With the COVID-19 vaccine available and the State’s plans to move away from its tier system if certain conditions are met, SCV Water is gearing up to re-open its Customer Care lobby located at 24631 Avenue Rockefeller in Valencia on Tuesday, July 6.
The lobby will be open Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and alternating Friday’s until 4:30 p.m.
“The health and safety of our customers is our top priority,” said SCV Water’s General Manager Matt Stone. “At the time of our July re-opening, we will follow state and county guidelines for social distancing and face masks; we’ve also introduced new safety measures in our lobby.”
Customers visiting the lobby to pay their bills and conduct business with the Agency will notice new safety measures in place, including plexiglass dividers, floor markers and a hand sanitizing station. In addition, an external drop box for payments is located outside of the Customer Care office and is available 24/7.
Customers can also still take advantage of doing business online at yourSCVwater.com or by phone, (661) 294-0828.
SCV Water has also partnered with PayNearMe to provide cash-paying customers with the added convenience to pay their water bills at participating 7-Eleven or CVS Pharmacy locations. Late fees and shut-offs due to COVID-19 are still suspended in the near term, but SCV Water encourages customers who are behind on their water bills to set up a payment plan through Customer Care by contacting 661-294-0828. Eligible customers can also apply for state assistance with their unpaid utility bills and rent by visiting HousingIsKey.com or calling 833-430-2122 for more information and to verify eligibility.
About SCV Water
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 74,000 business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found at www.yourSCVwater.com.
For more information, contact Communications Manager Kathie Martin kmartin@scvwa.org.
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