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S.C.V. History
March 9
1842 - Francisco Lopez makes California's first documented gold discovery in Placerita Canyon [story]

Editor’s note: Three large housing communities are planned for the Tejon Ranch in northwestern Los Angeles County and southern Kern County. The Centennial project is planned for up to 19,333 homes at Quail Lake (L.A. County); Tejon Mountain Village is approved for 3,450 homes at Lebec (Kern County); and Grapevine at Tejon Ranch is envisioned as a 12,000-home community (combination of single-family homes and multifamily units) in Kern County.


A public hearing is scheduled for June 6 in downtown Los Angeles for the proposed Centennial project at Tejon Ranch, a 19,333-home community to surround Quail Lake at the north end of the Santa Clarita Valley along Highway 138.

According to the L.A. County Department of Regional Planning, the project site includes approximately 12,323 acres (19.3 square miles) of land in the unincorporated  county territory. It is approximately 50 miles south of the city of Bakersfield via State Route 99 and Interstate 5, and about 36 and 43 miles west of the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, respectively. It’s bordered by the L.A.-Kern County line on the north and Highway 138 on the south.

Centennial, roughly as large as the planned 21,500-home Newhall Ranch project in the southwestern Santa Clarita Valley, is actually one of three projects that will total nearly 35,000 homes near the L.A.-Kern County line. Centennial Project is slated for up to 19,333 homes on approximately 4,987 acres of land specifically designated for residential use in the draft environmental report, which was completed last year.

Additional land uses include 7,363,818 square feet of business park space with offices, research and development, and warehousing or light manufacturing on 597 acres.  The developer, Tejon Ranch Cos., also proposes new schools, parks, up to four fire stations and a sheriff’s station.

Build-out is to occur in multiple phases over 20 years, based on future market conditions.

View the project details [here].

The public hearing will take place Wednesday, June 6, at 9 a.m. in Room 150, Hall of Records, 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, 90012. Doors open to the public at 8:50 a.m.

Persons unable to attend the public hearing may send written comments to Mr. Jodie Sackett of the Department of Regional Planning,
320 W Temple St, Los Angeles, 90012.

The public can also FAX written comments to (213) 626-0434 or email them to jsackett@planning.lacounty.gov. For questions or inquiries, call (213) 974-6433.



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  1. They can’t cover this half of the state in concrete soon enough!

  2. Kim Wickers says:

    Huge mistake,on so many levels…

  3. Just what the 5 freeway needs… is 20,000 more cars on it every day!!

  4. Come on, that is ridicules.

  5. John Whitlaw says:

    To Far away big misstake buying that far out they will have to almost give the homes away

  6. James says:

    we need a bullet train

  7. We’re out of here

  8. Chris Taylor says:

    Stop building already…wow

  9. Heard there is not enough water to support these homes??

  10. Randy Rodi says:

    Soooooo protest at city hall os when

  11. I hope they build a grocery store.

  12. William Reel says:

    Just wait for the Jerry Brown Bull(sh)et train?

  13. Brian Wood says:

    Okay, so where are the 20,000-40,000 jobs planned? Hopefully not down the I-5. Bakersfield? Lancaster? Where are all these people going to earn a living? Because if it’s down the I-5, they’re screwed.

  14. I’m so glad I moved out of Santa Clarita 6 years ago.. an hour trip on the 14 or the 5 will take three hours soon! Holy smokes..

  15. Bad planning…greedy builders…it’s all about the money…

  16. Forrest Woolman says:

    In 1990-91, developers had a similar plan for that area ( I owned a 2.5 acre lot there and thought I was going make a nice profit selling it). The development was going to meet the housing needs of the defense industry that was bustling at that time. Then the Cold War ended, recession hit, and Congress scaled back the defense budget, and the development never happened. So, let’s see if this pans out…

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Are you sure you’re not talking about Northlake? that was 1992 … it was to surround the west side of Castaic Lake Reservoir. It didn’t happen then, but now it’s getting ready to go. Also, Newhall Ranch is finally starting to go. Tejon is an additional 30,000+ homes just this side of the Grapevine that weren’t on the drawing board 25-30 years ago, if memory serves-?

  17. Trudy Trump says:

    So we’re still in a drought and likely will be forever, where will the water come from ( or taken from where) to fulfill the needs of all these new residents for the future???

    • They obviously don’t care about that since they’ve opened the flood gates to let people in the state. I don’t know where people are to go. Maybe they are hoping enough of us move away?

  18. The 5 freeway will be a perpetual parking lot….

  19. Utterly ridiculous!!!! NO BODY WANTS THIS DESTRUCTION!!!!

  20. They better widen hwy 138 to 4 lanes or better yet, make a freeway from the 5 to the 15 like they have been talking about for years

  21. Dan Werner says:

    Claus Langer – long time planned

  22. Claus Langer says:

    Yup and then there is the Tejon Ranch planned developments. In the works for many years.

  23. lolita de leon says:

    These housing projects will greatly affect traffic at the 5 & 14 freeways respectively.
    During rush hours starting early morning & 3 PM
    gridlocks are on those freeways, this is current.
    Needs widening of the 14 Fwy. and 5 Fwy. better be, Bullit Train, extending Metro Rail System going to the North, Express Trains like Palmdale

  24. Steve Mares Barbara Mares Henry Bud Bennett Henry Bennett

  25. Jordan says:

    Yeah keep building and killing nature & add more people and more traffic! I already feel like I sitt at a light for 10mins….takes 30mins just to get across town! Guess this freeway will be the new 405…santa Clarita will never be the same after these house are put in …all for some money! Ridiculous

  26. Patricia Ann says:

    Then in 30 years homeowners will complain about nearby National Cement causing illnesses etc.

  27. jim says:

    Where have you all been during the past 20+ years? This has been on the books for at least that long. One of the early comments regarding the Newhall Ranch project was that it would add too many freeway trips on I5 – and the Tejon Ranch project was already (sleeping) on the books back then.

    There is a reason that CalTrans is trying to get the I5 gussied up in the next few years. Actually several, but they’ve left the replacement of the effed up pavement until now. Sure, the big trucks do the most damage to the pavement and have been doing so for the last 20+ years. That is of course our Federal and State Highway funds now at work, more or less.

    Why just now are they fixing it? So that the Tejon Ranch Co. can get the approvals they need for their new “town” just east of the I5. Let’s face it, the preponderance of jobs that these new homeowners will need are not in Bakersfield and not in Palmdale; at least not yet. LA is still the biggest job market in SoCal.

    LA County has on the books a plan to double the lanes on State Highway 138 from the I5 all the way east to I15 – or at least to the end of LA County. Gee that should take some stress off of I5, shouldn’t it? Nope. There are no plans I’ve seen that will increase State Route 14 to four lanes each way from Lancaster to LA and back.

    All those folks who move into the new Tejon Ranch development are going to be joining us on I5 south just to get to work in the SFV or LA and parts south. Once they figure out how hosed they are on their 2 hour ride to work (and back) they’re going to add to the maniacs on Bouquet and San Francisquito Canyon roads which are already death traps.

    As for Monolith Cement just south of Tehachapi, don’t worry a bit. The prevailing winds are to the south/southeast.

    Isn’t that Awesome?

    Awesome indeed.

  28. Steve Kaplan says:

    Looks like a map of where to stay away from ! Time to get out of this jacked up state before its impossible to drive … unbelievable ?

  29. Owen says:

    That fing sucks. The Quail Lake area is so beautiful and pristine.

    Wild areas vanishing before our eyes

  30. Sandy Cooper says:

    They are over building in my neighborhood too

  31. Rich King says:

    Joe Jacobellis better get your pilots license and a helicopter

  32. Russell Smith says:

    They have already done the study and plans for widening highway 138! It will be 4 lanes separated by about 20 of dirt in the center! That’s why property all along 138 has been up for sale the last year. Going to annex 19 homes, 2 or 3 business’s and lots of property! You can read the plan yourself online or ask for a disk! It will be a safer road than it is now, but all that beautiful open land will be lost forever! Very sad.

  33. God help the I-5 commuters….

  34. Dave Rickmers says:

    Homes should be near employment centers. How many people are needed to staff outlet malls?

    • SCVNews.com says:

      It says they’re building a 7.4 million square-foot industrial center; by comparison the Valencia Industrial Center has 11 million square feet of business & manufacturing space.

  35. cBrown says:

    How many homes is that in total? 100,000? I say this because behind me they are building a massive project, where beautiful hills used to be, it will include around 13,000 homes. This is not included in the information you read about homes being built in the SCV, because it is being built on unincorporated land, part of LA County. I wonder how many of these project there are? They are not bringing high paying jobs that will sustain the prices they are asking for these new homes. All these people will be on the freeway. I worry about market value tanking at some point in the future.

  36. It’s all about MONEY FOR THE FEW

  37. 35,000 homes near the LA-Kern county border?

  38. WMSCV says:

    Whose’s going in to be able to afford buying these homes? As interest rates continue rise fewer folks will not qualify. Water where is it coming from living in drought prone Southern California? With gas prices going higher whose going to want long commutes to work? Electric vehicles are an option but there’s a limit on distance and finding a charging station. Don’t expect to get it free either. Mass transit not even possible California is broke and we are already subsidizing all current mass transit systems. Those that do pay taxes are tired of being robbed by Sacramento. The mass exit out of California by people and businesses will continue until the only folks left are tax and spend politicians and non paying tax payers. California is a beautiful state that’s been poorly managed for decades. It’s a shame that we are now thought of as the state full of homeless and illegal immigrants. I would like to end on a positive thought about California the weather.

  39. S Ruiz says:

    Nice. The San Andres Fault runs right through Quail Lake

  40. Water, Water, Water???????

  41. Robert Nixon says:

    All we need is more traffiic on our roads,higher elecctric rates…etc

  42. Nik says:

    You have more power than you think. If everyone voices their opinion, the bureaucrats have to listen. If you can’t attend the meeting, FAX your comments (213) 626-0434 or email them to jsackett@planning.lacounty.gov. It wont stop the project, but it will scale it down big time. Been there and done that. But it requires everyone to participate in the process.

  43. Pat Ulm says:

    Water prices in CA are going up!

  44. I remember where Quail Lake is. Weren’t a lot of roads in/out of the area and there was a rather dangerous set of sharp curves that went around old ranch boundaries back then. I wonder if it is still the same now?

  45. Tom Moore says:

    Isn’t the 5 a parking lot already?

  46. Thomas Thompson says:

    All you na sayers need to look on both sides of the coin. I moved to Santa Clarita in 1978 to get away from city living. Yes population advance sucks but thats live move on. Think about the new family’s trying to start a new live. Very self centered people sad.

  47. Susan Lazenby says:

    Kern Valley, Bakersfield, and Ventura County do not have enough water. Houses have restrictions on how much water used per household. It is so bad that the cal-water company has imposed an amount to use a washing machine each week, do dishes, and my daughter’s family was only granted to shower 3 times a week. There’s a penalty if a family goes over alloted amount. What about farmer’s water? This is really selfish and a plan that hasn’t been completely addressed. Will everyone be using cleansed sewer water?

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