Work along the I-5 corridor in Burbank continues and will include nighttime lane reductions and the closing of the Verdugo Avenue off-ramp during the week of Aug. 15 to Aug. 18.
Northbound I-5 will be reduced to one or two lanes at night between Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way starting Monday night, Aug. 15, through Thursday night, Aug. 18. All lanes will reopen by 6 a.m. each morning. The schedule is subject to change.
The Southbound I-5 Verdugo Avenue off-ramp will be closed at 8 p.m. on one or more nights between Monday, Aug. 15, and Thursday, Aug. 18. The off-ramp will reopen by 5 a.m. each morning. Commuters who use the Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station are advised to be aware of this planned closure. A detour will be posted when the ramp is closed. The schedule is subject to change.
Work listed below will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise noted. The schedule is weather-permitting and subject to change.
City Street Repair and Improvements:
At multiple locations in Burbank along the I-5 corridor, crews have completed new asphalt overlay on streets and new curb and gutter construction. Crews are continuing construction of curb ramps compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and installation of lane striping on the new asphalt overlay. Locations are shown on the map below.
Curb and gutter construction on San Fernando Boulevard between Lincoln Street and Ontario Street; Victory Place between Maria Street and the Burbank Animal Shelter north of Lake Street; Verdugo Avenue at the I-5 bridge; and Bonnywood Place between Providencia Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue/Bonnywood Place.
Pavement grinding and new asphalt overlay on San Fernando Boulevard northwest of Buena Vista Street; San Fernando Boulevard southeast of Buena Vista Street; Buena Vista Street between San Fernando Boulevard and the Northbound I-5 on-ramp; Buena Vista Street south of San Fernando Boulevard; San Fernando Boulevard between Grismer Avenue and the Northbound I-5 ramps; Empire Avenue between Maria Street and Keystone Street; Victory Place between Old Empire Avenue and Maria Street; Victory Place south of Empire Avenue; Verdugo Avenue at the I-5 bridge and Alameda Avenue from east of the Northbound I-5 ramps to west of the Southbound I-5 ramps.
ADA-compliant curb ramps on San Fernando Boulevard at Buena Vista Street and on Empire Avenue at Valpreda Street.

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