1919 - Fire destroys abandoned second Southern Hotel, built 1878 in Newhall (corner Main & Market) [ story]
The regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board of Trustees will be held Wednesday, March 19, beginning with a closed session at 6:15 p.m., followed by an open session at 7 p.m.
Join the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce for a Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting at Beyond Harmony Medical Spa & Luxury Aesthetics, Wednesday, March 26 at 4 p.m.
The city of Santa Clarita invites residents to purchase tickets for the 46th Annual city of Santa Clarita Dodger Day.
The Small Business Development Center and city of Santa Clarita will host two Enhancing Your Digital Footprint series webinars, noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays, March 19 and 26.
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, has introduced a legislation package which includes the Victim and Witness Protection Act (AB 535), Small Business Retail Theft Grants (AB 949), Police Pension Tax Exemption (AB 814) and protecting funding for crime victims (VOCA Funding Act) in the state budget.
On Wednesday, April 2 6-8:30 p.m., Serata Italiana, the renowned Italian language and culture club, will host an exclusive event at Total Wine & More featuring real estate expert Natalie Blancardi and a virtual introduction to Italian attorney Antonello Pierro.
The city of Santa Clarita Film Office has released the list of eight productions filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, March 17 to Saturday, March 22.
The track teams of The Master's University maintained their strong start to the 2025 outdoor season at the Ross and Sharon Irwin Classic on Saturday. March 15 in San Diego. Five standards were added and 11 top-10 marks in school history were achieved.
The Master's University men's basketball team's season ended Saturday night, March 15 as the Southern Oregon Raiders defeated the Mustangs 76-71 in The MacArthur Center.
Old Town Newhall has earned its title as Santa Clarita’s Premier Arts and Entertainment District and has also become well-known as a hub for prime dining and shopping.
The Master's University women's basketball team's season came to an end with its first round loss in the NAIA Women's Basketball National Championship Tournament on Saturday, March 15.
Braden Van Groningen collected 24 kills as The Master's University men's volleyball team came back to defeat the OUAZ Spirit 23-25, 25-17, 25-18, 25-13 Saturday afternoon, March 15 in The MacArthur Center.
1927 - Newhall telephone exchange, est. 1900, now serves 100 phones [ story]
2003 - Lifesize sculpture honoring heroes of St. Francis Dam disaster unveiled in Santa Paula [ video]
1942 - Emery Whilton's Florafaunium opens in Lebec [ story]
After the January wildfires, the county began a review to assess our evacuation policies and emergency alert systems. The state has also commissioned a review of our preparedness efforts, immediate response to the fires and the recovery time frame of the incident.
Island Pacific Santa Clarita is gearing up for a celebration of National Lumpia Day with a lumpia-eating contest on Saturday, March 15, from 3-6:30 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Saugus Union School District Governing Board of Trustees will be held Tuesday, March 18 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
After a successful pilot program in the Saugus Union School District, School Day Café has expanded the use of a new, eco-friendly serving tray option across all Santa Clarita Valley elementary schools.
In support of “Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life,” the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency is developing a Water Use Efficiency Strategic Plan to establish a comprehensive water conservation strategy.
College of the Canyons Women's Tennis got back in the win column with an 8-1 conference road win at Glendale College.
The Michael Hoefflin Foundation for Children’s Cancer invites the community to join the annual "Walk 4 MHF Help Kids Fight Cancer" to help raise awareness and support local families affected by childhood cancer.
The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society has announced that the St. Francis Dam Tour scheduled for Saturday, March 15 has been postponed until Saturday, April 26.
REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
Just hangggg himmmm…
He will get his in prison!
32 years in prison in CA=6 months tops.
Nope that’s a violent crime 16 years minimum I bet
Nope it’s 16 years!!!!!
Your Turn Buddy!!
Good!!!! He got what he deserved. I hope they throw the key away and he rots in that cell. Scumbag!!!!
Pris Cilla
And is he legal? They avoid telling if he is an illegal! That is what the wall and controlling the border will help to stop.
Are you basing questions on race ? Just wow !
Well, no Emily, but the % of rapes by illegals that look like him are higher then someone that doesn’t look like him. I don’t know his nationality, do you? Swedish,Japanese, maybe African?
Look like him ? Please provide solid evidence because this just sounds like bigotry if you just gonna base it on the way ” he looks” for God sake… can’t believe we have ended up to this.
Relax Em! He looks like an illegal rapist! If he’s not illegal, throw his ass in jail and throw away the key! If he’s illegal, throw his ass in jail and throw away the key too! Now how’s that for a non bias answer. And if by chance he’s illegal and not a rapist, throw his ass out of the country!
Well said
If he was illegal they would have said so, and he would be deported. So he’ll spend
The rest of his sentence in California.
WOW your ignorance astounds me! Or, perhaps it’s your racism ????? Shirley Vercelli
Very different “looking guy” http://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-ashtabula/ashtabula-county-man-48-accused-of-raping-9-year-old-girl-repeatedly-and-videotaping-it
Wow, wonder how his victim feels today. You’re so focused on him and not offending this rapist. You’re anger is displaced. Bet your a democrat and thought Hillary was cheated and abused.Woooo!That’ll get this site going!
Rapist does not automatically = Undocumented. Which, by the way, is the generally accepted term. Unless you are referring to an Illegal Immigrant which is an entirely seperate term one that applies to a wider group of people. Including anyone who is not from Native American descent.
Shirley E Vercelli ur an idiot where’s your facts??? Because that is not even close to the truth!!
This comment….. Shirley E Vercelli, are you legal? Your last name seems to have some sort of an Italian ring to it. “Is he legal” is your response to a case about rape? You ask that bc the mugshot was of a Latin American man? The guy raped a woman and belongs in prison, but to respond with “is he legal? Article failed to mention it” is completely asinine. This case is not about race or citizenship. I can’t believe the society we live in today
Shirley E Vercelli your uses of “your” and “you’re” are displaced.
Shirley E Vercelli is a complete idiot!!
Complete ignorance!
I believe, I’m about to get relief from this thinking and fear because borders are being secured and border laws are being infoby this attorney general finally! So let’s see if crime excluding rape statistics go down as the numbers crossing the border drop dramatically. The proof will be in the pudding! Sanctuary cities are going to change too and that will help too! There’s a new sheriff in the Whitehouse!relax, it only gets better with time.?????
Ahhh, Michael I’ll remind you of Kate Stanley in San Francisco! Illegal, deported 5 times, gets released and he murders this woman walking with her dad on a nice evening in San Francisco. He is a product of Obama, weak laws and socialist thinking! Case closed! Mexican illegal! Sanctuary cities!
???that was just to see if you’re paying attention and passed your grammar tests in 4th grade. Credit spell ck for this one! They decide.?
Alex, I’m really incomplete but working toward completion. Stay tuned……..?
Alex, not complete yet, stay tuned… ?
That is incorrect Shirl. Do your research Shirl. Rapists look like your husband Shirl. The majority of rapists are middle aged white men. We need to put a wall around ignorant and racist people like you!
Hopefully he’ll do all 32. Psychos like that should not be able to be around other people.
I hope it’s not true, crazy women lie quickly.
He will be out in no time. People who kill people dont serve this much time anymore. Thanks California voters.
They need to kill him.
That creeper gonna hit SNY. It’s bs how much protective custody these sick people get yet treated better than the mentally ill or disabled.
Kill him
Not only illegals are rapist people.
Mario Lopez
I hope he drop the soap in jail
Hope they throw away the key.
Karen Bell Pinto
Steven Crisostomo