The 2025 Los Angeles Homeless Count, an annual event to count unhoused people in Los Angeles County has been rescheduled to Feb. 18-20.
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority announced new dates for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which was postponed due to the recent wildfires. The rescheduled count will take place over these three nights in February:
Tuesday, Feb. 18: San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys (SPA 2) and Metro Los Angeles (SPA 4).
Wednesday, Feb. 19: San Gabriel Valley (SPA 3) and East Los Angeles (SPA 7).
Thursday, Feb. 20: Antelope Valley (SPA 1), West Los Angeles (SPA 5), South Los Angeles (SPA 6), and South Bay/Harbor (SPA 8).
“The safety of our volunteers and unsheltered neighbors is vital,” said LAHSA CEO Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum. “We are grateful for the flexibility and understanding of our partners and volunteers as we strive for a safe count.”
The annual Homeless Count provides critical data that informs the system’s understanding of needs across Los Angeles County.
LAHSA emphasized the importance of volunteer community members to the success of the rescheduled count.
“We’re facing unprecedented challenges this year, so the success of the Homeless Count depends now more than ever on community involvement. We urge everyone who can join us as a volunteer,” said Adams Kellum.
To volunteer or learn more, please visit
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