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August 31
2001 - LASD Deputy Hagop "Jake" Kuredjian gunned down in Stevenson Ranch while backing up ATF [story]
Jake Kuredjian

Trump ScarecrowA Trump scarecrow at Santa Clarita Elementary was “not the best judgment,” Saugus Union officials said Monday, but they couldn’t find a district policy violation in the controversial decor.

The scarecrow, complete with a dress shirt, tie, straw arms and a printout of President Trump’s face, stood up in the grass of the Santa Clarita Elementary schoolyard, alongside the many other sculptures made by other classes during the school’s annual Fall Festival.

The sixth grade class voted for the scarecrow design.

“I think, judging from what I saw, these were children that needed a little bit different guidance,” Superintendent Joan Lucid told KHTS.

Read complete story [HERE].

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  1. Beth Ryan says:

    I wish the democrats would just stop the hate. ☹️

    • Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

      • Mrs. Mango says:

        Well said. This Facebook group was given the power to cyber bully some one all under the context of free speech. Shame on this group. For trying to walk the higher road you sure set a good example of how to bully someone online and get away with it. Spend time in a classroom in this community and get to know the teachers and then you’ll realize how dumb your alligstions are.

        I hope the children can be guide through how to recover from making a bad judgment call and learn from having grace when they do. Agree or not with the scarecrow there are more dignified ways to handle the situation. “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone” John 8:7

  2. Carol Round says:

    Good, politics don’t belong in elementary school.

    • KJ Slo says:

      Actually teaching who the Presidents are is a necessary lesson in schools. History is important. Maybe you did not learn about it? How about the First Amendment? It’s just a funny scarecrow, and maybe the little 7 or 8 year old likes President Trump. Relax.

    • Teaching who the POTUS is important … Teaching hate about the POTUS not important

    • Carol Round says:

      Thank you Catherine Quezada, you said it better.

    • Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

  3. William Reel says:

    Never had this garbage growing up as a kid. Stupid adults.

    • Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

  4. If it was Barry’s head the left would pretend it’s because America is evil and “racist” to no end… but their hatred is okay to them… this is why most Americans can’t stand the left and why they keep losing elections.

  5. That mug scares me everyday! Resist the Pussygrabber in Chief!!

  6. Whether you like him or not, this is NOT funny. It’s disrespectful. I’m tired of people saying “where’s your sense of humor” or ” lighten up”. It’s disrespectful. Kids at that age got the idea from the adults around them. I’m embarrassed for them.

    • I think its pretty hilarious actually. And disrespectful? HA what do you think our president does ever day? Disrespectful to everyone and everything he comes across.

    • Your exactly right!! Susan Beesley

    • Mitch H. Teague but don’t you know, that doesn’t count!

    • Melissa Holguin Right? hahaha

    • Marissa Arlette Ochwatt you’re*

    • Tony Moore says:

      You would teach your kid not to respect our President anyway………whether you like him or not……that is a terrible idea. Let’s hope you don’t have kids anytime soon

    • KJ Slo says:

      Maybe the kid likes Trump and thinks it’s fun, who knows. Disrespecting the President is not the problem here. That is something you adults made up to be outraged about. I support President Trump, but it’s time we take out the hate, and just laugh a little, and enjoy Halloween with the kids. Chill out.

    • Joanne Jett says:

      Tony Moore I was thinking the same thing, and they blame Trump when the problems comes from their backyards. Sighs, Shame to teach kids like that

    • Tony Moore Yes I would teach them not to. Give me one good reason why they should? He’s basically destroying their future and doesn’t have an ounce of respect/compassion in his body. Why would I teach them thats okay to say and do the things DT has done? No thanks! I’ll teach my child who deserves their respect.

    • Tony Moore says:

      One good reason ???? How bout because he’s the President ? The fact that you say you are going to “teach your kid who deserves respect” is 100% wrong with this country. I stand by what I said……

    • Tony Moore I’m sorry thats a terrible reason, I don’t care who you are… respect is earned not given to you just because of your world status. But I digress…wonderful thing about America is our freedom of speech and we can agree to disagree without consequence.

    • Tony Moore says:

      By adults yes……the President if the United States of America doesn’t have to earn the respect if children. Yes we will agree to disagree. Word of advice……when you do raise kids…..teaching them that it’s ok to disrespect authority…..regardless if whether Daddy approves or not……is going to cause lots of problems for them. Good Luck to you…..

    • Chinkie Paye says:

      Exactly! Who’s the stupid Principal there at the school ? That’s who needs to be corrected ???

    • Tony Moore ALWAYS question authority! Don’t be a sheep! Respect is EARNED not given.

    • Thank you Susan. I feel the same way

    • Tony Moore I have kids and they are not respecting that piece of crap. He insulted our whole ancestors and we don’t give a dime for him. My kids are learning to respect others and they will be respected. To treat others as the want to be treated and they are also very aware of the freedom of speech.

    • Tony Moore says:

      To each their own. My kids know To respect authority. From the President to Law Enforcement to their teachers. Period. Those that think that is ok to disrespect authority…….I wish you luck.

    • Tony Moore the president, law enforcement and teachers need to respect my kids, their families and their ancestors AND if they do so they will be respected as leaders. We do not accept dictators. I’m the one who wishes you luck accepting leaders to treat you like $hit and wanting to be dictators. Oh wait, you are probably white and hasn’t been treated like $hit. Too bad the pig in chief doesn’t get special treatment when it comes to making fun about his looks. He started this whole thing proving to the world that to get what you want you have to treat others like $hit. This is only the beginning. Good luck to you and I just adore the elementary student who put that scarecrow… best scarecrow EVER!!

    • Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

    • Wow your statement “you are probably white and hasn’t been treated like $hit” that’s says it right there. Who’s showing hate here? You seriously believe white people have everything easy? Ha you have no idea. I’m white. Grew up dirt poor, hungry, and scared. I’m so sick of that you must be white rich and privileged mentality. That’s so racist. Keep spreading the hate. Let’s see how much that helps.

    • Sarah Brewer says:

      Susan Beesley But why do so many of his supporters tell us who think he is a poor leader to “lighten up” when he has said said such vulgar and disgusting things about women and disrespectful things about veterans and people with disabilities? Why is that something you get to say but not other people???????

    • Sarah Brewer he shouldn’t be saying those things, no one should. Why do other people want to imitate that kind of behavior and if they do, then they can’t really complain about it.

  7. Was the reason behind it meant to be disrespectful or just because he’s our president? There seemed to be quite a variety of scarecrows. I don’t get it.

  8. KJ Slo says:

    I don’t think this project was done to be malicious. In the past, there were scarecrows at Lombardi Ranch and other places where kids made them containing political icons. Even though I don’t agree with demonizing President Trump, I also don’t want to teach children to censor everything and usurp the First Amendment. If this is the case, make scarecrows of funny faces of all the Presidents and anyone they want. Who cares, it’s Halloween time. Relax. I’ll be putting a Hillary Scarecrow out on my lawn, LOL.

  9. Susan Beesley nobody could have said it better..It’s all about respect and the lack there of. And the parents are to blame.

  10. Don’t care your side …….SHOW RESPECT

    • Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

  11. My daughter calls him “the angry man”. Her Dad watches the channel 9 news every evening and to a 6 year old he must look angry. I don’t think it was done to be mean.

  12. John Chan says:

    Pretty sure they were influenced by a left leaning teacher .

  13. Chris Hosea says:

    I think everyone is missing the point here. Did the Scarecrow serve its purpose of keeping birds away from the fields?

  14. Funny, funny, funny! He’s just a man! Get a sense of humor!

  15. I love it. Find something more important to worry about people. Get over it!

  16. Amy says:

    These kids thought it was fun. The teacher allowed the kids to vote for what they wanted without an opinion either way. The face is not a print out as this article states. It was a costume from last year Halloween. Regardless what you believe there is no malicious actions here by the teacher, students or school. It was taken to far by some one who has way too much time on their hands and thought it was supposedly a teacher teaching hate. INCORRECT! She made the comment he isn’t smiling like the other scarecrows well duh when does DT smile that is his face. Why wasn’t this a problem when the costume was made in the past year. Maybe you should find out who made the costume and start an uproar there. Waste of time!

  17. If Trump can make pumpkin orange jack o lantern maga hats, that look like it was made to mock him, but he sells them for $45, this is far less offensive.

  18. Then let’s put a scarecrow of Clinton getting a blow job from his apprentice in a blue dress. . The kids should know who our past presidents were famous for, right? That’s a typical liberal low class stunt.

  19. Whoever made this scarecrow is my new leader. I want an autograph!

  20. Kim Wickers says:

    Really disappointed that a school in SCV would think this is ok,it’s NOT!! Stick to Halloween stuff,NOT politics or showing any disrespect to our president,I don’t care who it is. Does not set a good example for the kids….PERIOD!!

  21. Is this crap still on my news feed. I’m over it

  22. Kris Kelso says:

    Maybe this speaks to the way this president is presenting himself and how the kids see him.

    • Doug Silva says:

      Maybe it speaks to teachers pushing their political bent.

    • Kris Kelso says:

      Doug Silva did you read the story, the class decided in their own to make it. The teachers mistake was not realizing this would cause a problem & direct the kids another direction.

    • Doug Silva says:

      The teachers allowed it and encouraged it. Do I think people are waaaay to sensitive over all the political stuff. God yes. I’m sick of it.. But their is a complete and total lack of decorum on all sides. For the record I would feel the same if they put Obamas face up there. We need to teach, show and act with a certain amount of respect and civility to each other. The office of President should be respected. Don’t have to agree with or like who holds it but the office itself must be respected and teachers need to teach that..

    • Kris Kelso says:

      I think this teacher should have known that this would cause a stink. Look humor & politics go together in our country. From SNL to the Daily Show, the late nights talks shows etc down the line. I would have no problem whatever president they did because it’s humor. Beyond freedom of the press it’s a big way that the first amendment is expressed & upheld. Imagine this in Iran, guessing the punishment would be crazy fast. Hold on a second here though I think we agree on something, the sensitivity is too high. I mean the original story was from a person who does not even have a kid at the school. Totally agree that the office needs to be respected, I don’t see this going against that but agree to disagree on that. FYI the Chargers are looking better, could be spoilers.

    • Doug Silva says:

      Nice change of subject throwing in the Chargers LOL

    • Kris Kelso says:

      When it comes to politics we most likely will never agree so why beat a dead horse I know your feeling, you know mine, so move on to something we both agree on, football

  23. This was an elementary school, the children did not come up with the idea. This was driven by a teacher and administration!

  24. Chris Hosea says:

    And the Right calls us Snowflakes. Ok.

  25. How does this happen.

  26. People wonder what’s happening to our children. Well here you go PARENTS

  27. I’m embarrassed! As a district we are working to implement positive behavior intervention & support. How can we be working to implement POSITIVE behaviors & condoning this? We are above this as a district, & I say shame on Santa Clarita Elementary for not giving better guidance!

  28. Stupid and unnecessary

  29. Bat Guano says:

    It is an accurate representation of how the left sees the president. He is their boogeyman.

  30. Thanks to Eileen Sutton, Corinna Danielle Schutz (who is an SCV photographer) for causing school children to miss out on a pizza party. She invited the media over to interview school children and to interrupt their school day. Eileen Sutton and her clan are known for their continuous racist, sexist, and toxic comments towards other SCV members. They are true and genuine a-holes to the parents and community who defended the child who created the scarecrow. The child actually created it because their family is pro-Trump and thought that Trump was their protector (of course right-wing heads explode @ facts). Eileen Sutton and her clan caused a stir over a non-issue. She put the teacher (who had nothing to do with the scarecrow) and school children at risk by sharing their personal information.

    • Share these people personal information too. Put a copy of this piece of art on there lawn and make it permanently to remind them of the type of people they have bevome.

  31. I hope this teacher gets a suspension! I bet she wouldn’t of put Obama, or Ala or Hillary up there. Just sayn!

  32. This is showing disrespect to the President. It should be removed, a school should be teaching children about history, math, English and other subject matters so when they grow up they will not become snowflake expecting government to finance their needs.

  33. 1. Actually politics does belong in school. It’s taught in many, if not all, grades. It’s in the curriculum. 2. I’ve often seen scarecrows of other figures in contests, such as Abe Lincoln (with tall hat and all)… No one bats an eye. 3. Let the school, teachers, and students do their thing. If you are seriously concerned, you go to the school… Not the press. Just because you have a loud opinion does not mean you are right or get your way. 4. Pick a real battle. Waste of time and unwanted negative attention at a sweet local school. If you care about schools, get involved… Don’t just blow your horn.

  34. Jeff Goenner says:

    So a tenured teacher thought this was a good idea? Socialism at its finest.

  35. Clearly from comments made the only criticism I have is we need less time spent making scarecrows & more time dedicated to teaching critical thinking. Obviously previous generations have suffered from the lack of it.

  36. Karen Bunn says:

    Kind of thinking several people in this string would’ve laughed their butts off if this had been a scarecrow of Obama.

  37. Cathie says:

    Not a good idea teaching kids to be disrespectful of government..just my thoughts.

  38. Len Lund says:

    Indoctrinate the youth…supress free speech, and quash any resistence to oppressive oligarchy

  39. At the beginning of this presidency I thought that the pozition itself deserves respect. Afterwads, day by day, I went back to my old Belief that respect needs to be earned! No much hope for me to start respecting anytime soon. But… never say never!

  40. Apparently the teacher is pro Trump but who cares! At least the teachers is trying to involve her students in fun activities to get them to learn. I do not believe this was done to make the president seen in a bad light. Shame on the lady that started this and posted the teachers name, school and room number of the classroom. Her kid doesn’t even attend the school. She is compelled to create more hate in this world when we have enough already. Why doesn’t she spend her time volunteering to help the family who just lost the wife and mother of 6 children in Santa Clarita who was killed by a drunk driver. I should hope Saugus School district stands behind their staff and not give into bullies because of some stupid people’s political views.

  41. Nadiya Littlewarrior says:


  42. There should be no discussion! It’s disrespectful ! Can you imagine if this was a Obama scarecrow?

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