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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 17
1927 - Newhall telephone exchange, est. 1900, now serves 100 phones [story]

During her lifetime, 99-year-old College of the Canyons graduate and Agua Dulce resident Doreetha Daniels has lived through the Great Depression, World War II and the fall of Nazi Germany, the Civil Rights movement, the moon landing, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and end of the Cold War and, and most recently, the ushering in of the digital information age.

But with all the drama the past has offered, Daniels — who is originally from North Platte, Nebraska — had yet to be presented with a challenge quite like earning her associate degree.

However, when she walks across the stage to receive her diploma on Friday, June 5, Daniels will have accomplished her own personal goal of earning a degree before turning 100.

She will also cement her legacy as a College of the Canyons first.

“There will be some tears of accomplishment for sure,” said Daniels, who will hold the record for being the oldest COC graduate in the college’s 45-year history. “I understand that to earn a degree in college at age 99, that’s a bit unusual.”

Ernie Stone/COC Public Information Office

Ernie Stone/COC Public Information Office

In spring 2009, Daniels began taking courses at the college’s Canyon Country campus with a goal to earn her degree and walk at graduation.

To those who may have wondered why Daniels would pursue such a goal so late in life, Daniels simply explained she had always lived life to the fullest, and achieved many things, but never completed her education.

While most students attend college to earn a degree with the hope of launching a career or enhancing their skillset in order to climb the corporate ladder, Doreetha came to COC simply to better herself.

Surrounded by students typically ranging in age from 18 to 24 years old, Daniels was without question an outlier. As a result, she had to overcome a number of associated challenges on her educational journey.

Seemingly routine tasks, such as driving to school and traversing the campus, take considerably more effort to coordinate for Daniels than the average student.

In the classroom, other challenges presented themselves — namely the necessity of computer literacy in order to complete modern college courses. Daniels also experienced issues related to hearing class lectures and keeping pace with other students.

But she persevered — even when that meant venturing into the often-dreaded arena of college-level math and statistics courses.

“It’s been 63 years since I’ve taken algebra even,” said Daniels at the time. “But I’ve learned a lot.”

Recognizing these challenges, Daniels simply worked harder. And eventually, that work paid off.

Twice a week, she could be found studying, doing homework and working with tutors at the campus’ Tutoring & Learning Center (TLC) — all before class even started.

Touted as “one of the most dedicated and hardworking students in the class” Daniels passed the statistics course in fall 2014, and began her final semester at COC in the spring.

Along the way she completed one-unit internship in the college’s Counseling Department — again routinely arriving 20 minutes early each day to begin completing her assigned tasks.

She has also formed some lasting friendships during her time at COC.

“Doreetha is a living testament to the saying ‘if there is a will, there is a way,’” said COC counseling faculty member Liz Shaker, who helped Daniels navigate the process of fulfilling her graduation requirements. “Her desire to get out of bed each day and come to school and face the challenges in and outside of the classroom inspired us all. She is truly an amazing woman who has impacted my life and I feel so fortunate that I was able to experience her journey alongside her.”

Daniels’ story is an example of the type of unbridled ambition that is all too rare in today’s world.

Since arriving at the college in 2009 she has served as a continued source of inspiration to students, college staff and community members of all ages.

Last month, Daniels took the opportunity to reflect on the importance of education, when she asked to speak to some of her fellow students as part of a ‘Career and Life Planning’ course at the college.

“It seems like the iPhones in their lap are sometimes more important to students than what’s going on in the classroom,” said Daniels. “I think somebody needs to say something or something needs to happen to show the younger ones how special and unique their opportunity to learn is.”

By earning her degree and graduating, Daniels did just that.


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  1. Gudiño Ana says:

    So awesome.. I know her she ia a patient of ours at my doctors office

  2. So awesome! As a teacher I love to hear of these types of success stories. Just proves that you are never too old to pursue higher education. Way to go!

  3. U see its never too late lol Mariano C Hdez

  4. I’ve known Doreetha for a few years now. She visited the TLC in Canyon Country almost every day. I hope she gets some special recognition during the graduation ceremony. I hope the Signal takes pictures.

    • Stefanie Johnson says:

      My son graduated today, and they did have a special recognition for Ms. Daniels. They had a special Proclamation for her, and she received multiple standing ovations. Very moving. I know Channel 7 News was there to cover the story.

  5. She has a great mind. What a blessing.

  6. Kayla Smith says:

    Jasmine Budhu Ruys…is this who you were telling us about?? So great!!

  7. Jil Szewski says:

    Way to go Doreetha!

  8. Omg.. Awesome, know her from women club.

  9. Wow, congratulations!

  10. Congratulations!! ☆★☆

  11. Congratulations!! ☆★☆

  12. Well Doreetha looks like a small lady but she’s the BIGGEST inspiration to all of us. Congratulations!!

  13. Well Doreetha looks like a small lady but she’s the BIGGEST inspiration to all of us. Congratulations!!

  14. Joann, this made headlines in our local papers. Pretty outstanding. Shall we go back to school?

  15. Joann, this made headlines in our local papers. Pretty outstanding. Shall we go back to school?

  16. Erin Selve says:

    I used to her hair in beauty school, and at that time Mrs. Daniels would say she had no major because she wouldn’t live long enough to graduate. And look at you now!

  17. Erin Selve says:

    I used to her hair in beauty school, and at that time Mrs. Daniels would say she had no major because she wouldn’t live long enough to graduate. And look at you now!

  18. Congratulations Ms Daniels.

  19. So cool right! We printed her diploma today. So cool. Best job ever.

  20. She used to be a customer in my used book store “Paperback Emporium.” What an amazing women she was then. I always admired her and loved to talk to her. Congratulations Dorothea.

  21. Inspirational and a blessing y o our community.

  22. That its so amazing that A she is almost100 years old and B that she went to school and graduated. Way to go she its awesome.

  23. I worked with Doreetha at the Canyon Country TLC, helping her use computers, I am overjoyed that she has achieved her goal.

  24. Whatv an inspiration! And Im worried about going back to get my BSN at the age of 46. SMH silly me!!!

  25. Fallon Toma says:

    Laurie Canterbury TOTALLY THOUGHT OF YOU!

  26. Sonia Davis says:

    Congratulations :)

  27. Congrats!!! Inspiring story

  28. Star Tomlinson says:

    What an amazing example of “it’s never too late” truly an inspiration!

  29. We always loved Doreetha and her husband. What a great story!

  30. Shirley says:


  31. Awesome! Congratulations Ms. Daniels!!

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