Deputy Superintendent Mike Kuhlman was named the superintendent-elect during Wednesday night’s meeting. Caleb Lunetta / The Signal.
During the Wednesday night board meeting, Deputy Superintendent Mike Kuhlman was named the superintendent-elect after it was made known that Vicki Engbrecht was stepping down from the position at the end of the 2019-20 school year.
Kuhlman’s career with the Hart School District began in 1997 when he was hired to teach social studies at Saugus High School, including as a mentor-teacher and Advanced Placement teacher.
In 2001, Kuhlman was asked to become assistant principal of Canyon High School where he served until 2006. In 2004 he had served as interim principal at Rancho Pico Junior High School.
After Canyon and Rancho Pico, Kuhlman was named the principal at Placerita Junior High School, where he served from 2006 to 2012.
In 2012, Kulhman was named the principal of Canyon High School, and held that position until December 2014 when he was offered the district role of being the new assistant superintendent of educational services.
The promotion was given to him after Vicki Engbrecht moved from deputy superintendent to superintendent in February 2015, following the retirement of Rob Challinor, Engbrecht’s predecessor.
On Oct. 25, 2018, Kuhlman accepted the position of deputy superintendent, coming directly underneath Engbrecht two years before the expiration of her contract.
“Mr. Kuhlman is passionate about the social and emotional wellness of the students, staff and families,” said a biography released by the district following Kuhlman’s appointment. “Under his guidance, the Hart District has hired a wellness coordinator, along with site wellness liaisons on each campus, and has opened wellness centers at multiple sites across the Santa Clarita Valley.”
Kuhlman was named the District Office Administrator of the Year in 2017, the Secondary Principal of the Year in 2014, received the Award for Schoolwide Effectiveness in 2012 and the Middle Grades Principal of the Year in 2008 by the American School Counselor Association – Santa Clarita Valley. He also received the Charter Leadership award in 2007 and the Co-Administrator of the Year Award in 2005, by ACSA-Regiion VX. He was named Teacher of the Year at Saugus High School in 1998.
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I had the pleasure to interact with Mr. Kuhlman when he was Principal at Canyon High School. He cares deeply about the students and their families. There is no one more deserving of this position.
November 15, 2019
Dr. M. Kuhlman,
Sir, your Letter to your Community – no words suffice for my straight to the heart and spirit gratefulness. Thank you for who you are and what you do.
In your grief, please remember you did much more and everything you could, to keep safe your Saugus School Community of Beloveds. Education cannot stand alone as the Village Savior.
We, who are surviving the too-soon death of our own child, are realizing the fissures in our Culture (not amenable to the din of easy fixes) scream for attention with each loss. The enduring tragedy is the abject absence of anything but Hope. Responses such as your Letter “keep Hope alive” and I am grateful. But what can we DO?
Thank You !
Mary Carol Woodie