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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Feb 17, 2014

joemessinamugEver notice that when you strike up a conversation about faith or make faith remarks in front of those ignorant to faith, they either chuckle or make some snide remark? No, it doesn’t happen every time, but most of the time, it does.

Every Friday on my radio show I do a segment called “Faith Fridays” where I speak about issues of various faiths, from what they believe to how they operate. It’s been a regular thing for almost three years now, and it’s a listener favorite. I bring in experts and people practicing their religion. I can talk about Buddhists, Spiritualists, Rastafarians and even Jews and Muslims with little or no blowback. But if I mention that a Christian has been persecuted or make a comment about what atheists have to look forward to after death, Twitter lights up like I’ve stuck these guys with a red-hot poker in the eye.

One particular Friday, I covered the story about the lesbian couple who made their debut in a popular Disney Channel show. I stated there was no warning, no show teasers, nothing to let parents know what was coming. In my opinion, that was the wrong thing for Disney to do.

Many religious parents who don’t approve of that lifestyle are blindsided by this kind of thing all the time through other avenues. With the Disney Channel, because they have always had traditional values in family shows, religious parents were lulled into a false sense of security when that changed.

Well, you would have thought I asked people to skin cats alive in the town square. Between the Disney story and our Tweet asking for people to call in with their religious stories, the phones lit up like never before and Producer Tammy took about 30 calls in 30 minutes. Most said they wanted to talk about Christian bullying or tell their story. The games had begun.

People said they were calling in from all over the world, laying out stories to get them on the air to share their religious epiphany, outrage, confusion, you name it. Nearly every one of them was a prank call. Sometime after about the fifth caller, I made a statement that this is exactly how the left operates. For some reason it seems they cannot disagree in conversation without being nasty and resorting to disrupting the flow of conversation. It’s the equivalent of tipping the game board over when you realize you’re losing and have no chance of winning.

The next caller tried to call me on the carpet and asked me why I thought all of these calls were coming from left-leaning people. That was an easy one, and I don’t have a high IQ. It’s simply because I have yet to hear any right-wing conservatives calling liberal radio shows and tell them how “f—ing stupid” they are for believing in God or that Christians don’t have to follow Christ to be Christians, or that Christians don’t have to read the Bible to be Christians. So I can be a heart surgeon by studying computer science? Or maybe a plumber by studying auto mechanics? Sure makes sense to me. I have yet to hear right-wing conservatives simply calling with the intended purpose to disrupt a liberal show.

Why point a finger at the left? Because they have great role models and examples by which to learn from: Pelosi, Reid, Weiner, Jackson Lee, Rangel. Should I go on? They’ve taken name-calling and distraction techniques to a new high. Yes, I heard over and over again how Christians were bullies and “stupid” for believing in a higher being. These fools only come out in force when I discuss faith.

When I listen to left-leaning radio shows, as I do to get ready for my show, I have yet to hear the right do the things that were done to me, and others like me, on the show this past Friday.

People made up stories – I mean, lied – to get on and then started with the foul language or playing loud, nasty music during the call. How mature. How enlightened. How proud they must feel. Some called in to show me they could make fun of Jesus to my face. Unlike other hosts, and to the irritation of some of my listeners, I let them go on until they used foul language and then cut them off. I wanted people to hear the default fallback position of the left.

Why can’t the left have an open and non-foul-mouthed, spoiled-brat response when they start losing the argument? It’s almost like they never grew up or feel like they are owed something. And anyone who disagrees with them gives them license to act immature and stupid.

Hey. You on the left who subscribe to these tactics … why don’t you take that education you received on wasted taxpayer money and actually try to do something good? Have a real, open, non-juvenile, adult conversation with someone on the right. Get an idea about how they think as a person, not just talking points. And if you really believe you’re right, try to sway them with good conversation. Or is that too much for you to do?

I guess if you are using Harry Reid’s playbook as your guide, then you are right on. Keep up the good work. Friday’s show proved me to be 100 percent correct. Most young, hard-left progressives have nothing to fight with but nasty conversation and demeaning words.

Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also a member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Awwwww, little Joey got hurt. Man up, it’s a radio show.

  2. Funny I find it opposite of what he says. Right wing radio is nasty and hateful and they are masters at name calling just watch five minutes of Fox News if you can stomach it. This guy likes to play victim poor thing.

  3. Funny I find it opposite of what he says. Right wing radio is nasty and hateful and they are masters at name calling just watch five minutes of Fox News if you can stomach it. This guy likes to play victim poor thing.

  4. Nicole Frey says:

    Is that worse than homophobic and self righteous? Nice spin job.

  5. Nicole Frey says:

    Is that worse than homophobic and self righteous? Nice spin job.

  6. J. Schwartz says:

    To the passage, “I can talk about Buddhists, Spiritualists, Rastafarians and even Jews and Muslims with little or no blowback,” my original response was, My how impressively enlightened of you and your audience. As I thought more about the tone and yes, the slant if the op-ed piece I concluded your response to be less enlightened than the group (or one individual judging from the tactics used). I question the effectiveness if not the motive of your producer for allowing those particular calls to be aired; it seems like to me at least these were allowed in order to support your ad hoc attack on anyone to your left and justify your reasoning of lumping anyone in that viewpoint of wearing the same tin foil hats. Too bad your piece took this paranoid slant because your original topic was an interesting one but got lost under all the anger.

  7. On liberals that are offended by his radio show:

    “why don’t you use that education you received on wasted taxpayer money and actually try to do something good?”

    What am I reading? This is a leader in our community?

  8. On liberals that are offended by his radio show:

    “why don’t you use that education you received on wasted taxpayer money and actually try to do something good?”

    What am I reading? This is a leader in our community?

  9. DaveR says:

    “What was the question?” -Irwin Corey, PhD

  10. Spot on. Keep up the good work Mr. Messina. I’ll have to tune in next week.

  11. I’m confused by what Joe considers “traditional values in family shows”. Most Disney shows feature single parents and blended families. Where is Zak and Cody’s dad anyways? Well, as long as he’s straight it doesn’t matter?

    Would be nice if every time a same-sex couple were about to appear, on TV or in real life, a warning alarm would sound so that you could hide your kids, right?

  12. What does this have to do with Benghazi?

  13. Lee Morrell says:

    You received 30 calls in 30 minutes, all of them prank calls? What, no real callers called? What does that tell you about your show, your listeners and your engaged listeners? Precisely…time to hang it up, Joe.

  14. Lynn Vogel says:

    A member of the Hart School Board feels that our tax dollars are being ‘wasted’ on education…hmmmm. Doesn’t sound like someone who really cares about our students education, IMO.

  15. Lisa says:

    Have you possibly considered that there are people that are neither “left”or “right” that choose to make comments for their 15 seconds of fame? Perhaps if you stopped with the blatant labeling, Joe, you might find that in general you have intelligent people, ignorant people, compassionate people, and selfish people. Their affiliation has nothing to do with any of this. Give the whole “it’s the left” cry a rest.

  16. Another article that starts from a false premise by extrapolating one instance of something objectionable and falsely claiming it happens “most of the time”, and ultimately concludes everyone on “the left (has) an open and non-foul-mouthed, spoiled-brat response when they start losing the argument”. Man Joe it must be miserable in that world you’ve chosen to live in – I feel for you!

  17. Jody says:

    Most of the remarks here simply fortify Messina’s contention. They are ad hominem attacks on him and do not address the issues he brings up.

    These are his observations from his experience, and I am guessing that not one person here even heard the show, yet are labeling him a liar or wild over-exaggerator with little substance in his observations.

    Anyone comparing hatred from many on the left to Fox News simply betrays their ignorance and blinding bias. Fox News is unashamedly conservative, but they consistently and frequently (daily) invite Liberals on their programs and respectfully give them the opportunity to share their views, then engaging in genuine debate on the FACTS. Find me a Left-Wing counterpart that even comes close.

    And find me a truly foul-mouthed conservative talkshow. I can give you dozens on the left. Many dozens. It would be great if we all played by the same rules and the playing field was even, but it isn’t and never will be.

    Fact is, many on the Left play by completely different rules. Their worldview is different, definitions of right and wrong are different, good and evil (if there even IS evil), what is healthy and what is unhealthy. They are greatly and constantly affected by culture and its changing norms, mores, and values. There is no “baseline” for what is right; it changes like the winds.

    If you are going to claim to be the Voice of Tolerance, The True Voice of Reason, then a good start would be to ACT that way. Personal attack, obscenities, DEMANDING that everyone embrace homosexuality as normal and healthy does not become you. And whatever “good” causes you truly do try to advance are corrupted by those in your midst who attack others while you tolerate– or even embrace– them.

    Thankfully not all Liberals are mean-spirited, intolerant, personally attacking conservatives from their feelings instead of respectfully engaging in fact-based dialogue. Those are Liberals I can be friends with, and am friends with. Iron sharpening iron.

    To the rest of you, feel free to attack me here.
    It’s the new normal. But it is ugly and hurtful to our republic– including you and your progeny.

  18. Kris K says:

    My comment is purely based on the Disney Channel issue. No tv channel will ever promote a show and highlight the sexual orientation of the characters. His comment in the article seems a bit naive if he feels the Disney Channel should say watch our show and FYI the characters are gay. Won’t happen. Religion really has nothing to do with what Disney will do. I will say good job Disney for recognizing that being gay is a part of the world we live in and having openly gay characters on their show.

  19. I’m proud to be a liberal we are compassionate people who want the best for people. Liberal is not a dirty word.

  20. Does anyone know the date this show aired? (J’s show- not the Disney show)

  21. Erin says:

    It was ‘Good Luck Charlie’ – http://asdresmersdo.com and you will see Joe’s stand-up RIGHT made death threats against the youngest actress on said Disney show.

    So while our school board member is complaining that his wife/producer couldn’t screen calls properly a child actor in Los Angeles was being threatened because her character had a play date with a child with two Moms.

    I’m sorry but it’s time this homophobe resigns from the school board. His hate speech isn’t what our community is all about- unless the Hart District thinks otherwise?

  22. Byron says:

    I read your article and as much as you chastise the “left” by the action of the few you are doing the same thing you are accusing the “left” are doing to the “right”. Meaning making assumption that the action of a few (callers on your show) speak for the entire group of people that may not agree with your positions. Also when either side use such broad languate as “left” or “right” it is so vague you allow your readers to make assumptions and take sides in general as oppose to take sides on detailed issues. Now I agree your right to request Disney or any station to have certain warnings of content they will be showing but again they are a for profit entity that does things based on profits. Now what are you advocating that further government regulations dictate to for profit companies must have a warning about same sex lifestyle? Come on bigger government?? I guess you and others can protest by not watching the channel or buy their products and see if that will have an influence on how they structure their programs. Now I personally believe that lifestyle is okay and if I didn’t then I would speak to my children and let them know my opinion and expose them before they are exposed by tv programs. Be involved and have faith that your belief will out weigh what they may see on TV. Now on another subject in many instances the “right” (and yes I am using that word) or those minority who claim to be on the “right” have killed people of same sex couples, killed others who do not “believe” in what they believe in the name of God. Many people hiding behind religion use this to justify their actions. Now I am not a religious expert but I can’t believe God or the higher being you believe in would approve. Many of your points in your article have holes in the reasoning.

  23. DaveR says:

    If you take your trusty old copy of Mein Kampf off the dusty shelf and change everywhere it says “Jew” to “Liberal”, you have the script for the radical right wingers and their plan to turn the USA into a theocratic hellscape.

    They have been slowly brainwashing the American People (and actually making them dumber in the process) since November 1964. More people believe in the supernatural than ever. We are sheep, rudely jostling for a good view of the slaughter.

  24. My brand of family values involves a family that loves and supports each other, and a society that values loving families. It amazes me that people can denigrate others in the name of “family values.”

    Honestly, the thing I’d rather protect my son from is the sort of intolerance you espouse. The Jesus Christ I learned about in Sunday School talked about loving our neighbors, not casting stones, and not pronouncing judgments when we ourselves are all sinners. And all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord.

  25. Hi Joe, Interesting column. Remember a few months ago when you and B.J. Atkins openly took on Bob Haueter, ON TV, and asked him to resign? That certainly showed that there is huge difference of view within the Republican Party, or the “local right”. It is certainly the same among Democrats, or “the left”. In San Fernando Valley, there are 45 Democratic Clubs. The reason is because of different viewpoints. There is no such entity as “the left”, just as there is no such entity as “the right”. The examples of differences within both “groups” are overwhelming in number. The final point is that it would be foolish to extrapolate anonymous callers behavior beyond what they are, which is anonymous callers. As far as nasty, hateful speech and behavior from those on the right (what ever that is), just take a look and listen for yourself. You cannot avoid it and will find it in profusion.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Hi Joe, Interesting column. Remember a few months ago when you and B.J. Atkins openly took on Bob Haueter, ON TV, and asked him to resign? That certainly showed that there is huge difference of view within the Republican Party, or the “local right”. It is certainly the same among Democrats, or “the left”. In San Fernando Valley, there are 45 Democratic Clubs. The reason is because of different viewpoints. There is no such entity as “the left”, just as there is no such entity as “the right”. The examples of differences within both “groups” are overwhelming in number. The final point is that it would be foolish to extrapolate anonymous callers behavior beyond what they are, which is anonymous callers. As far as nasty, hateful speech and behavior from those on the right (what ever that is), just take a look and listen for yourself. You cannot avoid it and will find it in profusion.

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