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Calendar Today in S.C.V. History March 18
1919 - Fire destroys abandoned second Southern Hotel, built 1878 in Newhall (corner Main & Market) [story]
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1919 - Fire destroys abandoned second Southern Hotel, built 1878 in Newhall (corner Main & Market) [story]
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Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, has introduced a legislation package which includes the Victim and Witness Protection Act (AB 535), Small Business Retail Theft Grants (AB 949), Police Pension Tax Exemption (AB 814) and protecting funding for crime victims (VOCA Funding Act) in the state budget.
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2003 - Lifesize sculpture honoring heroes of St. Francis Dam disaster unveiled in Santa Paula [video]
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I have it.. Been over a month now…
Christi Norman Heal
Anyone with these symptoms for more than a week should seek medical attention……..pneumonia is deadly!
Vianka Ramos
IM THE GREEN DOT! Stomach Flu! Not fun at all! Got so sick I was dehydrated, sweating, and passed out! It is not fun!
Hope you’re feeling better. My son has that. How long did yours last?
I am thank you! Back still has a bruise when I passed out and hit the shower handle! It hit me real quick! Started feeling like crap around 8:30pm, started getting sick around 9:00pm, by 11:00pm I was in the ambulance, and at 5:00am I was finally on my way home! Been a little on the weak side the past couple days but over all I’m fine! :)
I wish more people would try Zinc; Prevents, lessons symptoms if already sick, speeds recovery. Turned on to it a few years ago and has been a miracle in our home pretty much. Many cold products “contain” Zinc, but you can get just Zinc. Nature Made for one, makes dissolving Zinc tablets that are awesome.
Zinc shouldn’t be ingested unless you have a deficiency or have a need for surplus, as taking high doses can cause a copper deficiency. We get all the zinc we should normally need from wheat and beans, amongst other foods.
You are on the right track…zinc rapidly heals soft tissue injuries.. also it’s best not to catch anything in the first place so when I hear something going around I start adding fresh garlic and a dash of cayenne to a cup of soup…like a welcoming committee in case of foreign invaders…also…primadophilus coats your intestinal wall so toxins pass out and thru without taking up resudence…cold and flu. Free 30 yrs now…also an ounce of prevention really is worth more then a pound of cure…!
Many people are highly allergic to it myself and daughter included. As a nurse consult with your MD and a registered dietician. Find zinc naturally in foods.
I been battling this flu for 3 months :'(
Same, I’ve tried everything and it won’t go away:(
Only a little Coughing .
I don’t no if a have the
Bad one.
Only a little Coughing .
I don’t no if a have the
Bad one.
Only a little Coughing .
I don’t no if a have the
Bad one.
Two words… Flu Shot
Every time I suggest to someone to get a flu shot, I am told that they always get the flu from the shot itself. Even though every medical professional will tell you that the shot contains dead virus.
It’s because they think the flu is throwing up, fever and aches..
Just BECAUSE THEY TELL U IT’S A DEAD VIRUS U GONNa believe them !? C’mon it’s obvious to see the flu shot IS what’s making people sick , why do u think they pressure everyone to get it ….they want us infected that’s all ur doing ! ,…. Just ask urself this simple ? Why do people STILL get sick from the flu shot if its supposedly a dead virus!!??? It doesn’t make sense !
Tens of thousands of people die from the flu each year. Not one person has died from the flu shot.
Phillip Vance
I’m one of the blue dots.. Upper respiratory problems .. Had it since 12/30 just got better a couple days ago
Remy Linares
Got it. Sucks. 2 weeks now
Luis Luna
I had it for almost two months. Two trips to urgent care and two,antibiotic courses finally I got well by new year.
Yup. Could also be deadly. Not to take lightly. Just take precautions. And carry on.
I think I had this no joke , like 3 weeks for real. I’m 100 now finally !!
Melissa Humboldt…dusty. Lol
Yea I’m sure upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or something lol. Antibiotics maybe inhaler he’ll be fine haha
He’s a man baby lol ;)
Yeaaaa lol being sick does suck tho. I had a really bad respiratory infection once and was soooo sick almost in the hospital lol. But if he goes today he’ll prob be good for sat. Tell them to do a short pack of antibiotics because he wants to drink sat lol they have some 3 day z packs
Oh yes! We shall ask about those.
Oh yes, I’m a blue dot….its been going on for three weeks. It’s the cough that is killing me now.
Sunny Sidhu Ibrahim Nashaat Ibrahim Magdyy Ibrahim Wissam Saab Ahmad Yacoub
Alan Zada
Alan Zada
Sherry Alanis Barajas
Alexis Barajas
Alexis Barajas
Willie Martinez
We fighting
This ain’t Nada but a cold lol
April Newcomb