It has been my honor to serve as your Mayor this year. The city of Santa Clarita is one of California’s best cities and it just keeps getting better and better.
I was very proud this year to help launch the new Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program. The program provides our community with an opportunity to recognize our active military, featuring them on streetlight pole banners three times annually. We were successful in raising funds to help pay for the banners if needed. If you would like to feature a local Hometown Hero on a streetlight pole banner in the city, I encourage you to check out the website for information at: http://www.santa-clarita.com/heroes.
Earlier this year we re-dedicated River Village Park in honor and memory of long-time community volunteer and Parks Commissioner Duane Harte and renamed it Duane R. Harte Park at River Village. The park site is one of our best and includes 24 acres of open space plus a five-acre developed park. The park is a fitting tribute to this tremendous volunteer who loved and served this community for so many years.
This fall we celebrated the completion of the Golden Valley Road bridge widening project over State Route 14. The newly widened bridge has really improved traffic flow in the area and has added to non-motorized travel safety with a protected off street pathway. The bridge was dedicated to the late Connie Worden-Roberts, a long-time community advocate and “road warrior.”
As part of our Santa Clarita 2020 strategic plan, this year we announced plans to build a new and larger Sheriff’s station. In partnership with Los Angeles County, we are starting design for a new Sheriff’s station that will be located on Golden Valley Road. You can find out the latest information about this and other projects by checking out the website at: www.SantaClarita2020.com.
Thank you for your interest in our City. You may email me directly at: bkellar@santa-clarita.com.
Bob Kellar is the mayor of the city of Santa Clarita.
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Our traffic issues leave MUCH to be desired.
I remember those days before the city was formed and I’m happy to see how you have made it into a great city. From my bartending days at Joe’s lounge to when I retired at the Backwoods Inn I saw much of the growth and it’s a nice place to visit. I now hang my hat in Tennessee where there are as many traffic signs as Santa Clarita had in 1968. I always enjoy a return visit.
I agree with you Jeremy. Sierra Hwy between Via Princessa and Golden Valley is in virtual gridlock from 6:30 am to 8:30 am Monday thru Friday. There are other parts of town that are just as bad if not worse. The condition of the roads in many of our neighborhoods has also deteriorated to the point where routine maintenance is no longer an option. I live on a street that has been ignored for the past +20 years I’ve lived on it. It now needs to be totally resurfaced at a huge expense rather than spending a fraction of that cost to properly maintain it by applying regular slurry coats and making repairs when necessary.
The statement; “The city of Santa Clarita is one of California’s best cities and it just keeps getting better and better” needs to be examined in greater detail. I have lived in Canyon country since 1984. I have watched development after development get approved, and the traffic grow steadily worse and worse. I read the council candidates responses during the election, and wondered just how more development could possibly alleviate the traffic in our city which has become a daily nightmare. It’s as if they don’t realize that more development means more people and cars, and therefore more traffic. What was a bucolic and idyllic place to live in 1984 has transmogrified into a clone of the San Fernando valley. It’s called unsustainable growth, in case you didn’t know.
Thanks for all your efforts as Mayor.
It’s a shame the city charges around $450 for these banners.