Comments from all over, including comments about some of the things I’ve written.
Why is it that folks dropping off or picking up their kids at a school have to park in the street, in a lane and, letting the kids out on the driver’s side, walk the kid to the door of the school, thus holding up traffic for maybe five minutes? They could have waited in the line of cars turning into the school lot to drop the kids. Now all of those folks in cars on the street have to wait on one idiot.
This happens at many of the elementary and junior high schools in the SCV. Courtesy please, folks. And thank you, Stacy Fortner, for bringing this to our attention. I experienced it a little today. I wonder if the Sheriff’s Department could do some random patrols and maybe write a few tickets. How about it, Capt. Johnson?
Why is it when I write about Christmas decorations – which really have nothing to do with the Christian celebration, being all Santa and his pack of reindeer – someone has to comment that there isn’t a menorah?
Same subject. Why is it that when the picture of the Christmas tree at the Newhall library is used, one gentleman doesn’t say anything about the story but notices that the inscription on the building gives no credit to its author?
Why is it that when folks are told how and when the city paid for the decorations, and that that it was done in an open meeting of the City Council, do folks insist it was unlawful?
I thought I gave Thanksgiving the respect it deserves, and I know the City Council has read a lot of the history of the United States. One little tidbit of history you should know is that the first “Thanksgiving” by English colonists in North America wasn’t in Plymouth, Mass., but in Jamestown, Va. It happened a few years before the Puritans had even landed on the cold, nearly hospitable shore.
I don’t know if all of the City Council members know that little fact. They do now.
You know, at times it seems from the comments I get back that folks haven’t even read what I write before commenting about it. They just see the headline – which I don’t even write – and leave a comment. A lady friend of mine remarked that I now have an idea of what a woman goes through when a man cannot talk to her and keeps his eyes focused on anything but the parts of her body just above her shoulders. Guilty as charged, and yes, the lady friend was correct. It isn’t a good feeling. I’ll make eye contact if all y’all will read the whole commentary. Deal?
A former resident of Val Verde who has moved to Palmdale still hurls personal insults in the comment section, using various names other than her own. Guess what? I’ve been a “windbag in a tux” for a long time, and my teeth are just fine, too. Civility in the discourse we enjoy will keep disagreements calm and keep from me wanting to reach through the Internet and throttle someone.
Also, when you comment, you are asked to use your real name, or you run the risk of being banned from the website.
Here is an idea. I’m sure many of you would love to write your opinion of what I write. I know you’re more than welcome to submit something to anytime you want. Plus, I can comment on your pictures that way.
Moving forward with my plans to follow the proposed route of the high-speed rail boondoggle. I have some interviews lined up. I am going to take a short side trip to Yosemite and will return by the coastal route on the 101. Departure will be in the first week of December, and I’ll be home for Christmas.
Mr. Renly, my basset hound, still needs assistance with being a navigator. Lacking thumbs, his keyboard skills are somewhat lacking, so I’m hoping for a navigational assistant who can read maps, program the navigation system, keep the radio/entertainment system going and, if necessary, adjust heating and air conditioning. Conversation is a bonus. The kitchen is fully equipped, but I won’t require any assistance with meal preparation.
I got the word that Castaic Area Town Council had a lawyer tell them their vote to accept the Chiquita Canyon Landfill contract didn’t require a two-thirds majority and that their 6-4 vote was sufficient. Just how much did Flo Lawrence pay for that lawyer? This is my surprised look. I’m serious. How much? When is the Los Angeles County district attorney going to look into the actions going on with that Town Council and the dump? Hmm? There is a lot of money being accepted by a county-authorized group that has also been told its members don’t have to file financial disclosure forms. Looks like they bought themselves a good mouthpiece.
If the lawyer is advising the Castaic Area Town Council, shouldn’t that lawyer be paid by the Castaic Area Town Council? Or at least by the county? All seems rather strange from this perspective.
Oh. The contract, I’ve been told, has already been signed.
It’s been a wild week with some strange events going on all around. Of course, if those types of things didn’t happen, it would be pretty boring around these here parts. I’m off to no particular place at all. You’ll just have to find out tomorrow. Have a great weekend, folks. See all y’all then.
Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley. He can be reached at His older commentaries are archived at; his newer commentaries can be accessed [here]. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].
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