As part of Santa Clarita Valley Water’s mission to provide reliable water supplies of high-quality water at a reasonable cost, the Agency regularly evaluates the cost of providing service to confirm that expenses are balanced with revenue so that it can adequately address system operations, maintenance and updates, meet government regulations and maintain financial stability.
As such, SCV Water recently released its Proposition 218 notice, pursuant to California Constitution Article XIII D. Under the terms of the proposition, SCV Water is required to notify all property owners or customers of record about the proposed changes to property-related fees, such as water service.
“Customers who may be impacted by these changes are receiving the notice and are encouraged to attend the workshops to learn more about the proposed rate changes and ask questions,” said SCV Water Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Rochelle Patterson.
Two Virtual Community Workshops
SCV Water will host two virtual community workshops, via Zoom, that will discuss the proposed water rate changes for Fiscal Years 2025/26 through 2029/30.
Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 6-7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5 at 6-7p.m.
Each session will be given the same presentation. Participants do not need to attend both sessions but are encouraged to pick one.
The presentation will cover:
Proposed changes to Water Usage Charges, Fixed Charges, Legacy Debt Charges and Private Fire Charges
Factors driving the proposed adjustments
How these adjustments could affect monthly bills
Opportunities to ask questions, provide input and feedback and participate in the decision-making process
Participants will gain a better understanding of the rate-setting process and how they can provide input before the SCV Water Board of Directors vote on the proposed changes on April 1. During the workshops, customers will also have an opportunity to ask questions of SCV Water’s Ratepayer Advocate. All members of the public are encouraged to attend a workshop and the April 1 public hearing.
Visit for Zoom login information prior to each scheduled workshop. Both public workshops will be recorded and available to view on the website.
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