The Governing Board of the Newhall School District is recruiting interested volunteers to apply for its new Measure E Citizens Oversight Committee. Part of the preparation for selling bonds and starting projects after a victory in the Nov. 8 election is the establishment of the advisory group.
The Citizens Oversight Committee is mandated by law and is designed to insure accountability to the public. The Committee must include at least seven members of the community who will be appointed by the Governing Board of the School District. Service on the Committee is an opportunity for interested members of the community to learn more about the District and its facilities plans and is an opportunity for members of the community to support the District and its mission of public education. Employees of the district and vendors, consultants and contractors who work for, or provide services to, the district may not serve on the Committee.
“We want voters to trust that we will be transparent about the use of these bond dollars,” Governing Board President Suzan Solomon said.
Applications for membership on the Committee must be submitted on the District’s Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) Application Form. The Application Form is available upon request at 661.291.4162 and can be downloaded from the Newhall School District website at The Governing Board recently decided to extend the application period, now due by 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 30.
The selection process for Committee applicants may include an interview by the Governing Board or a subcommittee thereof at a Special Board meeting. Final selection of the members of the Committee will be by the Governing Board. Final selection and appointment of the initial members of the Committee is also being discussed Tuesday and is expected by mid March 2012.
Funds from Measure E, a general obligation bond, will modernize, renovate and revitalize the district’s schools. It is an extension of existing tax rates, not a new tax. Funds generated from the authorized bonds will be used for a variety of school district capital projects. These projects will help the District in meeting its educational goals to educate the students in our community.
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