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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 25
1889 - Castaic School District established [story]
Castaic siding

CIF- Southern Section OK’s Return of High School Cross-Country Competition
Monday, Feb 1, 2021

Nearly two weeks after announcing its decision to cancel its fall sports championships, California Interscholastic Federation-Southern Section officials announced Monday the return of high school cross-country competitions. Boys and girls cross-country competitions returned last week, officials announced...

Two-Vehicle Collision Leads to Downed Traffic Light
Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020

A two-vehicle crash took down a traffic light in Santa Clarita late Tuesday morning. Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel responded to reports of a traffic collision near the intersection of Wiley Canyon Road and Tournament Road at around 11 a.m., according to spokesman Henry Narvaez. “There...

Santa Clarita City Council Wants ‘Greater Transparency’ from County on Indoor Malls
Monday, Oct 12, 2020

Santa Clarita City Council members want “greater transparency” and “consistent guidance” from Los Angeles County in its handling of indoor shopping mall reopenings, citing concerns over potential future closures and conditions that may further hinder businesses from fully recovering. Their...

Kaiser Opens COVID-19 Drive-up Testing for its Members
Wednesday, Mar 25, 2020

As part of its response plan to combat the novel coronavirus, Kaiser Permanente has opened drive-up testing sites for its members who have met the necessary criteria, officials said. Kaiser will not disclose details of their pilot “drive-up” test centers but they have opened at many locations in...

Jan. 9: Santa Clarita Arts Commission to Share 2020 Priorities, Plans
Wednesday, Jan 8, 2020

The Santa Clarita Arts Commission is expected to review Thursday the art exhibit schedule for 2020, which includes a section designated for nonprofit organizations to showcase their work in a local community space. This year, seven locations across the city will have a handful of exhibits and feature...

Candidates Officially In for State Senate, Assembly Races
Monday, Dec 16, 2019

It’s official. The deadline for candidates to file for a state Senate or Assembly race in California passed, as the March 3 primary approaches. In the race for the 21st Senate District, which represents communities in the Antelope, Santa Clarita and Victor valleys, a total of five candidates filed...

YMCA-Hosted Student Debate Discusses ‘Ghost’ Guns
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2019

Every year, local teens from the Santa Clarita Valley YMCA’s Youth and Government chapter gather at the start of the school year and discuss current issues in hopes of fighting for and passing a bill they write through a model legislature in Sacramento. This year’s top issue “hit close to home,”...

Judge Expedites Hearing on City Motion to Inspect Canyon View Solar Panels
Monday, Dec 9, 2019

In the ongoing legal battle about the 2.5 acres of solar panels on a Canyon Country hillside, a Los Angeles County judge granted Santa Clarita’s request Monday to expedite a hearing on whether the city will be allowed to inspect the Canyon View Mobile Home Estates property containing the solar energy...

Suspicious Envelope Prompts Evacuation of Hill’s Palmdale Office
Monday, Nov 4, 2019

The Palmdale office of former Rep. Katie Hill, D-Agua Dulce, was evacuated Monday afternoon after a suspicious envelope was delivered to the two-story building. First responders arrived at the 1000 block of West Avenue M 14 at around 12:03 p.m. for “a hazmat incident at a congressional office,”...

Santa Clarita Aims at State Housing Goals
Friday, Aug 23, 2019

Santa Clarita has seen significant trends in its housing market and population demands over the last 20 years, and with a continued need for expansion across California cities, the time has come to update its housing production goals in order to comply with state requirements. There are currently more...

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
1889 - Castaic School District established [story]
Castaic siding
The MAIN will host "Songs from the Saddle" during the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, a foot-stompin’, heartstring-pullin’ celebration of the West in song and verse.
April 13: ‘Songs From the Saddle’ at the MAIN
Our Community Salutes of Santa Clarita and the Kiwanis Club of Santa Clarita will host an enlistee recognition ceremony at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 17 at Golden Valley High School Theater, to honor the 2025 high school seniors and families who will serve in the U.S. armed services.
May 17: Our Community Salutes, Kiwanis Club to Host Enlistee Recognition Ceremony
The MAIN and Dig Deep Theatre will present the theatrical production "This is Our Youth," weekends beginning Friday, April 18-27 at The MAIN, 24266 Main St., Newhall, CA 91321.
The MAIN, Dig Deep Theatre Present ‘This is Our Youth’
More than 60 Double-crested Cormorant eggs and chicks were rescued from a failing tree in Marina del Rey and are now receiving intensive care at the nonprofit International Bird Rescue’s Los Angeles Wildlife Center, thanks to a coordinated effort between the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors and Bird Rescue.
Cormorant Chicks Rescued by L.A. County DBH, Bird Rescue
The city of Santa Clarita has announced the release of the fourth episode of Santa Clarita Voices, the city’s official podcast that highlights the stories, experiences and conversations from city leaders, businesses and organizations.
Santa Clarita Voices Episode Four Released
The Master's University track and field squads competed in two weekend meets, at the UCLA Bob Larsen Classic on Friday, March 21, and at the Westmont Collegiate Classic on Saturday, March 22.
Two Times the Fun for TMU Track
The Master's University men's volleyball team welcomed the NCAA Division III Hobart College Statesmen for the first time on Bross Court in The MacArthur Center, getting a three-set win in the process on Friday, March 21.
TMU Gets Non-Conference Win Over Hobart
The Master's University baseball team made the road trip to Prescott, Ariz. to play a doubleheader against Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, taking a 12-2 loss and a 14-6 win Friday afternoon, March 21.
Mustangs Split Doubleheader Against Eagles
Logix Federal Credit Union partnered with the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco to support local relief and recovery efforts in response to the devastating wildfires in Southern California.
Logix, FHLBank Match Donations to Support SoCal Wildfire Relief
Spring is fast approaching and the moment we’ve all been waiting for is right around the corner.
Ken Striplin | Step Back in Time to the Wild West at the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival
The city of Santa Clarita Film Office has released the list of 10 productions filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, March 24 to Saturday, March 29.
March 24-29: 10 Productions Filming in SCV
1922 - Wyatt Earp's wife thanks William S. Hart for defending her husband's honor [story]
Wyatt Earp story
1886 - Film director Robert N. Bradbury born in Washington state; launched John Wayne's career in Placerita Canyon [watch]
Blue Steel
Jack Lilley, renowned Hollywood stuntman and long-time Santa Clarita Valley resident, died Wednesday, March 19, he was 91. Lilley was enshrined on the Newhall Walk of Western Stars in 2008.
Jack Lilley, Hollywood Stuntman, Dies at 91
1875 - Construction begins on San Fernando Railroad Tunnel [story]
San Fernando Railroad Tunnel
Join the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce for the April Business After Hours Mixer on Wednesday, April 16 at Sand Canyon Country Club.
April 16: SCV Chamber After Hours Mixer at Sand Canyon Country Club
The Santa Clarita Community College District Board of Trustees will hold a special joint meeting with the Associated Student Government on Wednesday, March 26, beginning at 2 p.m.
March 26: COC Board Holds Joint Meeting with ASG
On Saturday, April 5, the College of the Canyons Department for Early Childhood Education will host ‘Play Day’ as part of the nationally celebrated Week of the Young Child, which is sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
April 5: College of the Canyons to Host Free Children’s Play Day
Get ready to step back in time and immerse yourself in the spirit of the Old West at The MAIN in Old Town Newhall.
Saddle Up for a Wild West Experience at The MAIN
The 2024 Volunteer Impact Report has been released by the city of Santa Clarita reflecting the impact that volunteers have on life in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Santa Clarita 2024 Volunteer Impact Annual Report
As part of the city of Santa Clarita Playground Replacement program, Begonias Lane Park playground was identified for replacement in fiscal year 2024-25.
City Asks Residents for Input on Begonias Lane Park Playground
“The Descent,” the second full-length feature film produced by The Master’s University, is now available for streaming on Tubi.
TMU Releases Student Feature Film ‘The Descent’