advocating for their health, well-being, and education.
    Attorney at the Children’s Defense Fund leveling the playing field for children
    Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law
    Director of Legal Aid Clinic at the University of Arkansas School of Law
    First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation which helps ensure everyone has equal access to justice under the law, despite whether you can afford it
    First female partner at Rose Law Firm
    Former civil litigation attorney
    Listed as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America by The National Law Journal
    Former First Lady of Arkansas
    Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
    First Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession
    Created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth because she saw a need for educating young children. Bringing HIPPY to Arkansas enabled parents to be their child’s first teacher and prepare them for a life of learning.
    Appointed leader of task force that reformed Arkansas’s education system
    As the wife of the Governor of Arkansas, and with her background in law, she sat on the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart for six years as it was one of the largest employers in the state and central to the state’s economy
    Instrumental in making sure the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP now CHIP) was passed and implemented so that all children have access to healthcare no matter the income level.
    Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
    “Played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act”
    Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
    Helped investigate the affects of Gulf War Syndrome of the Veterans afflicted
    Helped initiate the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
    Initiated and helped guide the Adoption and Safe Families Act helping in children in foster care move faster in to permanent homes
    First FLOTUS in the United States to hold a postgraduate degree
    Declared to the United Nations that “women’s rights are human rights” which at the time she said it, was a very big deal
    Helped lead the charge in expanding healthcare access for the military, including an expansion to the Family and Medical Leave Act which was necessary for those wounded in service
    Traveled to over 70 countries during time as First Lady
    Helped establish, alongside former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vital Voices, whose mission is “to identify, invest in and bring visibility to extraordinary women around the world by unleashing their leadership potential to transform lives and accelerate peace and prosperity in their communities”
    United States Senator from the state of New York for nearly two terms
    First former FLOTUS to be elected as a United States Senator (twice)
    Served on five Senate committees:
    – Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
    – Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
    – Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
    – Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
    – Special Committee on Aging
    Commissioner on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
    “Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment alongside fellow New York Senator Chuck Schumer (D)
    Had leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing
    United States Secretary of State serving under President Obama
    Brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
    Lobbied for the first-ever U.N. Human Rights Council resolution on human rights declaring “gay rights are human rights”
    Part of the the advisory team that led to President Obama’s decision to kill Osama bin Laden
    Was a leading voice that helped open the door to the historic Iran Nuclear Deal
    Most traveled Secretary of State during tenure as top U.S. diplomat

  8. Sib Ventress says:

    How does one quote Exodus, touting “trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain”, then endorse a man who faces a major fraud charge in four weeks? What a joke.

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