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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Jun 8, 2015

joemessinamugWith all of the news swirling around (see what I did there) in the media last week, there was little attention paid to what’s behind the recent drop in Hillary’s numbers.

Why, you ask? Because it seems people are so polarized along male-female (can I still use those terms?), white-black, gay-straight lines, to name just a few, that we must ignore at all costs any and all evidence that just might convict a Dem. The left is so desperate to hang something on a potential Republican presidential candidate that with some heavy digging, they found out a few things:

Scott Walker has credit card debt. He could owe as much as a combined $100, 000 to various credit card companies. Walker has given almost $375,000 of his salary back to taxpayers. He has two kids in college, parents who live with him, and can you believe – a mortgage. You would think a rich, white Republican (as they all are) would have paid cash for his house, or at least his car? Nope, he has a car payment.

Let’s sum it all up: He has a mortgage, two kids in college, a car payment, parents living with him, major credit card debt, and a net worth of negative $72,000. That can’t be right. He’s a Republican. Ask any low-information voter, and they will tell you all Republicans are rich, old, white guys who hate women.

Scott Walker is the lowest-net-worth candidate running for president. Bernie Sanders is just above him with a net worth of $330,000. Isn’t it interesting that we know so much about Walker’s finances, family and background in such a short time? All of his information was easily accessible.

On the other hand, what hat we know about President Obama is that he fought a legal battle for three years to seal all of his records. Transparency is not his long suit. Prior to becoming president, he got 17 tickets – in four years. Obama likes to do things faster than most, you know, like running up our national debt and fostering race wars.

As is his custom in making last-minute decisions, it seems he paid his tickets just before he ran for office. He got them in college but didn’t pay them until just before he was elected president. I guess he was weighing all of his options and didn’t want to make a knee-jerk decision about doing the right thing. The press didn’t report on this. Weird. Yet, they are stuck on Mr. and Mrs. Rubio’s 17 parking tickets received (and paid) over the last 18 years. OMG. He must be park-o-phobic – you know, unable or afraid to use a parking space as intended. The parking tickets were for both him and his wife, and guess what? That info wasn’t sealed.

Enter Mrs. Clinton. Speaking of transparency and records, she has been involved in scandals, questionable dealings or downright illegal activities since the 1970s. Let’s just deal with the last few years…

Travelgate: Shortly after Mr. Clinton became president, Mrs. Clinton fired the White House travel staff and replaced them with an outside vendor with ties to the Clintons. The investigation found Hillary was less than honest and made many false statements (i.e., lies) to investigators.

HillaryCare: Mrs. Clinton’s attempt to institute socialized medicine during her husband’s tenure failed. Partly because the committee she convened – which her husband sanctioned – refused to meet in open session, didn’t provide reports and never came up with a sellable plan. The whole transparency thing eludes her.

Whitewater: Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan was closed by federal regulators in the 1980s for illegal accounting. Investors were beat for more than $70 million and the Clintons lost more than $67,000 of their own money. Terrible. However, it seems Jim McDougal (on the S&L board of directors) and the Clintons were “co-investors” in the Whitewater Development Corp. that was backed by the S&L. Because of their “close” friendship, McDougal agreed to pay off Bill’s campaign debt, and Hillary’s firm received an undisclosed amount for handling the S&L shutdown, the development company, and the Clintons’ legal affairs at the time.

Filegate: Hundreds of background files on previous Republican administration officials were somehow improperly or accidently or purposely handed over to a good friend of Hillary Clinton, Mr. Craig Livingston, Director of White House security under Clinton. But no one knows why or for what reason. Livingston resigned. The investigation he was conducting stopped. So, no wrongdoing found.

Vince Foster: Close friend and deputy White House counsel for the Clintons committed suicide across from the White House. Before the investigators got to his office, his files had been removed and were never found. No one could understand why he would do such a thing.

Rose Law Firm: Soon after congressional and Justice Department officials started issuing subpoenas for all billing records pertaining to Hillary’s billable invoices to the Whitewater Development Corp., they went missing. Hillary said her role was incidental and was no biggie. Then God reached out from Heaven and somehow made the records appear two years later in the White House legal department, with just a few pages missing. (Anyone else see a pattern here?)

Commerce Department Pay-to-Play: The Commerce Department seemed to invite many high-profile CEOs and company presidents on these trips. Sounds OK, right? But it seems only the ones who made large contributions to the Clinton campaign were actually allowed on the plane. When CEO Ron Brown refused to play, his plane somehow crashed. Daniel Pearson, lead investigator in the incident, left his post, and the investigation remains unresolved.

Lincoln Bedroom Rentals: More than 800 people (a record number) stayed in Abraham Lincoln’s bedroom while the Clintons were in office. You can’t get to that number with any 10 presidential administrations. It also seems, when checking the records, you can make a direct campaign contribution connection with every visitor. Coincidence? Doubtful.

John Huang Connection: Huang was appointed Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was responsible for and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Clinton campaigns. Sound familiar? He later pleaded guilty to one felony count of campaign finance violations for soliciting and receiving foreign money campaign contributions.

Monica Lewinsky: Forget the moral issues here. This incident proved the Clintons have no problem lying and cheating to get out of trouble or cover things up. Bill was found guilty of obstructing justice because he and his wife lied to investigators about the Lewinsky incident(s). To prove Hillary is living in an alternate universe, when news of the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary famously blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.” The fact that he actually was guilty had nothing to do with anything for her.

Bosnia Airport Sniper Lie: Apparently, Hillary is dealing with early onset dementia, since she is the only one who remembers gunfire and ducking bullets.

eMail-Gate: I have been in the technology business for 25 years. I called Hillary’s email fiasco a lie when the story broke, and they are finding out now – it’s all lies. She knew what she was doing and shoved it in the American people’s faces. She has no respect for us or our laws.

Screw Americans Foundation: Also referred to as the Clinton Foundation. Even the most prestigious nonprofit reporting firm cannot figure out what it does or whom they give money to because a little more than 5 percent is actually sent out for relief-type programs.

Mark my words here today. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They have always been, and will continue to be, a family of selfish con artists and thieves. They don’t care what laws they break or whom they hurt as long as it benefits them.

Hey, you left-wing progressives – the ones who yell about the old, rich, white people who don’t care and want all the money and power for themselves. Let’s see how honest you can be. Don’t vote for another old, white, rich person (Hillary) who thinks she’s above the law and really doesn’t care about what’s going on with you.

Does anyone really think she’s the best thing for our country? Can I get a courtesy flush here? Get rid of the stink. This toilet is about to overflow. The polls show she doesn’t inspire confidence (50 percent), she is not seen as honest or trustworthy (57 percent), she doesn’t care about people (42 percent), and her favorability rating is at 50 percent, down from around 72 percent 18 months ago. And those numbers include young people and those on the left.

But I’m sure you Dems will vote for her at all costs because she is a woman and she is a Dem. To heck with honesty, caring, trustworthiness or integrity. Who needs those things, anyway? That’s so old school.

Can I please get a courtesy flush?


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.



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  1. Amy says:

    This is something I have a hard time understanding. Why does it matter whom we vote for, we are the popular vote and the popular vote doesnt decide the POTUS, the Electoral College does. So why bother voting for POTUS at all? We have the choice is an illusion. I have yet to speak to someone that can explain how our vote makes a difference (for Presidential elections). I personally think the Electoral college needs to be abolished. this is an archaic law that really has is not a necessity in this day and time.

  2. Tyler Kent says:

    If you’re interested in polling numbers, there’s been about as much coverage of the change in Hillary’s favorability rating than there has been for any other polling. This isn’t headline news, nor is any other polling at this stage. The reason for the drop is very easily explained by her Benghazi/email testimonies. It’s too early to have any real impact on the election. That was easy.
    But what I really want to point out is how misleading your polling numbers are in an article in which you so fervently abhor a lack of honesty. Voters are not polarized along male-female (yes, you can still use those terms, and you should think about that nuanced transphobia/lack of understanding of genders and the fact that there are transgender/non gender conforming students who you represent) or racial lines and there exists no dichotomy in sexual orientation. Voters are polarized along party lines, and the two major parties attract slightly different percentages of different demographics. You mention a few statistics (above or near 50%) and claim these are terrible; however, because of how strongly polarized voters are by party, it’s very difficult to poll above 50% and anything close to that is actually really good. These also seem to be averages of voters, and if you break down favorability into political party, she’s in the high 80s for democrats. That’s the number that means more right now, because that’s who’s voting for her in the primaries, and because there are an unprecedented amount of candidates in total, the average numbers will significantly shift once there’s less choices and more familiarity. Anything beyond that is merely conjecture. Speaking of familiarity, when you combine that with favorability, Hillary is still the stand-out candidate, with far more voters forming opinions and still among the top candidates in terms of favorability. A gain if familiarity is not an easy road to higher favorability numbers for the other candidates. Also, that drop in her numbers happened quite some time ago and her favorability rating has remained stable for months (though her unfavorability has increased slightly due to less “no opinion” responses, not a drop in favorable responses). You should also cite your polling numbers if you want people to believe that you didn’t make them up (I skimmed Gallup for ~5 minutes).
    Bottom line, if you’re wailing about how people hate Hillary and you’re using numbers to back that up, you might want to know how to interpret them.

  3. Your numbers are dropping also. You are a typical republican hater. You hate everything

  4. Interesting. Most of your facts were news to me but I knew about the incidents. Thanks for clearing up the fog and putting the light on Hillary. She’s a tough cookie but her memory like most of us at her age is getting poor and she needs a script which I think is why she doesn’t answer questions randomly or sit down with total strangers. Those meetings are scripted too. It amazes me that 50% still trust her. Their like sheep.lol

  5. Actually Tyler, I see your point on several things you said but the bottom line is Hilary’s numbers are dropping among democrats and independents. Trust and respect dropping as well. Doesn’t matter the exact numbers, just the direction which is down. The more we get to know her, the more we don’t love her. Years ago friends in Arkansas couldn’t believe the country would vote for Bill Clinton. The records speak for her dishonesty over the years when she was First Lady. She even stole the China and had to return it. Has never played by the rules. The more exposed she becomes, every time she opens her mouth, her numbers head further down. Now I don’t care if she’s a woman or what color she is how many parking tickets she’s had or whether she was poor as a child, she is not presidential material. Period!

  6. Joe says:

    If we used the electoral college the way it was originally meant to be used it WOULD work… It was never meant to be winner takes all, it tweaks it incorrectly. Ive explained it on the show and do often. If used properly the regular person get a say a real say!

  7. Rick says:

    This Joe Messina guy has a lot of hate and darkness in his heart.

  8. Hillary is best off shutting her mouth and hoping for a good turnout. The less people know about her the better for her.

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