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The regular meeting of the Governing Board of William S. Hart Union High School District will be held virtually, Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YvD625cIG9A

Items on the agenda include public hearings on learning continuity and attendance plan and  pupil textbook and instructional materials Incentive Act.

District Teachers of the Year will also be recognized.

To provide public comment, email wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud.

To view the full agenda online, see below.


Regular (Virtual) Meeting of the Governing Board
William S. Hart Union HSD
September 16, 2020 7:00PM
The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/YvD625cIG9A To provide public comment, email wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., September 16. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. NOTE: This meeting will include Public Hearings for items VIII-A – Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan and IX-A – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act.

I. Call to Order (5:45 p.m.)
I.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
II. First Closed Session
II.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
If you wish to make a public comment on a Closed Session item, you may submit written comments by email to wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., September 16. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.

II.B. First Closed Session Items
II.B.1. Settlement Agreement No. 19/20-09L (per Government Code Section 54956.9)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Action to be taken on Settlement Agreement No. 19/20-09L.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.2. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
II.B.3. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
II.B.4. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
III. Public Session (7:00 p.m.)
III.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
III.B. Re-Establishment of Quorum
III.C. Pledge of Allegiance
III.D. Approval of Agenda
III.E. Approval of Minutes

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 2, 2020, presented for approval.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 2, 2020.

Minutes – Regular Meeting – September 2, 2020
IV. Recognitions by Board
IV.A. Recognition of District Teachers of the Year

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Each school has selected a Teacher of the Year for the 2020/21 school year and these worthy teachers are being recognized this evening.
The California Teacher of the Year program, which began in 1972, has brought recognition to exemplary teachers, paying tribute to their resolute efforts.  With the District’s many outstanding teachers, staff takes pride in identifying and honoring its own heroes of Hart District classrooms.  Selection criteria include personal growth, commitment, personal attributes, and professional skills.

Being honored tonight as Teachers of the Year by their individual schools are:  Dustin Funk, Academy of the Canyons; Lisa Simmons, Arroyo Seco Junior High School; Shonna August, Bowman High School; Dan Davis, Canyon High School; Heather Kennedy, Castaic High School; Courtney Straka, Golden Valley High School; Cynthia Ross, Hart High School; Jenni Frias, La Mesa Junior High School; Lauren Sperber, Placerita Junior High School; Devon Hensley, Rancho Pico Junior High School; Leanne Bonilla, Rio Norte Junior High School; Jim Klipfel, Saugus High School; Fidel Garcia, Sequoia School; Mary Sirchia, Sierra Vista Junior High School; Christine Mocha, Valencia High School; and Alison Hunsaker, West Ranch High School.

For the 2020/21 school year, the Hart District recognizes Jim Klipfel from Saugus High School as the Hart District Teacher of the Year. Jim loves his students. In his relationships in the classroom, he enables students to push themselves beyond what they think they can do. His service-centered heart provides students the opportunity to build homes with Habitat for Humanity. Each day at the end of swim practice, he reminds his athletes that their job is to love each other, and his job is to love them. There is no question that Mr. Klipfel approaches each day at Saugus High School with love in his heart for his students, his colleagues, and this great community.

Teachers of the Year 2020
V. Communications
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. Employee Association Leadership
V.B.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President John Minkus
V.B.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Kathy Hefferon
V.C. School Site Report – Golden Valley High School

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Golden Valley High School Principal Sal Frias will give a presentation on ways the school is working to ensure equity for all students.
VI. Special Items
VII. Public Comments

Quick Summary / Abstract:
To provide public comment, you may submit written comments by email to wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., September 16. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.

VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Public Hearing – Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan replaces the traditional Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2020/21 school year and describes the District’s planning process for the year.
Senate Bill 98, Section 43509, established the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, which is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members, while streamlining meaningful stakeholder engagement and condensing several pre-existing plans.  It combines the intent behind Executive Order N-56-20, which extended the timeline for the 2020/21 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and required a written report to the community, with the ongoing need for districts to formally plan for the 2020/21 school year amid the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan replaces the traditional LCAP for the 2020/21 school year and supersedes the requirements in Executive Order N-56-20.  The LCAP and annual update to the LCAP are not required for the 2020/21 school year.  A new three-year LCAP is currently scheduled to be adopted by local educational agencies by June 30, 2021.

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan describes the planning process for the 2020/21 school year including how the District will do the following: offer classroom-based instruction whenever possible; provide continuity of instruction; ensure access to a full curriculum regardless of the method of delivery; address gaps in learning; conduct meaningful stakeholder engagement; address the needs of English learners, foster youth, low-income students, students with exceptional needs, and students experiencing homelessness; provide access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning; provide resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being; and continue to provide school meals for students.

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan shall be presented at a public hearing before being adopted by the governing board of a school district by September 30, 2020. Public comments may be submitted in writing for consideration in the final Plan.

Financial Impact:
The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan identifies how the District plans to use some funds that might be associated with increased and improved services for unduplicated pupils and actions and services related to COVID-19.
Recommended Motion:
LCAP Presentation
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020/21
VIII.B. Return to School Update

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Hart District welcomed students to the 2020/21 school year on August 11. Staff will give an update on the first weeks of Online Learning and the continued planning for a return to campus when it is deemed safe to do so.

IX. Action Items
IX.A. Public Hearing for Resolution No. 20/21-7 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act

David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A public hearing will be held regarding the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act.
School districts are subject to the requirements of Education Code Section 60119 in order to receive funding for the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive program and/or funding for instructional materials from any state source.  One of the requirements is that a public hearing be held once a year, before the end of the eighth week of school, to determine whether each pupil in the school district will have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials.  The intent of the public hearing is to encourage participation on this issue by parents, teachers, and members of the community.

SB 550 defines “sufficient instructional materials or textbooks” as each student, including English Language Learners, having a textbook or instructional materials to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments.  SB 550 specifies that this language does not require two sets of textbooks for each pupil.

SB 550 also requires the Governing Board to determine that each student enrolled in a foreign language or health course has sufficient standards-aligned textbooks and that laboratory equipment is available to students in grades 9-12.

Recommended Motion:
Direct the Superintendent to assure the State Superintendent of Public Instruction that the Governing Board has complied with provisions of Education Code Section 60119 through Resolution No. 20/21-7 – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act.
Resolution No. 20/21-7 Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act
IX.B. Official Name Change – Learning Post High School to Learning Post Academy

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board action is required to officially change the name of Learning Post High School to Learning Post Academy.

Learning Post High School has offered an independent study program for Hart District students since 1980. In 2011, the District launched a separate home study program, Hart at Home, for grades 7-12. Beginning with the 2020 semester, the two separate programs have been merged into one school, renamed the Learning Post Academy. Board action is required in order to officially register the name change with the California Department of Education.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize the official name change of Learning Post High School to Learning Post Academy.
IX.C. Notice of Variable Term Waiver Request

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The District has been unable to recruit an adequate number of Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers who have a Clear CTE Credential with the English Learner (EL) Authorization. There is a need to send Variable Term Waiver Requests to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Requests for Variable Term Waivers may be submitted by school districts to solve a temporary certification or assignment problem when the district finds there are an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the specified employment criteria for a position, or for the purposes of educational reform, or other compelling reasons. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing may grant a waiver upon its finding that professional preparation equivalent to that prescribed under the provision or provisions to be waived will be completed by the applicant affected.

Many districts throughout the state are finding a need to request these waivers, especially in the area of CTE without EL Authorization. At this time, the District has been unable to recruit an adequate number of Clear Credentialed CTE teachers to meet its needs. It is therefore necessary to submit Variable Term Waiver Requests to the Commission for the following CTE teachers, effective September 17, 2020.

Natalie Arriaga – Forensics and CriminologyNubia Diaz – Medical Assistant

Molly Herrera – Athletic Training

Joseph Herrick – Exploring Fire Science

Marc Kraidman – Exploring Health Science

Melissa Jenkins – Business-Marketing

Mark Kosek – Engineering

David Van Name – Stagecraft

Marisol Vega – Dental Assistant

Jeremy Villalovos – Exploring Fire Science

Recommended Motion:
Approve request for Variable Term Waivers for Natalie Arriaga, Nubia Diaz, Molly Herrera, Joseph Herrick, Melissa Jenkins, Mark Kosek, Marc Kraidman, David Van Name, Marisol Vega, and Jeremy Villalovos to serve as Career Technical Education teachers, effective September 17, 2020.
IX.D. Ratification of a Three-Year Subscription for Software Licenses, Account Set-Ups, and Implementation Services (CrisisGo)

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A contract for a three-year subscription for crisis communications software licenses for all 16 sites, account set-up, and implementation services for a new CrisisGo account is presented for ratification.

CrisisGo provides the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with students, staff, and families during a crisis.

The subscription includes the seven comprehensive high schools, six junior high schools, two alternative education sites, and the District Office. It consists of a one-time implementation fee, emergency SMS texting, emergency outbound email, and online training sessions.

Financial Impact:
$21,880 per year, and a one time fee of  $4,950 from the general fund (Fund 01.0).  This will be reimbursed by the School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV) Grant, which funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies and institutions of higher education to help recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the contract for a three-year subscription for crisis communications software licenses for all 16 sites, account set-up, and implementation services for a new CrisisGo account.
CrisisGo Contract
IX.E. Ratification of a Three-Year Agreement for the Safety iPass Symptom Tracker/Contact Tracing Program (CrisisGo)

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A three-year agreement for the Safety iPass Symptom Tracker/Contact Tracing Program is presented for ratification.
CrisisGo provides symptom tracking and contract tracing for students, employees, contractors, and visitors daily through its Safety iPass program.
Financial Impact:
$37,500 per year from the general fund (Fund 01.0).  This will be reimbursed by the School Emergency Response to Violence (SERV) Grant, which funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies and institutions of higher education to help recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the three-year agreement for the Safety iPass Symptom Tracker/Contact Tracing Program.
CrisisGo Agreement
IX.F. Change Order No. 3 for the Hart High School Two-Story Modular Classroom Building, Addition of Two Tennis Courts, and Related Site Work Project (Bid Package No. HA1811A-06 (Martinez Landscape Co., Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Change Order No. 3 for the Hart High School Two-Story Modular Classroom Building, Addition of Two Tennis Courts, and Related Site Work Project (Bid Package No. HA1811A-06 – Martinez Landscape Co., Inc.) is presented for approval.

Martinez Landscape Co., Inc. was requested to extend a six inch irrigation main, perform miscellaneous grading of decomposed granite, and repair an existing irrigation line. All of this work was not included in the bid documents and was needed in order for the school to be left with a fully functional irrigation system.
Financial Impact:
$16,527.03 from Lease Revenue Bonds (Fund 40.5).
Recommended Motion:
Approve Change Order No. 3 for the Hart High School Two-Story Modular Classroom Building, Addition of Two Tennis Courts, and Related Site Work Project from Martinez Landscape Co., Inc.
CO 3 Martinez
IX.G. Revised Board Policies and Administrative Regulations – Second Reading

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Revised Board policies and administrative regulations are being brought to the Board for a second reading and for Board approval of revised policies.
The following list of revised Board policies and administrative regulations are being brought to the Board for a second reading and for approval of revised Board policies.

Revised BP and AR 1250 – Visitors to Schools

Revised BP 5022 – Student and Family Privacy RightsRevised BP and AR 5125.1 – Release of Directory Information

Revised BP 5131.2 – Bullying Prevention

Revised BP 5141.52 – Suicide Prevention

Revised BP 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement

Recommended Motion:
Approve the following revised Board policies:  BP 1250 – Visitors to Schools; BP 5022 – Student and Family Privacy Rights; BP 5125.1 – Release of Directory Information; BP 5131.2 – Bullying Prevention; BP 5141.52 – Suicide Prevention; and BP 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement.

AR 1250 Visitors to Schools
AR 5125.1 Release of Directory Information
BP 1250 Visitors to Schools
BP 5022 Student and Family Privacy Rights
BP 5125.1 Release of Directory Information
BP 5131.2 Bullying Prevention
BP 5141.52 Suicide Prevention
BP 5145.13 Response to Immigration Enforcement
X. Consent Calendar

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time.
X.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
X.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
X.B.1. Personnel Report No. 20/21-5

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Personnel Report No. 20/21-5 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Personnel Report No. 20/21-5.
20/21 -5 Personnel Report
X.B.2. Teacher Assignments

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 20/21-4 allows specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization.
Education Code Section 44263 provides that holders of teaching credentials, by resolution of the local governing board and with the consent of the individual teachers, may serve outside of their areas of authorization if they have completed nine (9) upper division or graduate units or eighteen (18) semester units of coursework in the subject to be taught.

Education Code Section 44258.2 states that the holder of a Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential, with his or her consent, may teach an assignment in grades 5 through 8 provided the teacher has completed six (6) upper division or graduate units or twelve (12) semester units of course work in the subject to be taught.

Education Code Section 44256(b) states that the holder of a Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary Teaching Credential may teach, with his or her consent, any subject in departmentalized classes below grade 9 provided that the teacher has completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester units or six (6) upper division or graduate semester units of coursework in the subject to be taught.

Resolution No. 20/21-4 is based upon these three provisions of the law which allow specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization.  This is an on-going requirement that necessitates Board approval each year.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 20/21-4 – Teacher Assignments allowing specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization.
Teacher Assignments
X.B.3. Competitive Sports Authorization

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 20/21-5 – Competitive Sports Authorizations allows specific teachers without physical education credentials to cover one period of coaching.
Education Code Section 44258.7(b) allows a full-time teacher who holds a credential in a subject other than physical education to coach a competitive sport for which the students receive physical education credit for one period a day, if the teacher has completed a minimum of 20 clock hours of first aid instruction appropriate to the specific sport.
Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 20/21-5 – Competitive Sports Authorizations allowing single period coaching assignments.
Competitive Sports Authorizations
X.B.4. Student Teaching Agreement (Virtual Internship) For the 2020 Fall Semester Between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A student teaching agreement for virtual internships for the 2020 fall semester between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge is being presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the student teaching agreement (virtual internships) between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge.
CSUN Student Teaching Internship – Fall 2020
X.B.5. School Psychology Fieldwork Agreement (Virtual Internship) Between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A school psychology fieldwork agreement (virtual internship) between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge is being presented for Board approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the school psychology fieldwork agreement (virtual internship) between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California State University Northridge.
CSUN Internship school psychology
X.C. Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
X.C.1. Final Adoption of Textbook/Instructional Materials, 2020/21

David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A textbook has been recommended for final adoption for the 2020/21 school year.
Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response – Publisher: Jones and Bartlett – Author: NFPA and IAFC – Course Area: – Fire Academy (all levels)   – Grade: 9-12 – This textbook will provide training solutions for all levels of courses offered in the William S. Hart Union High School District Fire Academy. The curriculum is written by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). The textbook is supplemented with the online curriculum that ensures student comprehension and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Fourth Edition is supplemented with the latest Fire standards, technology and research-based data from Underwriters Laboratories (UL).  More importantly, this latest edition covers the health/safety and physical/mental health issues that the fire service population faces.  This textbook content will be covered extensively during all levels of the pathway.
Financial Impact:
Funding from College and Career (CCR) Funds.
Recommended Motion:
Approve textbook, as referenced above, for use beginning in the 2020/21 year.
X.C.2. Ratification of College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement – Amendment No. 4

Nadia Cotti, Director of Career Technical Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement is a dual enrollment partnership agreement between the Santa Clarita Community College District (SCCCD) and the William S. Hart Union High School District. Appendix A of the CCAP Agreement shall be deleted from the agreement in its entirety and replaced with the attached revised Appendix A.
The Community College District and the School District agree to record Community College District and School District specific components of the CCAP Agreement using Appendix A for purposes of addressing mandated reporting requirements to include, but not limited to, the total number of high school students to be served and the total number of full-time equivalent students projected to be claimed by the Community College District for those students; the scope, nature, time, location, and listing of community college courses to be offered; and criteria to assess the ability of pupils to benefit from those courses.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify Amendment No. 4 to the College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement between the Santa Clarita Community College District and William S. Hart Union High School District.
CCAP Agreement Amendment No.4
X.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
X.D.1. Purchase Order Report

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification of the August 2020 Purchase Order Report is requested.
Staff requests the Governing Board ratify the attached Purchase Order Report, which covers purchases, as specified, for the period August 1, 2020, through August 31, 2020.

This report may contain open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating regular small purchases from single vendors. Open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating larger purchases from single vendors may indicate a publicly bid contract number and/or the date the Governing Board approved the vendor.  In an effort to efficiently process payments, the accumulated total of these purchases may be processed and paid as a single transaction.

Financial Impact:
The attached report shows amounts and funding sources for purchase orders processed in August 2020, as well as purchase orders greater than or equal to $50,000.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Purchase Order Report for the period of August 1, 2020, through August 31, 2020.
August 2020 Board Report
X.D.2. Warrant Register and Revolving Cash Payments

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval and ratification of Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments is requested.
8/1/2020 – 8/15/2020
Payroll Warrant Register   $2,605,462.57
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $10,735,106.97
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds    $237,780.03
Revolving Cash Fund $0.00
8/16/2020 – 8/31/2020
Payroll Warrant Register   $8,720,302.28
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $3,065,972.84
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds $2,384,233.95
Revolving Cash Fund  $0.00
Recommended Motion:
Approve and ratify the above listed Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments issued between August 1, 2020, through August 31, 2020, and order the items filed for audit.
Commercial Warrants 8/1/20-8/15/20
Commercial Warrants 8/16/20-8/31/20
Payroll Warrants 8/1/20-8/31/20
X.D.3. Addendum No. 4 to the Amended Operating Agreement between the Santa Clarita Community College District and the William S. Hart Union High School District for the University Center

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An addendum to the agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and the Santa Clarita Valley Community College District for use of the University Center is presented for approval.
In July 2004, the Santa Clarita Community College District (SCCCD) and the William S. Hart Union High School District (WSHUHSD) entered into a Joint Use Agreement for the Construction and Operation of the University Center. This Joint Use Agreement included the option that the Hart District could provide a number of compatible programs and services at the University Center, including the Hart District’s Academy of the Canyons.  In a collaborative process between WSHUHSD and SCCCD staffs, plans were developed to include space for Academy of the Canyons on the first floor of the west wing in the University Center building and for it to be available in the fall of 2009.

In September 2005, an Operating Agreement for the University Center was executed to further delineate operational guidelines for the Hart District’s occupancy in the University Center.  An amended operating agreement for the University Center superseded the original operating agreement as of June 10, 2009.

Addendum No. 4 shall be incorporated into the Amended Operating Agreement which establishes the terms and conditions by which the WSHUHSD may use the University Center, located on SCCCD’s Valencia Campus, to address the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated guidelines and regulations that relate to use of the University Center by the WSHUHSD.

Recommended Motion:
Approve Addendum No. 4 to the Amended Operating Agreement for the University Center between the Santa Clarita Community College District and the William S. Hart Union High School District.
SCCCD University Center Addendum #4
X.D.4. Acceptance of Monetary Donations

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Monetary donations for the 2020/2021 school year are presented for Governing Board acceptance.
Recommended Motion:
Accept the monetary donations in the August 2020 Monetary Donations list in the amount indicated.
Acceptance of Monetary Donation
X.D.5. Award of Scholarships

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorization is requested for scholarship awards for the 2020/2021 school year.
The information listed on the attachment regarding scholarship recipients is submitted to the Board for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Following verification of registration/receipt of grades, authorize payment of awards to the students listed in the amount indicated for each student.
Award of Scholarships
X.D.6. Special Education Consultant Agreements, 2020/21

Joanna White, Director of Special Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval is requested for Special Education Consultant Agreements, extending from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021.
It is necessary to complete individual assessments as specified in students’ Individual Education Programs to determine and provide the designated instructional services (DIS) necessary for the students to benefit educationally from their instructional program. The District contracts with many vendors to perform and provide these assessments and services. A master contract will be generated for each agreement as needed (see attachment).

Verbal Foreign Language Interpreting Services & Sign Language Interpreters, Hanna Interpreting Services LLC

Financial Impact:
Fiscal implications will be determined as as the needs arise.  Purchase orders will outline the financial impact and funding source.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Special Education Consultant Agreements, extending from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021.
Vendor Contract
X.D.7. Service Agreement with Practi-Cal, Inc., 2020 to 2023

Joanna White, Director of Special Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Practi-Cal is a billing service the District uses to bill Medi-Cal for services provided to Medi-Cal eligible students.
Financial Impact:
There are no up-front costs to the District.  Reimbursement checks are sent directly to the District by the Department of Health.  Practi-Cal then bills the District for an annual fee based on an average of the District’s prior reimbursement history.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the service agreement with Praci-Cal, Inc., from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2023.
Practi-Cal 2020-2023 LBO Agreement
X.D.8. Ratification of Agreement Between the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Plan Area and Key2ED, Inc., for Facilitated Individualized Education Plan and Conflict Prevention Virtual Training

Tracy Peyton-Perry, Director, Santa Clarita Valley SELPA
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement between the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and Key2ED, Inc., for facilitated Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and conflict prevention virtual training is presented for ratification.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an informal process for resolving conflicts early. It is a process that uses communication, collaboration, and negotiation in order to resolve a disagreement or dispute. In an effort to provide quality ADR training to the SELPA member local educational agencies, the SCV SELPA would like to contract with Key2Ed to provide training and skills needed to ensure meetings run smoothly, efficiently, and collaboratively.  Participants will learn prevention and resolution techniques for difficult IEPs, facilitation skills, collaboration/guided IEPs, how to be a neutral facilitator, and parent training.
Financial Impact:
Contract amount will not exceed $8,000 and will be funded through the State Alternative Dispute Resolution Grant. There will be no fiscal impact to the Hart District.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the agreement between the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and Key2ED, Inc., for facilitated Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and conflict prevention virtual training.

Key2Ed – Facilitated IEP and Conflict Prevention Training
X.D.9. Ratification of Agreement Between the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Plan Area and Key2ED, Inc., for a Facilitated Individualized Education Plan and Alternative Dispute Resolution Virtual Parent Workshop

Tracy Peyton-Perry, Director, Santa Clarita Valley SELPA
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement between the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and Key2ED, Inc., for a facilitated Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Alternative Dispute Resolution virtual parent workshop is presented for ratification.

The SELPA will contract with Key2Ed to provide an overview of the facilitation process and prepare IEP team stakeholders to be collaborative team members in a facilitated IEP meeting. Participants develop skills to broker more effective and efficient communication resulting in a collaborative, non-adversarial, and compliant student centered IEP meeting.
Financial Impact:
Contract amount will not exceed $1,500 and will be funded through the State Alternative Dispute Resolution Grant. There is no fiscal impact on the Hart District.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the agreement between the Santa Clarita Valley Special Education Local Plan Area and Key2ED, Inc., for a facilitated Individualized Education Plan and Alternative Dispute Resolution virtual parent workshop.

Key2Ed Parent Workshop
X.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
X.E.1. Proposal for Architectural Design and Consulting Services Master Task Agreement for Various District Projects for Fiscal Year 2020/21 (TDM Architects, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A proposal from TDM Architects, Inc., for architectural design and consulting services for various District projects for fiscal year 2020/21 is presented for approval.


Projects will come up from time to time that need the expertise of an architect. Types of services can include: Division of the State Architect close out, small design projects, Americans with Disabilities Act assessments, project analysis for feasibility, and code requirements, etc.

Approval of this proposal would allow staff to contract with TDM Architects, Inc., on multiple projects, not to exceed $15,000 per project and not to exceed $100,000 total for fiscal year 2020/21, without further Board approval until June 30, 2021. If the cost for a project exceeds $15,000 and/or the total for all projects under this agreement are expected to exceed $100,000, staff will return to the Board to increase the allowable total for the fiscal year.

Having a master task agreement in place would allow staff to quickly address issues and concerns as they arise on projects.

Financial Impact:
$100,000 total for fiscal year 2020/21. Project funding and amounts (not to exceed $15,000 per project) to be determined on a project by project basis.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the proposal from TDM Architects, Inc., for architectural design and consulting services for various District projects for fiscal year 2020/21.  Project funding and amounts not to exceed $15,000 per project, with a cumulative maximum of $100,000, unless increased by Board authorization.

X.E.2. Proposal for Landscape Design and Consulting Services Master Task Agreement for Various District Projects for Fiscal Year 2020/21 (Oasis Associates, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A proposal from Oasis Associates, Inc., for landscape design and consulting services for various District projects for fiscal year 2020/21 is presented for approval.


The District owns hundreds of acres of school property comprising of seven high schools, six junior high schools, a continuation high school and District operations property. While a portion of the District properties have buildings and paving, a larger portion of the properties contain landscaping in the form of turf for community and school athletics, trees, shrubs, ground cover, and slopes. The District does not employ any licensed landscape design professionals. Staff is recommending a “Task Order” arrangement with Oasis Associates, Inc., similar to the one that the District has with other consultants for small landscape design and irrigation projects.

Financial Impact:

$100,000 total for fiscal year 2020/21. Project funding and amounts (not to exceed $15,000 per project) to be determined on a project by project basis.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the proposal from Oasis Associates, Inc., for landscape design and consulting services for various District projects for fiscal year 2020/21.  Project funding and amounts not to exceed $15,000 per project, with a cumulative maximum of $100,000, unless increased by Board authorization.
X.E.3. Notice of Completion – La Mesa Junior High School Digital Marquee Support Structure Project (Blue Diamond Concrete, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Accept Notice of Completion for the La Mesa Junior High School Digital Marquee Support Structure Project (Blue Diamond Concrete, Inc.).


Notice of Completion has been prepared for the Governing Board’s consideration for the following construction contract:

Blue Diamond Concrete, Inc.

Date of Completion: August 14, 2020

Recommended Motion:
Accept Notice of Completion for the La Mesa Junior High School Digital Marquee Support Structure Project and authorize retention release to Blue Diamond Concrete, Inc.
X.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
X.G. Approval of Consent Calendar
X.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XI. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XII. Second Closed Session

Quick Summary / Abstract:
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed.
XII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XII.C. Return to Public Session
XII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIII. Adjournment
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Published: September 11, 2020, 3:14 PM


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