Student Ronnie Stewart shows the flier that was distributed to homes near Hart High, asking for food donations.
Students from Hart High School’s Associated Student Body fanned out across neighborhoods Wednesday collecting canned goods left on front porches and alongside mailboxes. This was the first step of many to prepare for the annual Hart High School Holiday Feast to be held Dec. 22.
ASB Director Pete Calzia started the annual tradition several years ago to teach his own children the importance of giving back. The event attracts hundreds of families each year.
The canned goods, along with clothing and Christmas gifts are all donated and handed out during the day. A complete holiday meal consisting of turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries is prepared and served to families by Hart students and staff. Santa is also in attendance to help hand out toys.

ASB Commissioner Himani Sharma organized the canned food drive for the sophomore class.
Himani Sharma, fundraising commissioner for the sophomore class, organized the canned food drive. Along with the neighborhood collection, math students have also been bringing in the food for a school-wide competition.
“People have been very generous,” Sharma said. “The math classes already have buckets full of canned goods and we are getting calls all the time from people saying they have donations.”
Calzia said the toy drive begins after the Thanksgiving holiday. The ASB is asking for unwrapped toys for all ages and gift cards for teens.

Sophomores sort cans of food they've collected
“It’s amazing what these kids can do,” Calzia said of his student body group. “You give (the idea) to them and they amaze you. There are so many kids willing to help. They love it.”
Sharma agrees. “It’s actually a really cool thing to do,” she said. “It makes me thankful and you feel good helping others.”
Hart High ASB will be collecting food, toys and other donations until Dec. 21. If you will like to help, call 661 259-7575 for more information and drop off locations.
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