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The William S. Hart Union School District will hold its regular governing board meeting Wednesday, Feb 16 at 7 p.m. The meeting will take place in-person at the District’s administrative center, located at 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita, CA 91350.

Masks will be required to enter and to remain in the meeting.

In addition to regular business the agenda will include:
— Recognition of Valencia High School Football Team as 2021 California Scholastic Federation (CIF) Division 5 Champions.
— Recognition of the West Ranch High School Band as Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Division 4A Marching Band Champions.

The meeting agenda can be seen below or is available online at Hart agenda. http://williamshart.agendaonline.net/public/

The meeting will be livestreamed for those not wishing to comply with the county mask mandate at: Governing Board Meeting.


Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
William S. Hart Union HSD
February 16, 2022 7 p.m.
(Recognitions 5 p.m., Closed Session 5:30 p.m.) This will be an in-person meeting: Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita. MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER AND REMAIN IN THE MEETING. The meeting will be livestreamed for those who do not wish to comply with the mask requirement (https://youtu.be/bHnyDKpDFfs) Please see the agenda for instructions to make public comment in the event the meeting is recessed and reconvened in a virtual format.

I. Instructions for Submitting Public Comment in the Event the Meeting is Recessed and Reconvened via Teleconferencing in a Virtual Format
Quick Summary / Abstract:

If it should become necessary to recess the meeting and reconvene via teleconferencing in a virtual format pursuant to Governing Board Resolution No. 21/22-13, members of the public may join the Zoom webinar to provide public comment.
By computer: https://hartdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86762141849?pwd=Vm9OMVpkbS9ob3hwenhKSkE1TCtNZz09
Passcode: 054134
By phone: (669) 900 6833  Webinar ID: 867 6214 1849  Passcode: 054134No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak.
II. Call to Order
II.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
III. Recognitions by Board
III.A. Recognition of Valencia High School Football Team as 2021 California Scholastic Federation (CIF) Division 5 Champions
Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:

The Board will recognize the Valencia High School Varsity Football Team for winning the 2021 CIF Southern Section Division 5 Football Championship, the school’s first ever division title in football.
Following an uncharacteristically tough league campaign, the Valencia Vikings fought through the playoffs and earned the school’s first ever CIF division championship in football.

After finishing league competition with two wins and two losses, the Vikings entered the playoffs as an at-large bid, then eliminated three opponents before meeting Oaks Christian High School Lions in the Division 5 Championship game.  The Vikings prevailed, 28-14, avenging a 2017 championship game loss to the Lions.

In 2021, teams across California had to contend with restrictions on practices, postponed or canceled games and the constant uncertainty of player availability. The coaches and players had to adapt to unprecedented circumstances just to complete the season.  Coach Larry Muir, his staff and players showed extraordinary resilience in rebounding from a 4th place league finish, then rising to the championship podium, earning a historic title for Valencia High School.

Coach Larry Muir will be in attendance to introduce his staff and members of the 2021 Valencia Vikings Football Team.

III.B. Recognition of the West Ranch High School Band as Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Division 4A Marching Band Champions
Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:

The Board will recognize the West Ranch High School Band for winning the Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association (SCSBOA) Division 4A Marching Band Championship.
The District is honored to recognize the West Ranch High School Marching Band for winning the SCSBOA Division 4-A Marching Band Championship. This is the fifth time the West Ranch Marching Band has won this prestigious honor. The SCSBOA is the highest level of competition these bands can reach and is considered the state championships. Congratulations to Band Director Mr. Leff and the West Ranch High School Marching Band for winning the Division 4-A championship.
IV. First Closed Session
IV.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items
Quick Summary / Abstract:

A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name (optional). No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below).
IV.B. First Closed Session Items
IV.B.1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Per Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Case No. 19STCV05083
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Conference with legal counsel.
IV.B.2. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
IV.B.3. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
IV.B.4. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
IV.B.5. Student Expulsion Report No. 21/22-09 (Ratification) (per Education Code Section 48918 (c))
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No.  21/22-09.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
IV.C. Reconvene to Public Session
V. Organization
V.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
V.B. Re-Establishment of Quorum
V.C. Pledge of Allegiance
V.D. Approval of Agenda
V.E. Approval of Minutes
Quick Summary / Abstract:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 19, 2022, presented for approval.
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 19, 2022.
Minutes – Regular Meeting – January 19, 2022
VI. Special Items
VI.A. Extension of Resolution No. 21/22-13 – Determining the Possibility of Holding Governing Board Meetings in a Virtual Format as Authorized by Assembly Bill 361
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Members of the public are encouraged to attend Board meetings and to address the Board concerning any item on the agenda or within the Board’s jurisdiction. However, if attendees at Governing Board meetings refuse to comply with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health masking requirements, they put the health and safety of other attendees at risk. The Board will consider extending Resolution No. 21/22-13 determining the possibility of holding Governing Board Meetings in a virtual format.
On September 17, 2021, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 361 extending the authority of legislative bodies, including school district governing boards, to conduct teleconferencing meetings if the board complies with the requirements of the bill.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has implemented an indoor masking requirement for everyone at K-12 schools regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is in line with the California Department of Public Health’s masking requirements at K-12 schools. School boards are similarly required to enforce mask requirements in public meetings. When members of the public refuse to comply with health orders by refusing to wear a mask or wearing a mask that does not properly cover both the nose and mouth, it causes disruption to the Governing Board meeting and puts the health and safety of other attendees at risk.

Under Resolution No. 21/22-13, should such an event occur, the Board will approve the recess of the Board meeting and the reconvening of the same meeting, after a thirty (30) minute recess, via teleconferencing in a virtual format and may continue to hold Board meetings in a virtual format for a period not to exceed 30-days.

Extend Resolution No. 21/22-13 determining the possibility of holding Governing Board meetings in a virtual format as authorized by Assembly Bill 361.
Extension of Resolution No. 21/22-13 Virtual Meetings
Resolution No. 21/22-13 Virtual Meetings
VII. Communications
VII.A. Board Member Reports
VII.B. Student Board Member Report
VII.C. Employee Association Leadership
VII.C.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President John Minkus
VII.C.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Janice Dennington
VII.D. School Site Report – Bowman High School
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Bowman High School Principal Nina Zamora will give a presentation highlighting a core value.
VIII. Public Comments
Quick Summary / Abstract:

If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name (optional). No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak.  If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board.
IX. Information Items
IX.A. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Supplement to the Annual Update and Mid-Year Report
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Attachments:

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs
The newly required Supplement to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Annual Update and Mid-Year Report for 2021/22 will be presented.
AB 130 includes a new requirement that districts present an update to their local board related to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Federal Education Relief programs addressing funding, engagement with stakeholders, program implementation, and progress toward outcomes at a regularly scheduled board meeting before February 28, 2022.  Because districts received a significant amount of additional funds this year after the adoption of the LCAP and the district budget, the report provides an update on the use of funds, the status of program implementation, and the effectiveness of services.

The report must include four parts:

  •  One-time Supplement to the Annual Update for the 2021/22 LCAP
  •  All available mid-year outcome data related to the metrics in the 2021/22 LCAP
  •  Mid-year expenditure and implementation data on all actions in the 2021/22 LCAP
  •  Update on the Budget Overview for Parents
2021-22 LCAP Mid-Year Report
2021-22 LCAP Mid-Year Update Presentation
Supplement to Annual Update for 2021-22 LCAP
IX.B. School Safety Update
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Staff will give a presentation of school safety updates in relation to best practices.
IX.C. Consideration of Proposal Asking for Increased Local Control Regarding COVID-19 Mitigation Measures
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Attachments:

Joseph Messina and fellow Governing Board Members
A local school board in the Santa Clarita Valley recently adopted several communications asking for increased local control with regard to COVID-19 mitigation measures. The Hart District Governing Board will discuss the option of preparing similar correspondences to Governor Newsom and state legislators. Letters recently approved by the Newhall School District Governing Board are attached as a reference.
Governor Newsom Follow-up Letter – Newhall School District
Preamble for Proposed Legislation – Newhall School District
Senate Bill 871 Letter – Newhall School District
IX.D. Strategic Planning Update
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Staff will give an update on the upcoming strategic planning process that will begin in the spring. The process will include representatives from multiple stakeholder groups who will provide input that will be used to create a plan to guide the direction of the District for the next five years.
IX.E. Governing Board Handbook Annual Review
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Attachments:

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
In the spring and summer of 2021, the Governing Board participated in a number of Board Governance Workshops focusing on organizational health, best practices for effective governance, and core values. The resulting Governance Handbook was approved in September 2021. The Handbook is presented for review tonight as part of the annual review process.
WSHUHSD Governance Handbook
IX.F. New, Revised, and Deleted Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, and Exhibit – First Reading
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Attachments:

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
New, revised, and deleted Board policies (BP), administrative regulations (AR), and exhibit (E) are being brought to the Board for a first reading.
The following Board policies, administrative regulations, and exhibit are being brought to the Board for a first reading. Board members may suggest revisions before the policies, administrative regulations, and exhibit are brought back to the Board for a second reading and adoption of the Board policies.

BP 3513.4 Drug and Alcohol Free Schools
E 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

BP 5111.1 District Residency
AR 5125.3 Challenging Student Records
AR 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

AR 5111.11 Residency of Students with Caregiver
AR 5111.16 Residency of Homeless Children

AR 5111.11 Residency of Students with Caregiver
AR 5111.16 Residency for Homeless Children
AR 5125.3 Challenging Student Records
AR 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
BP 3513.4 Drug and Alcohol Free Schools
BP 5111.1 District Residency
E 5145.71 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
X. Action Items
X.A. Fee Proposal – Construction Management Services for the Valencia High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project (Fonder-Salari, Inc.)
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
A fee proposal from Fonder-Salari, Inc., for construction management services for the Valencia High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project is submitted for approval.
At the October 20, 2021, Board meeting, staff recommended and the Board approved four construction management firms for future District construction projects. Staff recommends hiring Fonder-Salari, Inc., one of the four approved construction management firms, to provide construction management services for the Valencia High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project.
$457,764 from Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects (Fund 40.3).
Approve fee proposal from Fonder-Salari, Inc., for construction management services for the Valencia High School Fire Alarm Replacement Project.
FP Fonder
X.B. Credit Change Order No. 1 – Bid Package No. CAS21-11 – Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project (H.A. Lewis, Inc.)
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Credit Change Order No. 1 from H.A. Lewis, Inc., for Bid Package No. CAS21-11 – Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project is presented for approval.
The contractor has completed the project without using any of the budgeted allowance of $75,000, therefore, the allowance is credited back to the District.

This project has been completed and a Notice of Completion is in the Consent portion of this Board agenda for approval.

$75,000 credit to Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects (Fund 40.3).
Approve Credit Change Order No. 1 from H.A. Lewis, Inc., for the Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project.
CO 1
X.C. Revised Board Policies and Administrative Regulations – Second Reading
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Revised Board policies (BP) and administrative regulations (AR) are being brought to the Board for a second reading and for approval of the Board policies.
The following revised Board policies and administrative regulations are being brought to the Board for a second reading and for approval of the Board policies. Changes were made to Board policy and administrative regulation 3515.2 Disruptions as per the recommendation of the Board at the February 2, 2022, Regular Governing Board meeting.

BP 1321 Solicitation of Funds from and by Students
BP/AR 3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools
BP/AR 3515.2 Disruptions
BP 7131 Relations with Local Agencies
BP/AR 7140 Architectural and Engineering Services
BP 7210 Facilities Financing
BP 7310 Naming of Facility

Approve the following Board policies: BP 1321 Solicitation of Funds from and by Students, BP 3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools, BP 3515.2 Disruptions, BP 7131 Relations with Local Agencies, BP 7140 Architectural and Engineering Services, BP 7210 Facilities Financing, and BP 7310 Naming of Facility.
AR 3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools
AR 3515.2 Disruptions
AR 7140 Architectural and Engineering Services
BP 1321 Solicitation of Funds from and by Students
BP 3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools
BP 3515.2 Disruptions
BP 7131 Relations with Local Agencies
BP 7140 Architectural and Engineering Services
BP 7210 Facilities Financing
BP 7310 Naming of Facility
X.D. California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly Election (2022)
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Board to consider voting for up to three candidates in the 2022 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly election, Region 22.
Information from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) regarding the 2022 Delegate Assembly election is attached. The Board may vote for up to three individuals on the ballot but may not cast more than one vote for any one candidate. There are four candidates running for the three available seats in CSBA Region 22. The ballot also contains a provision for write-in candidates. Dr. Moore currently serves as a CSBA Delegate; her term expires in May 2023.
Vote for a maximum of three candidates in the California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly election, Region 22, and authorize staff to mail the ballot as authorized on or before March 15, 2022.
2022 Delegate Assembly Election
XI. Consent Calendar
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time.
XI.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
XI.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
XI.B.1. Personnel Report No. 21/22-12
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Personnel Report No. 21/22-12 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval.
Approve Personnel Report No. 21/22-12.
21/22 – 12 Personnel Report
XI.B.2. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Los Angeles County of Education and the William S. Hart Union High School District Regarding Mental Health and Wellness Services
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
A Memorandum of Understanding between the Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE) and the William S. Hart Union High School District is presented for approval.
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to provide supplemental counseling services from LACOE to District employees, at no cost to the District or its employees.
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Los Angeles County of Education and the William S. Hart Union High School District regarding Mental Health and Wellness Services.
LACOE Wellness MOU
XI.B.3. Memorandum of Understanding Between the William S. Hart Union High School District and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Hart District and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to allow a staff member to perform periodic professional development for the Medal of Honor Character Development Program for the 2022 Spring Semester.
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Hart District and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
Spring 2022 Medal of Honor
XI.C. Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
XI.C.1. Request for Overnight/Out-of-State Trips – Saugus, Valencia, and West Ranch High Schools
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Saugus High School (Softball, Choir), Valencia High School (Boys Volleyball, Choir), and West Ranch High School (Boys Volleyball).
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1.  The trip requests signed by Saugus High School Principal Geni Peterson Henry, Valencia High School Principal Pete Getz, and West Ranch High School Principal Mark Crawford are attached.
Approve trips: SHS Softball, Laughlin, NV, 3/9-13/22; SHS Choir, Santa Clara, 3/31-4/3/22; VHS Boys Volleyball, La Jolla, 3/18-19/22; VHS Choir, New York, NY, 3/30-4/4/22; WRHS Boys Volleyball, San Diego, 3/18-19/22.
Trip Approvals for 2-16-22 Board Meeting
XI.C.2. Request for Temporary Waiver of Education Code Section 56366(d) from the California Department of Education
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:

Joanna White, Director of Special Education
Staff is seeking authorization to request a temporary waiver of Education Code Section 56366(d) from the California Department of Education for continued placement of three students with Devereux Texas, League City Residential Treatment Center pending a certification hearing.
The District received notification for nonrenewal of Devereux Texas, League City Residential Treatment Center’s certification status with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and subsequently California Department of Education (CDE) certification in response to pending procedural concerns. Devereux disagreed with TEA’s decision and a court hearing was initially scheduled for January 6, 2022, which has been postponed until February 14, 2022, due to COVID. CDE certification lapses on December 31, 2021. The District proposes to file a waiver with CDE for continuance of service of students enrolled at Devereux. Three Hart District students were enrolled at Devereux prior to the lapse of CDE certification. Parents will be provided the option for the District to seek alternate placement if they no longer prefer continued enrollment at Devereux.

Staff is requesting authorization to send the following request to CDE: Request by the William S. Hart Union High School District to waive California Education Code Section 56366(d), the requirement for nonpublic, nonsectarian schools or agencies to be state-certified, to allow the use of state and federal special education funds for the continued placement of three students with disabilities at an uncertified out-of-state school for students with disabilities located in League City, Texas pending initial hearing on 01/06/2022; postponed to 02/14/2022 due to COVID.

Authorize staff to request a temporary waiver of Education Code Section 56366(d) from the California Department of Education for continued placement of three students with Devereux Texas, League City Residential Treatment Center pending a certification hearing.
XI.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
XI.D.1. Purchase Order Report
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Ratification of the January 2022 Purchase Order Report is requested.
Staff requests the Governing Board ratify the attached Purchase Order Report, which covers purchases, as specified, for the period January 1, 2022, through January 31, 2022.

This report may contain open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating regular small purchases from single vendors. Open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating larger purchases from single vendors may indicate a publicly bid contract number and/or the date the Governing Board approved the vendor.  In an effort to efficiently process payments, the accumulated total of these purchases may be processed and paid as a single transaction.

The attached report shows amounts and funding sources for purchase orders processed in January 2022, as well as purchase orders greater than or equal to $50,000.
Ratify the Purchase Order Report for the period of January 1, 2022, through January 31, 2022.
PO Board Report January 2022
XI.D.2. Warrant Register and Revolving Cash Payments
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Approval and ratification of Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments is requested.
1/1/2022 – 1/15/2022
Payroll Warrant Register   $3,890,795.54
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $12,325,076.88
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds    $450,545.19
Revolving Cash Fund $400.00
1/16/2022 – 1/31/2022
Payroll Warrant Register   $9,253,137.32
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $5,487,816.35
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds $3,673,803.15
Revolving Cash Fund  $0.00
Approve and ratify the above listed Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments issued between January 1, 2022, through January 31, 2022, and order the items filed for audit.
Commercial Warrants 1/1/21-1/15/21
Commercial Warrants 1/16/21-1/31/21
Payroll Warrants 1/1/21-1/31/21
Revolving Warrants 1/1/21-1/31/21
XI.D.3. Acceptance of Monetary Donations
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Monetary donations for the 2021/2022 school year are presented for Governing Board acceptance.
Accept the January 2022 monetary donations in the amount indicated on the attached list.
Acceptance of Monetary Donations
XI.D.4. Award of Scholarships
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Authorization is requested for scholarship awards for the 2021/2022 school year.
A list of scholarship recipients for January 2022 is attached for approval.
Following verification of registration/receipt of grades, authorize payment of awards to the students listed in the amount indicated.
Award of Scholarships
XI.D.5. Authorization to Attend Out-of-State Events – Arroyo Seco Junior High School
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
An associated student body (ASB) director at Arroyo Seco Junior High School requests authorization to travel outside the state.
Jessica Meraz, ASB Director is requesting authorization to attend the California Association of Directors of Activities (CADA) conference in Reno, Nevada, on 3/2-3/5/2022.
All expenses for Jessica Meraz’s travel will be paid from ASB.
Authorize out of state conference attendance request as listed.
XI.D.6. Prequalification List Per Public Contract Code Section 20111.6 (January 2022)
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Ratify general contractors and subcontractors prequalified in January 2022 application process to bid on certain District public works projects pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.6.
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.6 (as enacted by Assembly Bills 1565 and 1581), general contractors and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing subcontractors (as defined) planning to bid on certain public projects must be prequalified prior to submitting bids for such projects.  Specifically, the District must prequalify bidders on all public projects with an expenditure of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more, and using funds received under the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 or any funds from a future state school bond.

The District currently accepts prequalification applications on a quarterly basis, and recently issued a notice inviting prequalification (RFQ2201A) for the January application period (January 14, 2022, to January 24, 2022).

The attached list reflects the addition of contractors approved during the January 2022 application window.

Ratify the attached list to include general contractors and subcontractors prequalified in the January 2022 application process to bid on certain District public works projects pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20111.6.
Approved Contractor List for January 2022
XI.D.7. Declaration of Computers and Other Computer-Related Accessories, Instructional Materials, and Other Miscellaneous Items as Obsolete and Surplus Property
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Jon Carrino, Director of Technology Services
Declaration and disposition of obsolete surplus property.
The attached list of computers and other computer-related accessories, instructional materials, and other miscellaneous items are obsolete and no longer suitable for District use.

Pursuant to Board Policy 3270 and California Education Code Sections 17545-17555 and 60510-60530, staff requests the Governing Board, by unanimous vote of those members present, declare that the property is no longer suitable for school purposes and is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale, and thereby authorize the property to be disposed of by donation or disposal. All applicable e-waste will be collected and certified to its proper disposal by a state approved e-waste recycler.

Google strictly regulates all Chrome devices (e.g. Chromebook, Chromebox, Chromebase, Chromebit), which receive automatic updates that enhance both the device and its software.  Device updates provide the latest features and keep the device secure, and are applied across the operating system, browser and hardware.  These updates depend on many device specific non-Google hardware and software providers that work with Google to provide the highest level of security and stability support.  For this reason, older Chrome devices cannot receive updates indefinitely to enable new OS and browser features.  The attached list is comprised exclusively of Chromebooks which have met, or will meet in the near future, their end of support date as determined by Google.  Therefore these devices will no longer receive updates from Google and no longer support the State mandated assessment needs of the District.

There is however some useful life remaining with these devices.  Therefore some, or all, of the remaining items in the attached list will be donated to the WiSH Education Foundation, who has agreed to assist with the process of collecting and preparing them for distribution to students through a mutually agreed upon process by which the items will go to our neediest students.

Declare that the specified computers and other computer-related accessories, instructional materials, and other miscellaneous items are obsolete and no longer suitable for school purposes and authorize staff to donate or dispose of said property pursuant to Board Policy 3270 and California Education Code Sections 17545-17555 and 60510-60530.
Disposition of Obsolete Surplus Property 20220216
XI.D.8. Special Education Consultant Agreements, 2021/22
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Joanna White, Director of Special Education
Approval is requested for special education consultant agreements, extending from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
It is necessary to complete individual assessments as specified in students’ Individual Education Programs to determine and provide the designated instructional services (DIS) necessary for the students to benefit educationally from their instructional program. The District contracts with many vendors to perform and provide these assessments and services. A master contract will be generated for each agreement as needed (see attachment).

Behavior Intervention Implementation, Autism Behavior Intervention, Inc.

Behavior Intervention Implementation, Nurturing Nests Therapy Center

Special Education Staffing Solution Services, Ed Theory, LLC

Special Education Related Services, Professional Tutors of America, Inc.

Fiscal implications will be determined as as the needs arise.  Purchase orders will outline the financial impact and funding source.
Approve special education consultant agreements, extending from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
2021-22 Special Ed Master Contract For NPA gency Or Prof Services
XI.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
XI.E.1. Proposal for Division of the State Architect Inspection Services for the Canyon High School and Valencia High School Stadium Light Replacement Project (Independent Construction Inspection, Inc.)
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Financial Impact:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
A proposal for Division of the State Architect (DSA) inspection services for the Canyon High School and Valencia High School Stadium Light Replacement Project from Independent Construction Inspection, Inc., is presented for approval.
It is the responsibility of the project inspector to perform tasks required of them by the DSA and the District such as performing periodic inspections of the work, advising the contractor of non-conforming work, keeping accurate records, and certifying that the completed work has been done in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Canyon High School and Valencia High School Stadium Light Replacement Project is a DSA project and requires the District to hire a DSA approved inspector to oversee the construction phase of the project.
$8,000 from Deferred Maintenance Fund (Fund 14.0).
Approve proposal for DSA inspection services for the Canyon High School and Valencia High School Stadium Light Replacement Project from Independent Construction Inspection, Inc.
XI.E.2. Notice of Completion – Bid Package No. CAS21-11 (H.A. Lewis, Inc.) – Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project
Speaker:Quick Summary / Abstract:Rationale:Recommended Motion:Attachments:

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
A Notice of Completion for Bid Package No. CAS21-11 (H.A. Lewis, Inc.) for the Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project is presented for approval.
Notice of Completion has been prepared for the Governing Board’s consideration for the following construction contract:

H.A. Lewis, Inc.

Bid Package No. CAS21-11

Date of Completion: 1/31/2022

Accept Notice of Completion for the Castaic High School Electrical Vault Drainage Project and authorize retention release to H.A. Lewis, Inc.
XI.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
XI.G. Approval of Consent Calendar
XI.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XII. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XIII. Second Closed Session
Quick Summary / Abstract:

This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed.
XIII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XIII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XIII.C. Return to Public Session
XIII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIV. Adjournment

Disability Information:

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
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