Deputies make an arrest within the first 15 minutes of setting up Friday night's DUI checkpoint. Photo by Elliott Cohen.
It took only 15 minutes for SCV Sheriff’s deputies to make their first arrest at a checkpoint Friday night at Sierra Highway and Via Princessa.
The suspect, a 19-year-old man, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of a controlled substance. During a routine stop, deputies were able to smell the odor of marijuana emanating from his white Honda Civic. His three passengers were detained at the scene and then released without charges.
Deputies from LASD’s traffic services detail conducted the checkpoint, with assistance from a few of man’s best friends. Deputy K-9 Gunner, a 6-year-old Laborador, can recognize the scent of both alcohol and narcotics and point out suspicious motorists to his partner, Detective Jonn Eldm.
UPDATE: Deputies made a total of 1 arrest for DUI and conducted field sobriety tests on 2 drivers. Nine misdemeanor arrests were made for operating a vehicle without a license. Three vehicles were stored and 7 were impounded. (Stored means they weren’t subject to impound, but there was nobody eligible to drive the car away and it couldn’t be left on the street.)

Gunner, a 6-year-old Labrador, sniffs out suspicious characters for his partner, Detective Jonn Eldm. Photo by Elliott Cohen.
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How many arrests total? Details, details.
Story updated, thanks for asking!