The South Coast Air Quality Management District has issued a wildfire smoke advisory for Santa Clarita and the surrounding areas.
The advisory says that smoke will most heavily impact areas near and to the southwest of the fire. PM2.5 (which measures particles in the air) levels may reach the Unhealthy AQIcategory or higher in the San Gabriel Mountains, the I-5 Corridor near Castaic Lake, and Santa Clarita. The smoke may also impact areas along the coast in far western Los Angeles County, primarily west of Malibu.
Tonight and into Thursday morning smoke impacts may spread to include the San Gabriel Mountains, the I-5 Corridor near Castaic Lake, Santa Clarita, the San Fernando Valley, and coastal areas including Malibu and Pacific Palisades. PM2.5 levels may reach Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups AQIcategory or higher.
On Thursday smoke will most heavily impact areas near and to the southwest of the Hughes Fire including San Gabriel Mountains, the I-5 Corridor near Castaic Lake, and Santa Clarita. The smoke may also impact areas along the coast in far western Los Angeles County, primarily west of Malibu. PM2.5 levels will depend on fire activity, according to AQMD.
To those in the area:
-Limit your exposure by remaining indoors with windows and doors closed or seeking alternate shelter.
-Avoid vigorous physical activity.
-Run your air conditioning and/or an air purifier. If possible, do not use swamp coolers or whole house fans that bring in outside air.
-Avoid burning wood in your fireplace or firepit and minimize sources of indoor air pollution such as candles, incense, pan-frying, and grilling.
-If you must be outside, a properly fit N95 or P100 respirator may provide some protection.
For more information, visit the AQMD website.
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