Mike Shapiro
With the departure of Board Member Mike Shapiro (effective Aug. 1), the Newhall School District Governing Board has established its timeline and process for appointing a new Board Member from Trustee Area 4 – east Newhall, encompassing Newhall and McGrath elementary schools.
Here are the details for those interested:
* Upon appointment and swearing in, the term of office extends until November of 2018 at which time the Trustee Area 4 seat will be up for election.
* Applications will be accepted starting August 8. They are due to the Newhall School District Office (attention: Wendy Stimson, 25375 Orchard Village Road, Suite 200, Valencia, 91355) no later than Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 5 pm.
* To obtain an application, come to the Newhall School District Office (see address below) or contact Wendy Stimson at 661 291-4163.
* Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
* Applicants must reside in Trustee Area 4 (east Newhall). To verify residence within Trustee Area 4, applicants can call the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder’s Office (562 466-1310) or go online [here].
* The Newhall School District Governing Board will interview candidates at a Special Board meeting (open to the public) on Tuesday, August 30, (time to be announced).
“Newhall School District’s record of excellence goes to dedicated staff and parents. It also goes to a Governing Board that has always put academic achievement first,” states Superintendent Paul Cordeiro. “The Board thanks Mike Shapiro for his 13 years of service and looks forward to finding a successor who shows the same commitment to students.”
For further information, contact Superintendent Paul Cordeiro at 661 291-4000.
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