Registered nurses represented by California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, in Valencia, will hold a solidarity candlelight vigil on Monday, Dec.16, as they begin negotiations for a new union contract.
The candlelight vigil will be held at Henry Mayo beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The nurses’ current contract will expire on Jan. 22, 2025 and RNs say their priorities for a new contract are improving patient care and working conditions at the hospital. CNA represents more than 600 nurses at Henry Mayo.
“I’ve been a nurse at Henry Mayo on-and-off since 2018,” said Danielle Shearer, RN in the definitive observation unit and member of the bargaining team. “My mom was a nurse here for 16 years. My family has lived in Santa Clarita for 29 years. This is a wonderful community. Nurses are holding this vigil to express how much we love serving our patients and want to provide the best possible care now and in the coming years.”
Nurses are holding the vigil for patient safety and to highlight their solidarity with each other, their patients, and the community they care for. RNs want hospital administration to address their patient safety concerns and nurse recruitment and retention. They began bargaining for a new contract on Dec. 4.
“We do this work because we love providing quality care to our patients, but we need a commitment from Henry Mayo to support us with safe staffing, resource nurses, and a strong contract to recruit and retain experienced staff nurses,” said Amber Richardson, RN in the labor and delivery unit and member of the bargaining team. Henry Mayo is our community’s only hospital, and we value the quality of care we provide.”
Henry Mayo is a 357-bed, not-for-profit community hospital and trauma center located at 23845 McBean Parkway, Valencia, CA 91355.
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1 Comment
I was admitted at Henry Mayo hospital recently and it was obvious to me that the nurse and nurses aids are working with limited staff, I saw it there at St. Joseph’s in Burbank and at Lake Balboa post rehabilitation center. It seems that there is either lack of interest in the medical field or that our younger generation wants to work in the higher paying technicians jobs or it’s a generation is focused on other areas of survival. I have seen many stores, restaurants and other places of business with help wanted signs for long periods of time. I just don’t understand what is happening in our country. If anyone out there can enlighten me I would be grateful.