Mixed media artwork incorporating pages from comic books will decorate the walls of The MAIN starting Tuesday, Sept. 18, as part of the newest solo exhibit, “You Did WHAT To My Comics?!?” by Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik.
The exhibition will be on display through Friday, Oct. 12. The public is invited to view the gallery, enjoy light refreshments and meet the artist at a reception on Thursday, Sept. 20, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at The MAIN.
The exhibition comprises works in paper made from cut-up comic books, in which local artist Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik explores the dreams, prophecies, and visions of traditional cultural narratives.
He positions Superman as an American immigrant dreamer, the Invisible Woman as a protective whirlwind of cloud and fire, and wraps the Sandman up with the Oak of the Golden Dream.
“My work explores the role of narrative in the development and expression of identity,” Brynjegard-Bialik said. “I work in paper because I like its fragility and its place as our primary medium for telling and sharing stories across generations.”
The gallery at The MAIN is open for viewing during all events at The MAIN, as well as Tuesdays through Fridays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The MAIN is located at 24266 Main Street, Newhall 91321. For more information, please contact Pablo Cevallos at pcevallos@santa-clarita.com or visit AtTheMain.org.
For information regarding all city art happenings, please visit SantaClaritaArts.com.
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