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The regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District’s Governing Board will take place Wednesday, April 13, beginning with a closed session at 5:15 p.m., followed immediately by open session at 7 p.m.

This will be an in-person meeting held at the Administrative Center, located at 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita.

The meeting can also be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/0NPnqeTFluc.

A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name (optional). No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below).

The agenda can be viewed in its entirety below.

Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
William S. Hart Union HSD
April 13, 2022 7:00PM
(Closed Session 5:15 p.m.) This will be an in-person meeting. Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita, California. The meeting can also be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/0NPnqeTFluc

I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
II. First Closed Session
II.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name (optional). No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below).
II.B. First Closed Session Items
II.B.1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Per Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Case No. 21STCV36360– Triple C Electric, Inc. v. Castaic HS Construction, Inc., et al.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel.
II.B.2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (per Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Case No. 21STCV36361 – Santa Clarita Concrete v. Castaic HS Construction, Inc., et al.

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel.
II.B.3. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (per Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) – OAH Case No. 2022010744: Student v. William S. Hart Union High School District

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel.
II.B.4. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
II.B.5. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
II.B.6. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
II.B.7. Student Expulsion Report No. 21/22-11 (Ratification) (per Education Code Section 48918 (c))

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No.  21/22-11.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.8. Student Expulsion Report No. 21/22-12 (Ratification) (per Education Code Section 48918 (c))

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No.  21/22-12.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.9. Student Expulsion Report No. 21/22-13 (Ratification) (per Education Code Section 48918 (c))

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No.  21/22-13.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.10. Public Employee Performance Evaluation – Superintendent (2021/22) (per Government Code 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee performance evaluation.
II.C. Reconvene to Public Session
III. Organization
III.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
III.B. Re-Establishment of Quorum
III.C. Pledge of Allegiance
III.D. Approval of Agenda
III.E. Approval of Minutes
III.E.1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2022

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2022, presented for approval.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2022.

Minutes – Regular Meeting – March 2, 2022
III.E.2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 2022

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 2022, presented for approval.

Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 2022.

Minutes – Regular Meeting – March 16, 2022
IV. Recognitions by Board
IV.A. Recognition of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Programs

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Board will recognize cadets from the Golden Valley High School and Valencia High School Air Force Junior ROTC programs. 

The JROTC instructors and cadets of the Golden Valley program (including cadets from Canyon, Golden Valley, and Hart high schools) earned an overall unit assessment score of “Exceeds Standards,” the highest rating attainable, during their evaluation on January 21, 2022.

Cadets from the Valencia program (including cadets from Academy of the Canyons, Castaic, Saugus, Valencia, and West Ranch high schools) received the highest team score in the semi-finals of the StellarXplorers National Space Design Competition and are one of ten teams nationwide who will move on to the finals in Houston in April.

IV.B. Recognition of National Merit Scholarship Finalists

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships with approximately 1.5 million high school students participating each year. Sixteen Hart District seniors have been selected as 2022 National Merit Scholarship Finalists. By earning this prestigious honor, students become eligible for a variety of scholarships and awards.

The following Hart District seniors have been selected as 2022 National Merit Scholarship Finalists:

Brandon Cho (Valencia High School)
Hannah Chung (West Ranch High School)
Allison Elshoff (Valencia High School)
Andrew Hong (Valencia High School)
Denise Kim (Valencia High School)
Andrew Kuai (Valencia High School)
Jack Kuhlman (Hart High School)
Arjun Suresh Kumar (Valencia High School)
Rebecca Lee (West Ranch High School)
Mira Mehra (West Ranch High School)
Callie Phung (Valencia High School)
Ruben (Trey) Plaza III (Saugus High School)
Ernesto Rojas (West Ranch High School)
Jessica Son (West Ranch High School)
Katelyn Tao (West Ranch High School)
Mia Yen (Valencia High School)

V. Communications
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. Student Board Member Report
V.C. Employee Association Leadership
V.C.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President John Minkus
V.C.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Janice Dennington
V.D. School Site Report – Golden Valley High School

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Golden Valley High School Principal Sal Frias will give a presentation highlighting a core value.

GVHS Board Report
VI. Special Items
VII. Public Comments

Quick Summary / Abstract:
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name (optional). No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak.  If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board.
VIII. Information Items
VIII.A. Williams Report

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Education Code 35186 requires all school districts in California to file a Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Summary with the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the local Governing Board. No complaints were filed between January 1 and March 31, 2022.
21.22 Q3 Williams Report
VIII.B. Revised Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, Board Bylaw, and Exhibit – First Reading

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Revised Board policies (BP), administrative regulations (AR), Board bylaw (BB), and Exhibit (E) are being brought to the Board for a first reading.
The following Board policies, administrative regulations, Board bylaw, and exhibit are being brought to the Board for a first reading. Board members may suggest revisions before they are brought back to the Board for a second reading and adoption of the Board policies and Board bylaw.

E 1330 Use of School Facilities
BP/AR 3514.1 Hazardous Substances
AR 3515.6 Criminal Background Checks for Contractors
AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
AR 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
BB 9110 Student Member Term of Office
AR 9110 Student Member Term of Office
AR 3514.1 Hazardous Substances
AR 3515.6 Criminal Background Checks for Contractors
AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
AR 5145.7 Sexual Harassment
AR 9110 Student Member Term of Office
BB 9110 Student Member Term of Office
BP 3514.1 Hazardous Substances
E 1330 Use of School Facilities
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Resolution No. 21/22-35 Recognizing May 2-6, 2022, as Week of the Teacher

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 21/22-35 recognizes May 2-6, 2022, as Week of the Teacher. Week of the Teacher is a celebration in recognition of teachers and the contributions they make to education and society.  It is held the first full week of May every year and provides an opportunity for students, parents, and school principals to show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of teachers.
Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 21/22-35 recognizing May 2-6, 2022, as Week of the Teacher.
Resolution 21.22-35 Week of the Teacher
IX.B. Site-Based Decision – Sierra Vista Junior High School 2022/2023

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A site-based decision at Sierra Vista Junior High School is presented for approval.
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, March 2-4, 2022, the certificated faculty of Sierra Vista Junior High School participated in a site-based vote on a proposal to retain the bell schedule that was approved for the 2021-2022 school year. This schedule would allow Sierra Vista to continue with a start time of 8:15 a.m. The proposal passed with a 98.5% percent vote.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the site-based decision at Sierra Vista Junior High School for the 2022/2023 school year.
Site Based Decision Sierra Vista Junior High School 22-23
IX.C. Agreement for Canine Services with 3DK9 Partners, LLC

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement for a daily firearm detection canine service for school sites with 3DK9 Partners, LLC, for the 2022/23 school year, is presented for approval.
Staff would like to incorporate an additional layer into the Hart District’s safety procedures and protocols by including a daily firearm detection canine service for the 2022/23 school year.
Financial Impact:
$51,480 from General Fund (Fund 01.0).
Recommended Motion:
Approve the agreement for a daily firearm detection canine service for school sites with 3DK9 Partners, LLC, for the 2022/23 school year.
IX.D. Denial of Bid Protest – La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project, Bid Package LM2203A (First Fire Systems, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A bid protest by First Fire Systems, Inc., for Bid Package No. LM2203A – La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project is presented for denial.


On March 22, 2022, the District received and opened bids for the La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project. Apple Valley Communications, Inc., was determined to be the lowest responsive bidder for this project. On March 25, 2022, the District received an electronic version of a bid protest letter from First Fire Systems, Inc., followed by a hardcopy which was received by staff on March 28, 2022. First Fire Systems, Inc., is the second low bidder on this project. The basis for First Fire Systems, Inc.’s, bid protest is as follows:

“Hereby, we would like to protest on the bid results of the project’s low bidder due to their incomplete bid package by missing addendum number 1 first page, ‘the low bidder failed to acknowledge and sign the first page of the addendum’.”

Please see the attached bid protest letter from First Fire Systems, Inc.

After review by the District’s legal counsel and Director of Purchasing, it was determined that the missing signature on the first page of the addendum is considered a minor irregularity. The law authorizes the waiver of minor irregularities when a bid substantially conforms to a call for bids, even though it is not strictly responsive, so long as the variance does not affect the amount of the bid or give the bidder an extra advantage or benefit (see attached response to bid protest). Since the omission in Apple Valley Communications, Inc.’s, bid does not affect the amount of their bid and does not give them an unfair advantage or benefit, staff and District legal counsel recommend denying this bid protest by First Fire Systems, Inc.

Recommended Motion:
Deny bid protest by First Fire Systems, Inc., for Bid Package No. LM2203A – La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project.
BP Letter
IX.E. Award of Bid Package No. LM2203A – La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project (Apple Valley Communications, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Bid Package No. LM2203A for the La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project is presented for award.

On March 22, 2022, the District received and opened bids for the La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project. The contractors submitting proposals and their respective bids are attached (Bid Summary). This is a single contractor bid for the entire scope of work.

Staff has reviewed the low bidder’s submitted bid documents and qualifications for responsiveness and responsibility. Based upon our review, verifications and discussions, it is staff’s recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Apple Valley Communications, Inc.

Financial Impact:
$515,000 from Capital Facilities Fund (Fund 25).
Recommended Motion:
Award Bid Package No. LM2203A for the La Mesa Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder, Apple Valley Communications, Inc.
IX.F. Award of Contract – Valencia High School Americans with Disabilities Act Signage Installation Project (DLF Enterprises, Inc., DBA Champion Construction)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A contractor quote for the Valencia High School Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Signage Installation Project is presented for award.


On March 31, 2022, the District received quotes from three contractors for the Valencia High School ADA Signage Installation Project. This is an informal bid for the installation of 337 Americans with Disability Act compliant signs at Valencia High School. Valencia High School was built prior to current ADA requirements for room signage. This project adds ADA compliant signage to all rooms on the campus.

Staff recommends awarding this contract to DLF Enterprises, Inc., DBA Champion Construction, the lowest contractor quote received.

Financial Impact:
$10,250 from Special Reserve Funds for Capital Outlay Projects (Fund 40.3).
Recommended Motion:
Award the contract for the Valencia High School ADA Signage Installation Project to the contractor with the lowest quote, DLF Enterprises, Inc., DBA Champion Construction.
Quotes ADA
IX.G. Award of Bid Package No. WSH2203A – Tennis Court Resurfacing and Repaving Project at Valencia High School and West Ranch High School (Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Bid Package No. WSH2203A for the Tennis Court Resurfacing and Repaving Project at Valencia High School and West Ranch High School is presented for award.


On March 29, 2022, the District received and opened bids for the Tennis Court Resurfacing and Repaving Project at Valencia and West Ranch.  The contractors submitting proposals and their respective bids are attached (Bid Summary). This is a single contractor bid for the entire scope of work.

The apparent low bidder, Richard S. Hottel DBA California Surfacing, was deemed to be non-responsive because the required documents were not submitted with their bid.  Consequently, the lowest responsive bidder for this project is the second low bidder, Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc.

Financial Impact:
$157,951 from the General Fund (Fund 01.0) and Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects (Fund 40.3).
Recommended Motion:
Award Bid Package No. WSH2203A for the Tennis Court Resurfacing and Repaving Project at Valencia High School and West Ranch High School to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder, Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc.
BR Tennis
IX.H. Fee Proposal – Project Bid Readiness Review, South Access Road Project (Newman Team Inc.)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A fee proposal from Newman Team Inc. (NTI) for the Project Bid Readiness Review for the South Access Road Project is submitted for approval.

The District has been working on the South Access Road Project for several years and the design for the  project is getting closer to completion. Staff would like to engage Robert Newman of NTI in an evaluation of the project as it stands to determine how ready the project is for bidding. Mr. Newman will also give recommendations to staff regarding any changes that may be necessary in order to complete the design of the road and to move the project into the bid process.

Robert Newman has more than 35 years of experience in transportation and development projects. Prior to his work with NTI, he served as the Public Works Director for the City of Santa Clarita.

Financial Impact:

$10,000 plus reimbursable expenses from Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects (Fund 40.3).

Recommended Motion:
Approve fee proposal from NTI for the Project Bid Readiness Review for the South Access Road Project.
IX.I. Resolution No. 21/22-36 – Ordering a Regular Governing Board Election Under By-trustee Area Election System and Ordering Consolidation With Other Elections

Quick Summary / Abstract:
A resolution to order a regular Governing Board Election under a by-trustee area election system, order consolidation with other elections, limit candidate statements to 200 (two hundred) words, and require candidates to pay the estimated costs of publication at the time of filing is presented for approval.
Pursuant to Education Code Section 5000-5030, biennial Governing Board member elections will be held on November 8, 2022, to elect members to the governing boards in many Los Angeles County school districts. Under the District’s voting area plan, seats in trustee areas two, three, and five will be up for election in November 2022.

Election Code Section 13307 permits a local agency to require each candidate to pay in advance of each candidate’s pro rata share of the printing, handling, and mailing costs on a Candidate’s Statement as a condition of having it included in the voter’s pamphlet.

Resolution No. 21/22-36 – Ordering a Regular Governing Board Election Under By-trustee Area Election System and Ordering Consolidation With Other Elections sets the election process in motion.

Financial Impact:
To be determined by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s Office.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Resolution No. 21/22-36 – Ordering a Regular Governing Board Election Under By-trustee Area Election System and Ordering Consolidation With Other Elections.

Resolution No. 21/22-36 – Order of Election
X. Consent Calendar

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time.
X.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
X.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
X.B.1. Personnel Report No. 21/22-15

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Personnel Report No. 21/22-15 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Personnel Report No. 21/22-15.
21/22 – 15 Personnel Report
X.C. Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
X.C.1. Request for Overnight/Out-of-State Trips – Valencia and West Ranch High Schools

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Valencia High School (Junior Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (JROTC)), and West Ranch High School (Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)).
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1.  The trip requests signed by Valencia High School Principal Pete Getz and West Ranch High School Principal Mark Crawford are attached.
Recommended Motion:
Approve trips: VHS JROTC, Houston, TX, 4/20-24/22; WRHS DECA, Atlanta, GA, 4/22-27/22.
Trip Approvals for 4-13-22 Board
X.C.2. Request for Overnight/Out-of-State Trip (Ratification) – Valencia High School

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve ratification of overnight/out-of-state student trip request from Valencia High School (Dance).
The submitted trip request has been reviewed and meets all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. The trip request signed by Valencia High School Principal Pete Getz is attached.
Recommended Motion:
Approve trip:  VHS Dance, Anaheim, 3/24-26/22.
Trip Approval for 4-13-22 Board-Ratification
X.C.3. Consolidated Application Reporting System Executive Summary

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval and authorization of the Spring Data Collection of the William. S. Hart Union High School District’s Consolidated Application as summarized in the attached Executive Summary for funding categorical programs, fiscal year 2022/23, to the California Department of Education is requested.
The Consolidated Application must be submitted to the California Department of Education for a district to receive funds for categorical programs.  The application is submitted online through a web-based Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS). Annually in June, each Local Education Agency (LEA) submits data as part of the spring release of the application to document participation in selected programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program.  Program allocations are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs.  This data submission also represents the start of the application for the coming school year as indicated in the attached Executive Summary.  The Consolidated Application with actual allocations will be submitted to the Governing Board in the Fall of 2022 after actual allocations are received by the District from the federal government.
Recommended Motion:
Approve and authorize the submission of the Spring Data Collection of the William. S. Hart Union High School District’s Consolidated Application for funding categorical programs, fiscal year 2022/23, to the California Department of Education.
Consolidated Application Summary 2022
X.C.4. Revisions to School Plans for Student Achievement (Bowman High School, Golden Valley High School, Hart High School and Placerita Junior High School)

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement.  These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds.
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement.  These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. As required by Senate Bill 374, each school leadership, site council, and advisory committee conducted a comprehensive needs assessment as well as an analysis of student achievement data based on the California Dashboard to develop objectives for their action plan.

Analysis of the plans reveal necessary updates and revisions. Each school site council has approved the revisions, after consulting with each school leadership team and advisory council, and recommends them to the Board for approval.  All legal requirements remain in place for the plan that was approved in July 2021.  Annual evaluations conducted at that time meet the requirements of Board Policy 6190.

Attached are the revisions for the school plans for Bowman High School, Golden Valley High School, Hart High School and Placerita Junior High School for the 2021/22 school year.  Goals and action plans remain aligned with Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) District goals and school goals for increased student achievement.

Financial Impact:
School plans account for the spending of Title I federal grant money allocated to school sites specifically for increasing student achievement at schools with a minimum of 40 percent socioeconomically disadvantaged students. The revisions modify the actions and services within the plan guiding how funds will be spent at the school site.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the revisions to the School Plans for Student Achievement for Bowman High School, Golden Valley High School, Hart High School and Placerita Junior High School.
Bowman SPSA Addendum – March 2022
Golden Valley SPSA Addendum – March 2022
Hart SPSA Addendum – March 2022
Placerita SPSA Addendum – March 2022
X.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
X.D.1. Purchase Order Report

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification of the March 2022 Purchase Order Report is requested.
Staff requests the Governing Board ratify the attached Purchase Order Report, which covers purchases, as specified, for the period March 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022.

This report may contain open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating regular small purchases from single vendors. Open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating larger purchases from single vendors may indicate a publicly bid contract number and/or the date the Governing Board approved the vendor.  In an effort to efficiently process payments, the accumulated total of these purchases may be processed and paid as a single transaction.

Financial Impact:
The attached report shows amounts and funding sources for purchase orders processed in March 2022, as well as purchase orders greater than or equal to $50,000.

Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Purchase Order Report for the period of March 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022.

PO Board Report March 2022
X.D.2. Warrant Register and Revolving Cash Payments

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval and ratification of Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments is requested.
3/1/2022 – 3/15/2022
Payroll Warrant Register   $4,232,156.26
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $12,380,189.69
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds    $4,555,759.75
Revolving Cash Fund $0.00
3/16/2022 – 3/31/2022
Payroll Warrant Register   $9,548,247.02
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $1,484,447.53
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds $4k263833.01
Revolving Cash Fund  $0.00

Financial Impact:
Recommended Motion:
Approve and ratify the above listed Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments issued between March 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022, and order the items filed for audit.
Commercial Warrants 3/1/22-3/15/22
Commercial Warrants 3/16/22-3/31/22
Payroll Warrants 3/1/22-3/31/22
X.D.3. Food Services Management Contract Extension (Sodexo America, LLC)

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Contract extension renewal No. 4 to extend the existing food service management contract with Sodexo America, LLC, for the 2022/23 school year is presented for approval.
In May 2018, the District awarded the contract to operate the District’s food service program to Sodexo America, LLC (Sodexo).  Contract renewal extension No. 4 to the Sodexo agreement will extend the contract term for one year, as allowed per California Education Code Section 17596.
Financial Impact:
No impact to General Fund.
Recommended Motion:
Approve renewal contract extension No. 4 to the food service management contract with Sodexo America, LLC, for 2022/23.
Sodexo 2022-23 Contract Extension No. 4
X.D.4. Acceptance of Donations

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Donations for Castaic High School and Saugus High School are submitted for acceptance.
Castaic High Baseball Booster Club would like to donate a Tuff Shed to Castaic High School Baseball.

Saugus Girls Soccer Booster Club would like to donate soccer equipment to Saugus High Girls Soccer.

Financial Impact:
The value of the Tuff Shed is $4800.

The value of the soccer equipment is $9,898.68.

Recommended Motion:
Accept the donation of a Tuff Shed for Castaic High School Baseball; accept the donation of soccer equipment for Saugus High Girls Soccer.
Acceptance of Donations
X.D.5. Acceptance of Monetary Donations

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Monetary donations for the 2021/2022 school year are presented for Governing Board acceptance.
Recommended Motion:
Accept the March 2022 monetary donations in the amount indicated on the attached list.

Acceptance of Monetary Donations
X.D.6. Award of Scholarships

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorization is requested for scholarship awards for the 2021/2022 school year.
A list of scholarship recipients for March 2022 is attached for approval.

Recommended Motion:
Following verification of registration/receipt of grades, authorize payment of awards to the students listed in the amount indicated.
Award of Scholarships
X.D.7. Authorization to Attend Out-of-State Event – La Mesa Junior High School and College and Career Readiness Department

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A counselor at La Mesa Junior High School and a director, career development coordinator and the account technician in the College and Career Readiness Department are requesting authorization to travel outside the state.
Annie Malkowski, Counselor, is requesting authorization to attend the American School Counselor Association Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, on 7/7-7/12/2022.

Carolyn Hoffman, Director Career and College Readiness, Joelle Nelson, Career and College Readiness Career Development Coordinator, and Natalia Blumke, Account Technician, are requesting authorization to attend the 2022 National Association of Career Technical Education Information (NACTEi) conference in Savannah, Georgia, on 5/8-5/11/2022.

Financial Impact:
All expenses for Annie Malkowski’s travel will be paid by the Hart District Teacher Association.

All expenses for Carolyn Hoffman, Joelle Nelson, and Natalia Blumke will be paid from College and Career Readiness Department.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize out of state conference attendance requests as listed.

X.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
X.E.1. Ratification of Vote Center Facility Use Agreements with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Vote Center Facility Use Agreements with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk are presented for ratification.
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has entered into Vote Center Facility Use Agreements with the District for the use of La Mesa Junior High School (MPR), Rio Norte Junior High School (MPR), and Sierra Vista Junior High School (MPR) as vote centers.  These agreements are from March 21, 2022, through November 30, 2022, and cover elections conducted by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
Financial Impact:
There will be no financial impact to the District as the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has agreed to reimburse the District for custodial overtime and security.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Vote Center Facility Use Agreements with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
X.E.2. Proposal for Security Services for the June 2022 Primary and November 2022 General Election Vote Centers (ISL Security)

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A proposal for Security services for the June 2022 Primary and November 2022 General Election voting centers held at La Mesa Junior High School, Rio Norte Junior High School, and Sierra Vista Junior High School (ISL Security) is presented for approval.
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has entered into a Vote Center Facility Use Agreement with the District for the use of La Mesa Junior High School (MPR), Rio Norte Junior High School (MPR), and Sierra Vista Junior High School (MPR).  This agreement is from March 21, 2022, through November 30, 2022, and covers elections conducted by Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.

The District solicited quotes from three security companies and are requesting the award of contract be given to ISL Security, the lowest bidder.

Financial Impact:
There will be no financial impact to the District as the Los Angels County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has agreed to reimburse the District for two security guards at each site.
Recommended Motion:
A proposal for Security services for the June 2022 Primary and November 2022 General Election voting centers held at La Mesa Junior High School, Rio Norte Junior High School, and Sierra Vista Junior High School (ISL Security) is presented for approval.
22 ESP
ISL Quote
X.E.3. Assignment of Contract for Graduation Security Services from Sterling General Security, Inc., to ISL Security

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An assignment of contract from Sterling General Security, Inc., (SGS), to ISL Security is presented for approval.
On February 19, 2020, the Governing Board approved a three-year proposal with SGS for graduation and end of year security services ending June 30, 2022.  On March 9, 2022, the District received notice that effective March 5, 2022, SGS had merged with ISL Security and SGS was being dissolved.  ISL Security will provide the same services as SGS in servicing all accounts.

Per section 7.11 of the contract, SGS cannot assign the agreement without the express written consent of the District.  The District acknowledged receipt of the letter and is requesting approval to continue securing graduation and end of year security services with ISL Security under the existing contract with SGS.  All other contract terms remain intact.

Recommended Motion:
Approve assignment of contract from SGS to ISL Security.
ISL Merger Ack
ISL Merger Letter
SGS Merger Letter
X.E.4. Reject all Bids – Bid Package No. LM2203B – La Mesa Junior High School 2 Shade Structures and Outdoor Lighting Project

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A recommendation to reject all bids for Bid Package No. LM2203B for the La Mesa Junior High School 2 Shade Structures and Outdoor Lighting Project is presented.

On March 31, 2022, the District received and opened bids for the La Mesa Junior High School 2 Shade Structures and Outdoor Lighting Project. All bids received were well over the construction budget and exceeded the informal bidding maximum of $200,000 for California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting (CUPCCA) projects. Because of CUPCCA regulations, the District must reject all bids.

The contractors submitting proposals and their respective bids are attached (Bid Summary).

Recommended Motion:
Reject all bids for Bid Package No. LM2203B for the La Mesa Junior High School 2 Shade Structures and Outdoor Lighting Project.
X.E.5. Religious Organization as Civic Center User- 2021/22 (Berean Baptist Family Fellowship)

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve Berean Baptist Family Fellowship as a direct cost user of District facilities for the 2021/22 fiscal year.
As stated in Board Policy 1330, churches and groups using school facilities for religious services and activities are subject to direct cost charges and require Governing Board approval.
Berean Baptist Family Fellowship has requested use of Rio Norte Junior High School during the 2021/22 fiscal year.

Staff recommends approving Berean Baptist Family Fellowship as a direct cost user of District facilities for the 2021/22 fiscal year.

Financial Impact:
Civic Center revenue depending upon frequency of use of school facilities.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Berean Baptist Family Fellowship as a direct cost user of District facilities for the 2021/22 fiscal year.
X.E.6. Ratification of Contracts Issued Between March 1, 2022, and April 12, 2022, for Miscellaneous Facilities Construction Projects

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification is requested for contracts issued between March 1, 2022, and April 12, 2022, for miscellaneous facilities construction projects.
The Facilities Department undertakes many small projects that improve District schools and departments.  The District employs best practices when undertaking these projects, which includes issuing a contract when a project is above $1,000 to ensure that the proper documentation is in place to protect the District.  The contracts require the vendors to comply with general, auto, and workers compensation liability insurance requirements, and to complete criminal background check requirements per Education Code 45125.1.

The Governing Board is required to approve all contracts issued by the District.  The following contracts for miscellaneous facilities construction projects were issued between March 1, 2022, and April 12, 2022:

Canyon High School Prodigal Investment Bleacher Project – DSA Closeout $3,601.00
  Group, LLC DBA Capital Facilities Fund
  Premier Inspection    Fund 25
Financial Impact:
Refer to table.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify contracts issued between March 1, 2022, and April 12, 2022, for miscellaneous facilities construction projects.
X.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
X.G. Approval of Consent Calendar
X.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XI. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XII. Second Closed Session

Quick Summary / Abstract:
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed.
XII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XII.C. Return to Public Session
XII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIII. Adjournment
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
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