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March 19
1875, 1:35PM - Outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez hanged in San Jose [story]
Tiburcio Vasquez

The William S. Hart Union High School District has been awarded $1.3 million in ongoing Career Technical Education funding from the state and an additional $1.6 million from a one-time grant.

The on-going funding will continue to support CTE programs for students in grades 7-12. There are 76 high school pathway programs and 26 junior high exploratory programs that range from manufacturing to video production to culinary arts.

“It means on-going sustainability of pathway programs at the Hart District into perpetuity,” said Dr. Mariane Doyle, director of career technical and adult education. “The Hart District has graciously supported CTE out of the general fund. These dollars from the state match the district’s investment.”

More than 80 percent of all of the District’s high school graduates take at least one pathway course.

The $1.6 million one-time grant is from the Strong Workforce Program funded by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.

This grant will support the development of the Santa Clarita Valley Career Technical Education Consortium, which allows collaborative work between local education partners that include the Hart District, College of the Canyons, Castaic Middle School, iLEAD Charter School, and Mission View Charter School. This ensures the development and implementation of high-quality career pathways throughout our community.

“Collaboration is key to developing and sustaining career education programs that lead to post-secondary training, education, and careers,” Dr. Doyle said. “This grant supports us taking our work at the Hart District to a community-wide level and that is an exciting direction for Santa Clarita students.”

Additionally, these one-time funds will be used by the Hart District to further develop career exploration opportunities for students ranging from grade seven through adult education.

The annual College & Career Fair can now be expanded to include all secondary students in grades 7-12. Plus, Parent University, which guides parents to find appropriate career pathways for their students and how best to use them, will allow for outreach to the elementary districts.

For more information regarding the Hart District’s Career and College Readiness Program, please visit www.PathwayToMyFuture.org.

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