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March 2
1938 - Great Flood of 1938 causes massive destruction and death across the greater Los Angeles region [story]

Take a Hike | Commentary by Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel
| Sunday, Nov 1, 2015

DianneErskineHellrigelRose Dunn was born Sept. 5 in either 1878 or 1879. Rose was born to poor parents, but she was lucky enough to have had the opportunity of a formal education in a convent in Wichita.

She was a beautiful young girl, by all accounts. She was known as “The Rose of Cimarron.” Rose had two older brothers, both of whom were minor outlaws, although both became bounty hunters later in life. They called themselves the Dunn Brothers.

As the younger sibling, Rose looked up to her two brothers, who taught her how to shoot, rope cattle and ride a horse. They also introduced her to George “Bittercreek” Newcomb, with whom she became romantically involved at the age of 14.

George, also an outlaw, ran with a gang – the Dalton gang – which absolutely adored Rose. They appreciated her beauty and her calm and sweet personality.

Rose adored Newcomb and loved the outlaw life. She supported the gang by running into town to purchase supplies. Since Newcomb was a wanted man, he could not do this himself. Rose became a valuable member of the gang.

RoseDunnIn 1893, outlaws Bob Dalton and Bill Doolin started Wild Bunch gang. Newcomb joined the Wild Bunch, and Rose followed. The Wild Bunch robbed banks and trains and got into trouble everywhere they went.

Once they took refuge in Ingalls, Okla. It was there that, rumor has it, they got into a gunfight with lawmen. This was known as the Battle of Ingalls. Three lawmen and three outlaws were shot.

According to legend, Rose saved Newcomb’s life after he had been wounded by running through the middle of the battle to bring him more ammunition. It is also said she fired a rifle at the law while Newcomb reloaded his guns. This account never appears in the marshal’s account of the shootout, however. Although wounded, Newcomb was able to flee with another outlaw named Charley Pierce.

Two years later, on May 2, 1895, Newcomb and Pierce rode out to the Dunn ranch to see Rose. Rose’s brothers shot both Newcomb and Pierce and collected the $5,000-apiece reward.

Some said Rose told her brothers that Newcomb and Pierce were coming to visit her. Her brothers said this was not true.

The brothers were later investigated for cattle rustling. The sheriff shot Bill Dunn during an altercation, bringing an end to the Dunn Brothers bounty hunters (and probable cattle rustlers).

Rose married a local politician, Charles Albert Noble, and lived a respectable life until she died at age 76 on June 11, 1955, in Salkum, Wash.



Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel is executive director of the Community Hiking Club and president of the Santa Clara River Watershed Conservancy. Contact Dianne through communityhikingclub.org or at zuliebear@aol.com.

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  1. Gerald Poe says:

    Well done. Netflix movie The Wild Bunch, sort of looks like this without mention of the names.

  2. Matthew Watson says:

    The attached photo, while the most well-known photo of Rose Dunn, is not actually her. It is a photo of a female prisoner posed as Rose, most likely to accompany a contemporary story of Rose. An actual photo of Rose (albeit after her outlaw days) can be found at https://darkheartedwomen.wordpress.com/tag/rose-dunn/

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