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1877 - Newhall School District formed, upon petition of J.F. Powell and 47 others [story]
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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Jun 10, 2013

mug_joemessinaEver read or hear about the book, “Men Are From Mars, Woman Are From Venus?” I haven’t actually read it, but I have heard from enough people to have a basic grasp of the premise.

It basically lays out the differences between the sexes and how they complement each other. The book explains how to work from within those differences to live a great life together. It talks about the differences in the way each feel value. Men need to feel respected in order to accept the love from their wives, women need to know they are loved to give themselves totally into the relationship. Equal needs expressed in different ways coming together to make for a great relationship.

Pretty simple, equality. So let’s add some sand to this well-oiled machine.

The book was written 21 years ago. How times have changed. In order for real equality to be served, we need an updated, “Men Are From Mars and Other Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus and, Well, Other Women Are From Venus.”

The original book was hailed as a great work that helped millions of couples, but according to today’s “equalists,” the book is useless. The premise of the book is how to get the opposite sexes to relate to one another the way nature intended.  How not to see the differences as impediments but as catalysts to make the relationship more solid and how you have to have the differences for the relationship to flourish.

How does this work in a same-sex relationship? The original book falls apart and becomes useless.

Is nature confused? Are we confused? I say we are.

Recently, a man was charged with murder for giving his girlfriend a drug that caused her to have an abortion. She didn’t want to have one and told him she would raise the child alone; he didn’t need to be involved financially or physically. He didn’t want a child, nor did he want her to have it.

If the tables were turned and she didn’t want it but he did, and she had the abortion against his will, no murder charges would have been filed there.

Just to summarize: It’s a life if he objects to it and chooses to abort, but it’s a blob of cells if she objects and chooses to abort. Equality? And the “it’s her body” argument doesn’t hold up because it’s the baby’s body, too. You can’t have it both ways.

Recently, a young man was told he could not pray at the end of the commencement ceremony because one parent complained, citing that it was a public ceremony, paid for by tax dollars. He agreed not to pray. However, a few sentences into the speech, he started to recite the Lord’s Prayer, and to the surprise of that one parent, an overwhelming majority of the students joined in and recited it with him.

The prayer ended to thunderous applause, and 99 percent were quite happy. When the voice of one person outweighs the desire of the community as a whole, is that equality? I think not.

A New Hampshire high school graduate and recent boot camp graduate was barred from wearing his Marine Corps uniform in lieu of the traditional cap and gown. The young man had worked hard to make sure he had his credits done in time to leave early to go to boot camp, pass boot camp and get back for graduation. The school board, in my opinion, made a terrible mistake by not allowing him to do so. No reward for his hard work.

However, if he were a transvestite, would the board have allowed him to dress as a woman, wear the female gown, wig, high heels, and so on? I have seen some graduations where the rainbow colors were worn as a scarf or the gown itself. And this is equality? How?

Finally, based on a report by Britain’s Department for Education and Skills, some schools are no longer teaching about the Holocaust in history lessons so as not to offend Muslim students. The report, titled “Teaching Emotive and Controversial History,” also notes that teachers don’t teach about the crusades because it contradicts what is taught in local mosques.

Truth is truth. Why are they altering history? History is not always comfortable. In fact, it’s often ugly. But it’s also important not to forget it.

The Muslims, like the Christians, went around in the crusades and massacred people who would not convert. It’s true. It really happened. Millions of Jews were killed in the Holocaust. It’s true, and the fact that you’re offended doesn’t make it any less true.

In this case, they don’t want to offend Muslims, but accommodating Muslims, they offend the Jews. Equality? I think not.

It seems that equality is what some people – usually those on the political left – deem it to be, and everyone else can, well, go pound sand.

And so I say, equality for everyone? Not quite.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary normally publishes Mondays.


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  1. Brandyn LaFon says:

    The United States was founded upon SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. What we see is, societies with state church’s – the population becomes disinterested in it. In the United States religion is a business because it is deemed private enterprise. These institutions are free to advertise their nonsensical and anti-human ideas as much as they can.

    There is little to no psychological distinctions between men and women. So what is your main point in this article? Argue FOR the oppression of women and same sex couples? It’s possible you are projecting some closet feelings here.

    You should probably agree to give people their freaking rights instead of using a fallacy as an excuse to express your anger, confusion, and overall incompetent intuition of yourself and of human beings.

    • EJody says:

      Brandyn, I just don’t know where to start with your misinformation. Your remarks are emblematic of the Left saying whatever they want to further their agenda without bothering to either check the facts, or not caring they they are misrepresenting them.

      Please show me where the U.S. was founded on the “separation of church and state”– and what that actually means. Since you clearly don’t know, I will tell you (and other readers): The term is nowhere in our Constitution or Declaration of Independence (or Federalist Papers), and it only showed up quarter-century later when Thomas Jefferson referred to it in a letter to a group of Baptists– and the concept was designed to protect RELIGION from government intrusion– not the other way around. (And what part of “PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF” in the First Amendment do you not understand? : “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” )

      And I guess the whole “In God We Trust” thing is a myth?

      I don’t know what religions you are referring to as “anti-human”, but I can guess. You’ve had unpleasant experiences with some people in some religion(s) but I know you’ve not given it a fair shake. I see this every day. But if you’re going to call out God for being “anti-human” then I want DATA, not shouting. Let’s deal in facts and reality and not hate.

      And you TRULY believe there are little to no psychological differences between men and women?! What planet have YOU been living on? It did not require my graduate work in psychology/counseling (at a secular state university) to immediately recognize the VAST differences in the psychological makeup between men and women. Where do you GET this stuff?? Tens of thousands of peer-reviewed studies over many decades delineate these differences, and reasons for them.

      And try to re-read this article with your bias-glasses removed. Where is he suggesting oppression for ANYONE?

      Sorry– you don’t get to make up you own facts here. Not everyone is a low-information voter who believes anything that is shouted loud enough and long enough. I challenge you to become a critical thinker and stop letting emotions drive your worldview.

      Yes, we want our freaking rights. I want our government to stop telling me how I have to live my life: that I cannot follow my God and my scripture’s teachings on what is good and evil– I have to obey what homosexual activists say it is and embrace that; that I cannot follow what my scriptures and my God teach is good and evil regarding future involvement the Boy Scouts(I am and Eagle Scout) because they were bullied by homosexual activists filled with lies and misinformation; that I cannot follow what my scriptures and my God teach is good and evil regarding killing unborn children– I have to obey and embrace what pro-abortion rights people say it is; that I cannot make my own choices for healthcare– I have to obey what the government says is right for me and THEY will decide what is best for me when I am ill or dying; that I cannot have a free press who can say whatever they want without having the government threaten them and invade their privacy, trampling the 1st and 4th Amendments; that I cannot have freedom to associate with anyone I please without having the government through the IRS punish me for supporting agendas they dislike, trampling the 1st and 4th amendments; that I am constantly having my income increasingly “redistributed” to others who are choosing not to work; that we are constantly LIED to by people we elected and trusted to lead us, with NO ONE in their party having guts to hold them accountable (if there are any moral and ethical people in the Left) … yeah, WE WANT OUR FREAKING RIGHTS!!

      • Greyling says:

        What you want is a theocracy. You described it perfectly in your comment.

        Denying the reality of how the United States was actually founded is very Christian Reconstructionist.

        And very theocratic.

        You know who else is theocratic? The Taliban. Al Queda. Saudi Arabia. Pakistan.

        They would just love you.

      • Kevin says:

        Yes, In God We Trust…though your God, or at least the way you think you know God may differ from others:

        Feisal Abdul Rauf, a Muslim imam writes that the phrase “In God we trust” resonates with Islamic teaching, offering two verses from the Qur’an: “Our Lord, we have indeed heard a Crier calling to faith, saying ‘Trust in your Lord, so we have trusted…” (Quran 3:193) or “[The messenger and the believers] trust in God, in His Angels, His Scriptures, His Books and His Messengers…” (Quran 2:285).[24] Similarly, Melkote Ramaswamy, an Hindu American scholar, writes that the presence of the phrase “In God we trust” on American currency is a reminder that “there is God everywhere, whether we are conscious or not.”

        • Brandyn LaFon says:

          It’s not American currency. It’s the Federal Reserves currency, a private central bank. Question your confirmation bias’, please.

    • Kevin says:

      With regard to separation of Church and State:

      Given the wide diversity of opinion on Christian theological matters in the newly independent American States, the Constitutional Convention believed a government sanctioned (established) religion would disrupt rather than bind the newly formed union together. George Washington wrote a letter in 1790 to the country’s first Jewish congregation, the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island to state:
      “Allowing rights and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it were by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.[12]
      There were also opponents to the support of any established church even at the state level. In 1773, Isaac Backus, a prominent Baptist minister in New England, observed that when “church and state are separate, the effects are happy, and they do not at all interfere with each other: but where they have been confounded together, no tongue nor pen can fully describe the mischiefs that have ensued.” Thomas Jefferson’s influential Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was enacted in 1786, five years before the Bill of Rights.

  2. Greyling says:

    Oh noes! SCVTV has been hacked by a Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/Pat Robertson warped, hate-filled, racist, homophobic, misogynistic bigot who claims to be just like Jesus!

    It’s like Talibangelical Tourettes.

    Fact-checking the anti-Muslim rant alone is enough to alert the management of this serious offense: http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/holocaust.asp

    • EJody says:

      Please… no remarks or editorials from anyone unless you fully support the extreme Left agenda. We MUST stop others from presenting their views, especially if it might require one of us to be intellectually honest. THAT CAN RUIN THE LEFT! IT MUST BE STOPPED!

      • Greyling says:

        Criticism is not censorship. Criticism is an essential part of freedom of speech.

        Questioning and debate are not censorship.

        Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. They are NOT entitled to their own facts.

        Hyperbolic fear-mongering Limbaugh/Beck/Robertson style is not factual, is dangerous, and should be discouraged. There is nothing real about it. It serves no purpose but to push emotional buttons in fearful people to get them to toe the party line.

        If you resent criticism this much, Ejody, maybe you need to rethink what you are doing and supporting that invites this criticism.

  3. nancy g says:

    Your info about British schools eliminating teaching about the Holocaust is erroneous. Make sure your examples are correct before using them.

  4. Greyling says:

    This Joe Messina is a “Christian” Reconstructionist, a cult whose goal is to do away with democracy and replace it with biblical law in an authoritarian theocracy.


    And the SCVTV endorses this anti-American agenda.

    • Brandyn LaFon says:

      What democracy? ;) lol

    • Ejody says:

      Please show where Mr. Messina is wanting a theocracy. And where SCVTV endorses this.

      No free speech allowed unless you are on the Left.

      • Greyling says:

        Criticism is not censorship.

        No one has prevented you or Joe Messina from expressing yourselves freely.

        Read what Messina advocates in everything he says and does, including this column. And it is in perfect alignment with Christian Reconstructionism.

        The SCVTV publishing Messina’s commentaries, and giving him a weekly column to espouse his reconstructionist views, is an endorsement.

  5. Kevin says:

    Why would SCV News even publish this crap! This publication should stick more to balanced stories and get more in tune with its community. Obviously, SCV News has an “agenda.”

    • SCVNews.com says:

      We have 2 weekly Republican columnists and 2 weekly Democratic columnists. We don’t care what they say, as long as they don’t get us sued.

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