By Brayden Campos
Every summer, The Master’s University sends students across the world to partner with missionaries, pastors, and church planters in sharing the gospel and serving local bodies of believers. Here’s a brief look at this summer’s Global Outreach trips.

South Asia
Team South Asia served a family that will be left unnamed for security purposes. The team had a variety of opportunities doing some accounting, documenting files, leading children’s Bible clubs and youth groups, and leading a youth retreat, but they spent the majority of their time hosting an English-speaking summer camp for children that live in slum communities. The team also visited church plants, got to share their testimonies and teach, and helped lead worship for the church and their ministries. The culture that the team was in is very relational, so the team emphasized building relationships and pointed everything and everyone back to the local church they were serving.

Team Togo served the Wreesman family in Mango, Togo. They mainly served in a hospital that is connected to a missions agency called ABWE, while also doing other tasks on the compound. The team was able to transport nearly 500 lbs. of supplies over to the missionaries, which included lots of educational materials for the missionary kids’ school. The team members all had the opportunity to shadow the doctors and observe different medical procedures. They also engaged in service projects on the compound, babysat the missionary kids, and led worship at multiple churches. The team was able to encourage and learn from several missionary families doing medical missions in Togo, Africa, and see how God can use the medical field for His glory.

Team London served the Davis family, who partners with a team of three families from a missions agency called Reach Global. They served several local churches in London, participated in outreach efforts, did various church projects such as painting, cleaning, and yard work, and hosted youth camps for sports and fine arts. They had many opportunities to evangelize and share the love of Christ in one of the world’s largest and most diverse cities. The team also got to learn about and think through the process of church planting in a large, transient city.

Team Canada served the Hanthorn family in Fort McPherson, a hamlet located in the Northwest territories of Canada. The team served the local church in Fort McPherson, sharing their testimonies during the Sunday services, leading Bible studies and kids’ club, and completing service projects at the church property and the missionaries’ home. They also conducted and coordinated youth camps and helped one of the missionaries’ fellow workers in another hamlet of the Yukon. The team learned from and encouraged faithful missionaries who have been serving on the field for 33 years and poured into their family.

Southeast Asia
Team Southeast Asia partnered with a missions agency called OMF that serves across Asia. The team had the opportunity to serve multiple churches in two different cities, spending four weeks in Chiang Mai and one week in Mae Sai. They helped host a youth camp during a missionary retreat, were involved in refugee ministries, taught English lessons at a school connected to the local church, ran sports camps, and visited people’s homes. The culture they were in is highly relational, so the team focused on forming friendships and encouraging members of the church, pointing everyone back to the local church leaders.
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