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1876 - California oil industry born as CSO No. 4 in Pico Canyon becomes state's first commercially productive oil well [story]
Pico No. 4

Saugus Union School District officeThe Saugus Union School District has set a regular meeting of the Governing Board for Tuesday, September 19, in District headquarters’ Board Room.

A closed session is slated to start at 6 p.m. and the public meeting starts at 7:30.

The complete agenda follows:


I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
The President announces in Open Session
I.C. Closed Session
I.C.1. Government Code Section 54957.6: Labor Negotiations Negotiating Parties: Saugus Teachers Association/California School Employees Association, Chapter 112/Unrepresented Employees and Saugus Union School District. Negotiator: Superintendent or Designee
I.C.2. Government Codes Section 54957: Personnel Issues
I.C.3. Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation, Santa Clarita 95, LLC v. Saugus Union School District (Case No. PC057478)
I.D. Closed Session Ended
I.E. Convene to Public Session
I.F. Pledge of Allegiance 
I.G. Report of Closed Session Action
I.H. Approve Agenda for September 19, 2017
I.I. Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board for September 5, 2017

Meeting Minutes 9-5-17
II.A. Recognition 
II.A.1. West Creek Academy – Leslie Powell
II.B. Board/Cabinet Reports
II.C. Saugus Teachers Association (STA)
II.D. California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 112
II.E. Saugus Administrators Association (SAA)
II.F. Representative from the Child Development Programs
II.G. Representatives from Parent Leader Organizations 
II.H. Representatives from School Site Councils
II.I. Questions regarding Agenda Items
II.J. Advanced written requests to address the Board regarding agenda and non-agenda items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
[State law prevents the Board from acting on any matter not listed on the agenda, or from discussing any such matter in any detail. Speakers must have submit their “Advance Request to Address the Board” prior to the start of the meeting, should limit their comments to a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker, 20 minutes per topic, and should only expect the Board to take their comments under advisement for possible future discussion and/or action.]

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Trustee has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves the items at one time.
III.A. Removal of items from the Consent Calendar 
III.B. Approval of items removed from the Consent Calendar 
III.C. Approval of Consent Calendar 
III.E.1. Commercial Warrants

Commercial Warrant Register 8-23-17 through 9-5-17
Commercial Warrant Register Description
III.E.2. Active Purchase Orders

Active Purchase Orders Report
III.E.3. Gifts & Donations to the District 

Gifts & Donations 9-19-17
III.E.4. Ratification – Reimbursement Agreement (RA) # 2017-18-2

This Reimbursement Agreement serves to acknowledge that the District will reimburse property owners the difference between the Level III and Level II fee amounts once the District receives state funding for said project.


On September 7, the Board adopted resolution 2016-17 #18 authorizing the imposition of Alternative School Facility Fees, also known as Level II and Level III fees on all new residential construction within the district.  The Level III Fee is intended to represent one hundred percent (100%) of a school district’s school facility costs and may be imposed when the State Allocation Board (SAB) is no longer apportioning State Funding. On November 1, the SAB sent notification that it is no longer apportioning State Funding therefore triggering our ability to levy Level III fees. The District intends to impose Level III fees until State Funding is available for school facilities.

At the January 17, 2017 Board Meeting, the Governing Board approved the Reimbursement Agreement Document with the understanding that the agreement(s) would then come back to the Governing Board for ratification.

Reimbursement Agreement RA # 2017-18-2
III.E.5. Change Order #1 to Dave Bang Associates, Inc., (Saugus Contract # 17-18-011) for replacement of sand with rubberized surfacing in the Childcare Development Programs yards at Rio Vista ES and Cedarcreek ES

This project will need to be completed over fall break and will need a contract extension date from August 10, 2017 to October 10, 2017.
Dave Bang Associates, Inc. CO # 1 17-18-011
III.E.6. Ratification/Approval of Art Programs/Workshops/Assemblies with Santa Clarita Community College, PAC K-12 Arts Education Program

Historically, the parent groups at our school sites have supplemented the instruction program with additional programs, workshops, and assemblies.  Many of the parent groups have signed agreements with the Santa Clarita Community College District, PAC K-12 Arts Education Programs. These programs happen during the school day and are the responsibility of the District. District knowledge of how these agreements worked happened well after many of the agreements were in place for the 2017-2018 school year so we planned to make changes to this process before next school year. Some parent groups voiced their preference of the District taking responsibility for the contracts this year. The District will sign and process these agreement confirmations, pay the invoices, and then send invoices to the parent groups that have agreed to fund the programs, workshops, and/or assemblies.
PAC K-12 Programs
III.F.1. Personnel Report 17/18-5

Personnel Report 9-19-17
III.G.1. Conference Attendance Report

Conference Attendance Report 9-19-17
III.G.2. 2017-2018 NNAT3 (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) Online Licenses

The following renewal for the online NNAT3 (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test) GATE Testing Program, for grade three students and any new enrollees identified for testing by the classroom teacher or at parent request, for the 2017-18 school year.  This quote is being presented to the Governing Board for information.  This program has been clearly specified in the board approved LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan), Goal 1 Action 9, for 2017-18.
Per Student Licensing  Fee = $9.95
Purchasing 1,200 licenses.  Total invoice not to exceed- $12,000.00
NNAT3 Online Licenses
III.G.3. Los Angeles County Zoo – Santa Clarita Elementary

Santa Clarita Elementary is requesting permission for their third grade students to participate in a field trip to the Los Angeles County Zoo in Los Angeles, California on October 12, 2017. Bus expenses and entrance fees will be covered by their  Parent/Teacher Club.

Third grade students will study different biomes and habitats around the world as well as the various flora and fauna found in each biome and the many ways they have adapted in order to survive. This trip correlates to the third grade standards in science.

SC Zoo Field Trip
III.G.4. Discovery Cube – North Park Elementary

The first grade class of North Park Elementary School is planning to attend a field trip on January 18, 2018, to the Discovery Cube located at 10800 Foothill Blvd., Los Angeles, 91342, pending Board approval.  The trip is funded by a donation from the PTA.
NP Discovery Cube
III.G.5. Ratification of The Help Group, Inc. – Camp Sunshine, Bridgeport, Coldwater Canyon Preparatory, Pacific, Sunrise School for Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Summit View, Village Glen, and Young Learners Preschool for Autism Schools (Saugus Master Contract # 17-18-244 – Approved August 1, 2017) ISA #17-18-244-2A SSID# 7687611652 Estimated Cost $70,378.03 (Increased to include individual counseling as per student’s IEP) 

Special Education:

Master non-public school contract is valid July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.  Contractor will provide special education and/or related services to students with exceptional needs per Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).  Future ISAs will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for ratification following student placement by IEP team.  Total cost of contract not to exceed $150,000.

Total expenditures to date:    $7,5074.20  

Total ISAs:   2  

The Help Group 17-18-244
III.G.6. Colleen Rosales, RTC (Recreation Therapy) Saugus Contract # 17-18-262, ISA # 17-18-262-1 SSID #6187609664 Estimated Cost $2,142.70, ISA # 17-18-262-2 SSID #7787423441 Estimated Cost $853.74, ISA # 17-18-262-3 SSID #6682937040 Estimated Cost $1,797.13, ISA # 17-18-262-4 SSID #7560563714 Estimated Cost $1,891.92 

Special Education:

Contract is valid September 20, 2017 through June 30, 2018.  Contractor will provide special education recreation therapy for students with exceptional needs per Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).  Future Individual Services Agreements (ISAs) will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for ratification following student placement by IEP team.  Master contract not to exceed $7,000.

Total ISAs:   4   

Colleen Rosales, RTC (Recreation Therapy) 17-18-262
III.G.7. Innovative Speech Pathways (Saugus Contract # 17-18-264), ISA # 17-18-264-1 SSID # 3631134306 Estimated. Cost $800, ISA # 17-18-264-2 SSID # 7540654926 Estimated. Cost $800 

Special Education:

Contract is valid September 20, 2017 through June 30, 2018.  Contractor will provide speech and language therapy for students with exceptional needs per Individualized Education Program (IEP). Future ISAs will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for ratification following student placement by IEP team.  Master contract not to exceed $1,600.

Total ISAs:   2   

Innovative Speech Pathways 17-18-264
III.G.8. Ratification of Arcadia Audiometric Associates, Inc., Saugus Contract # 17-18-256-A (Saugus Contract # 17-18-256 – Approved August 15, 2017) 

Student Support Services:

Contract is valid August 15, 2017 through June 30, 2018.  Contractor will provide hearing screening services to students in grades K, 2, and 5, special day class students due to have a triennial, and all referrals.  Master contract increased $3,000 to provide for re-screening services. Master contract not to exceed $23,000.

Arcadia Audiometric Associates, Inc. 17-18-256-A
III.G.9. Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) (Saugus Contract # 17-18-263) 

Student Support Services:

LACOE Contract # C-17652:17:20. The term of this contract is July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 and is with Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).  LACOE is the agency responsible for the administration of the California School-Based Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Program (SMAA) claims on behalf of the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the coordination of the SMAA Program for the Region 11 Local Educational Consortia (LEC) and all participating Local Education Agencies (LEAs) within LEC Region 11.  Administrative costs to DHCS and LEC to run the Random Moment Time Survey (RMTS) program are calculated in formulas integrated in quarterly invoices to the State.

LACOE SMAA 17-18-263
III.G.10. Out of the Box, Amy Hovsepian (Saugus Contract # 17-18-056)

Child Development Programs
Out of the Box, Amy Hovsepian, will provide Art Classes for the State Preschool Programs at Cedarcreek, Rio Vista, and Santa Clarita.  Classes will be held from October 18, 2017 – November 17, 2017, 45-60 minutes per session.  Instruction – $1,700.00 and Supplies – $400.00.  Total cost not to exceed $2,100.00
Saugus Contract # 17-18-056
IV.A. Consider voting for one candidate for each of the two vacancies for membership on the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization (County Committee)

The attached bulletin from the Los Angeles County Office of Education contains the background and guidelines for electing two members to the County Committee.

The County Committee election will be held in conjunction with the fall meeting of the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA) scheduled for October 30, 2017.

This election is an at-large election.  Therefore, each voting representative casts a vote for each vacancy. There are two vacancies – one in the Second Supervisorial District, and one in the Third Supervisorial District.

Voting representative may submit their vote online or by attending the LACSTA meeting on October 30, 2017.

LA County Committee on School District Organization 9-19-17
IV.B. Consider becoming a Community Partner through the Santa Clarita Valley Council PTA’s Community Partnership Program

Becoming a community partner will ensure that students have field trips, assemblies, participate in the PTA Reflections programs, and support school activities.  Membership information is attached.
SCV Council PTA Community Partnership Program 9-19-17
IV.C. Conduct Third Reading and Adoption of Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulation (AR) 1240, Community Relations – Volunteer Assistance

On September 5, 2017, the Board conducted its Second Reading of Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulation (AR) 1240, Community Relations – Volunteer Assistance.  Tonight, the policy and regulation is presented for a Third Reading and Adoption.
BP/AR 1240 Community Relations-Volunteer Assistance 9-19-17
V.A. Presentation by Brandman University Doctoral Student – David Howard 

Presentation by David Howard regarding his dissertation study titled Decisionmaking Process for Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Implementation in the Saugus Union School District, as required by Board Policy (BP) 6162.8.
V.B. Hold Public Hearing related to Williams Act and Compliance with Education Code Section 60119 and Funds received under the Pupil Textbooks and Instructional Materials Program (Sufficiency of Instructional Materials) – Open Public Hearing: _______ Close Public Hearing: _______

This is the time and place designated for the Public Hearing on the Saugus Union School District Governing Board to certify that during the 2017-2018 school year, each pupil, enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grades 1-6, was furnished sufficient textbooks or instructional materials (or both) in each subject that is consistent with the curriculum frameworks adopted by the State.

Instructional Materials and Textbooks are purchased by Restricted Lottery Funds.

(Per LCAP: Goal 3, Action I)

Public Notice- Inst. Materials Posting
V.C. Approve Resolution 2017-18 # 18, a resolution of the Governing Board of the Saugus Union School District, for compliance with the Education Code Section 60119 and Sufficiency of Instructional Materials (Williams Act)

In order to comply with Education Code Section 60119 each Governing Board must certify within the first eight weeks of school that each pupil has sufficient textbooks or instructional material in each subject that is consistent with the curriculum frameworks and the funds received under the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program. The Board adopted and approved programs are:

 Handwriting Without Tears (TK, K, 1, & 3)

Scholastic, Big Day (TK) 2011

Reading/Language Arts (K-6) – Scott Foresman Reading Street 2010

Mathematics (K-6) – MacMillan McGraw, My Math 2015

Science (K-5) – MacMillan McGraw Hill 2008

Science (6) – Harcourt for California 2008

Social Studies (K-5 ) – Scott Foresman 2007

Social Studies (6) – Harcourt for California 2007

This Resolution 2017-28 # 18  would certify the Governing Board compliance with Education Code Section 60119.

Resolution 2017-18 #18
V.D. Conduct First Reading of Board Policy (BP) 6115 and Administrative Regulation (AR) 6115, Ceremonies and Observances

In 2005, the Board adopted Board Policy 6115 and Administrative Regulation 6115, Ceremonies and Observances.  CSBA periodically suggests revisions for consideration.  The following revisions have been reviewed by staff and are being recommended for Board review.
AR 6115 FD
BP6115 FD
VI.A. Presentation by Keenan & Associates

Keith Karzin, Director of Safety & Risk Management and Keenan & Associates will do a presentation on Worker’s Compensation.
VI.B. Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Saugus Union School District and Newhall School District to retain Amy Gaudette, employee of the Newhall School District, as the BTSA/Induction Coordinator

The BTSA/Induction Coordinator will remain an employee of the Newhall School District on loan to the Santa Clarita Valley Induction Consortium. As the Local Education Agency, the Saugus Union School District will house and supervise the BTSA/Induction Coordinator.
Financial Impact:
$63,330 annually.  This includes salary and benefits, shared among consortium members.
Induction Program Coordinator MOU
VI.C. Approve Resolution 2017-18 # 19, proclaiming the second week of October as the “Week of the School Administrator”

Annually, the Governing Board recognizes our school administrators for their professional, dedicated and distinguished service on behalf of our students and the Saugus community during “Week of the School Administrator”.

In observance of the importance of educational leadership at the school, school district, and county levels, October 9-13, 2017 has been designated by the California State Department of Education to be “Week of the School Administrator” in Education Code 44015:1.

Resolution 2017-18 # 19 Week of the Administrator
VI.D. Approve Ratification of Request for Tuition Reimbursement After Successfully Completing Professional Development Courses for CSEA member

Per CSEA Collaborative Bargaining Agreement language, the District shall provide full and complete reimbursement for District-approved professional growth activities up to a maximum District cost of one ($1,000) per year per unit member upon providing proof of successful completion of course(s) ($5,000 max per year for unit).
Financial Impact:
$956.00 – cost of tuition and books
Tuition Reimbursement-Giannina Rennels
VI.E. Conduct First Reading of Board Policy (BP) 4111, 4211, and 4311, All Personnel-Recruitment and Selection.

In 2005, the Governing Board adopted Board Policy (BP) 4111, 4211, 4311, All Personnel-Recruitment and Selection. CSBA periodically suggests revisions for consideration. The following revisions have been reviewed by staff and are being recommended for Board review.
BP 4111, 4211, 4311 Recruitment and Selection (First Reading)
VI.F. Conduct First Reading of Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulation (AR) 4111.2, 4211.2, 4311.2, All Personnel-Legal Status Requirement.

In 2005, the Governing Board adopted Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulation (AR) 4111.2, 4211.2, 4311.2, All Personnel-Legal Status Requirement. CSBA periodically suggests revisions for consideration. The following revisions have been reviewed by staff and are being recommended for Board review.
BP AR 4111.2, 4211.2, 4311.2 Legal Status Requirements (First Reading)
VII.A. Approval of declaring certain District owned property as surplus

The equipment listed on the attached Surplus Property Forms, received from Highlands and West Creek Academy, is identified as obsolete, damaged, and/or excess/usable (no longer needed). When the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent or designee, declares any District-owned personal property as surplus, and by unanimous vote of Board members in attendance agree that the property, whether one or more items, does not exceed $2,500 in value, that the property may be sold without advertising for bids, may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board or may be disposed of in the local public dump per Education Code 17546.

Staff recommends all obsolete, damaged, and excess/usable property that is no longer needed for District purposes be listed on the govdeals.com website for a maximum of two-ten day periods. If the item(s) does not sell, then the items(s) will be disposed of in a land fill.

Surplus Property Forms
VII.B. Conduct First Reading of Administrative Regulation (AR) 3543, Business and Noninstructional-Transportation Safety and Emergencies

CSBA periodically suggests revisions/additions for consideration.  New Administrative Regulation (AR) 3580 Business and Noninstructional-Transportation Safety and Emergencies has been reviewed by staff and is being recommended for Board review.
3543 AR Transportation Safety and Emergencies
VIII.A. Regular Board Meetings for 2017 – October 17, November 7, November 21 and December 5
VIII.B. Future Agenda Items/Reports – Educational Foundation
X.A. Government Code Section 54957.6: Labor Negotiations Negotiating Parties: Saugus Teachers Association/California School Employees Association, Chapter 112/Unrepresented Employees and Saugus Union School District. Negotiator: Superintendent or Designee
X.B. Government Codes Section 54957: Personnel Issues
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the District’s governing board, please contact the office of the District Superintendent at (661) 294-5300, ext. 5121. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, the District shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with this meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability

Published: September 15, 2017, 5:45 PM

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